Season 2 Episode 2A: Twins Caught, Twins Spanked. (Jenny and Julie)

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Julie Ambrose looked over her shoulder at her twin sister Jenny. "You know the longer we take, the more he is probably gonna be upset with us." Her sister let out a small groan but she kept up with her fairly slow and steady pace down this hallway. An older hallway that was on the second floor of the school's old building. Towards a certain classroom that was the home of their doom, a good friend to both of them, but they had also both experienced a very hard spanking from the boy.

And today Alphonso Lewis was gonna have a very long and painful talk with the twin girls. Julie had been spanked by him, after using a little trick of theirs that they called twin magic to try and get a boy to go out with her instead of her sister. She assumed that she would have no chance against her sister's more bubbly and joy filled personality, she thought this was the only choice she had. However, it had only hurt her sister when she walked in on the two of them, and she had ventured here on her own to get the spanking she knew she deserved. However, her spanking was nothing in comparison to the one that Jenny had gotten from the boy. See Jenny, as kind as she was, had a very bad habit of ruining lives, she would lie and spread rumors on certain boys to try and get them to break up with their girlfriends. She fell in love fairly easily, and most of the boy she would fall in love with always had girlfriends of their own. She had hurt more boys from this, and she had asked Alphonso to punish her for each one.

Both of them knew just how good of a spanker this boy could be, and both knew that they were probably gonna be spending the night rubbing lotion on each other's bottom. It was either this... or face a suspension for going a bit too far in their plan today.

Now the girls used their twin magic trick to get away with a lot of things growing up. From chores, to doing activities at girl scouts that other was not good at. To even using it to give apologies to people they had wronged if the other couldn't find the courage to. However, recently they had started using it to get ahead in high school. Julie was a master at things such as science, math, and English. Jenny was amazing at home ed, social studies, sociology, and anything sporty. Mid terms for their high school were coming up, so they had hatched a plan to make sure they had good grades. They had worn the same outfit that day, put their hair up the same, made sure they truly looked exactly the same, and switched classes. Jenny would take two sets of the subjects she was good at, and Jenny would take two sets of the subjects she was good at. That way they both could do the tests that made them more comfortable, and they would both get good grades from this.

There plan had worked wonderfully.

Or so they had thought when during lunch they were called to see their history teacher. Mrs. Simmons. The only person in the entire school that could truly tell them apart, and one look on her face told them that they had been caught. So after a very long scolding in private, expressions of disappointment she was, and after confirming that they had done this so far in their first three exams that day. Mrs. Simmons was ready to report them to the principal for grievous acts of what could be considered cheating. Until she gave them another option. "As I am sure you have heard, there is a young man here who has a reputation as a user of corporal punishment. If you two are willing to go and see him, and receive a more hands on punishment. I will not report this to the principal, and you two will come back here Saturday morning to retake the exams that you took for the other. Do we have a deal?"

Jenny's hands had gone back to cover her rear end. "Are you sending us to get a spanking?!" Her cheeks had taken on a blazing red color a shade, or two lighter than Julie's own as she had realized what Mrs. Simmons was getting at.

The older woman had a faint smirk appear on her lips. "That is exactly what I am doing... that or we take a good old trip down to Mr. Jones office."

"We will take option 1!" They had both cried out in unison.

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