Episode 3: Show me what makes it so good. (Mina)

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If Mina Baxter had to describe herself, she would consider herself short and stump. Cursed by her genetics of her family as she often called it,, she was only around 4 '7 most of her friends were taller than her. The 17 year old junior was liked by many, most seeing her like a smart little teddy bear that you could always talk to. She was one of the top students of her grade, often ranking in the top ten and top five when it came to the nationwide tests. She also was a pretty good athlete faster than her rounder frame might suggest and stronger as well. THe captain of the track and field team for her age range. Her speciality being the discus toss.

Everything suggested that she was just a normal girl that took her studies seriously. The friend to all and enemy to little to no one.

She had rarely gotten in trouble as a kid, her mom and dad helping her understand respect and obedience at an early age but never needed to use corporal punishment on her. Oftentimes she found the idea of spanking like some weird kink between lovers, she had had one boyfriend in her life but they had broken up three months ago. She had asked him once to give her a few swats while they were (engaging in more private activities) and she didn't see what was so interesting about it. Maybe her ex just didn't know what he was doing. She had seen it done to children in movies and her favorite anime shows and honestly it just looked a lot like they were overreacting, probably told by the director to really ham it up.

She even watched a few more r-rated videos in her curiosity and again just saw that they were faking the pain. Just actors putting on a show in different ways. Despite her odd feeling on the subject, she was a bit drawn to it, wanting to see if maybe the hype on the subject was true. Try to understand why people might like it? Why might parents use such a barbaric punishment on their children?

However the day she got a chance to actually experience this came much sooner than she had thought. When she started her sophone year, there was an odd rumor of some boy that would give you a spanking after school or during lunch. THat rumor grew as more knew his name and he was never shy about his interest or what he did. He didn't say it or scream out like a badge of honor, if you asked he would say yes. Now some girls assumed that maybe the word spank was just a code word for sex. One of her friends, Honaka, had told her that she had seen him back in the summer and she assured her that when he said that. He meant spank! He didn't do anything unless you were comfortable with it, he never overstepped boundaries or opened doors where they were not welcome.

She had no idea how to even meet this boy as they had different friend groups and she didn't want to take a trip to the older part of the academy during lunch or after school. However, all of that changed as one day at around 6 o'clock in the evening, while she was playing volleyball with a few friends at the gym on a saturday evening. They needed a 12th player to truly play six on six and it was just their luck that the boy called Alphonso had come to their gym today. Honaka's face had turned a deep red color as the boy came in and she invited him to join their game.

Mina quickly understood why he was the prized setter of the volleyball team. He was around 5'6 in height, average to some but much taller than her. Most of the time when she played she rarely got a chance to try for a spike. She didn't jump high but she knew where to hit the ball so even if she didn't jump it would be considered a good hit. He had no problem setting to her, she could see how lively her friends looked as he seemed to put the ball just where they could hit it. A few awkward rallies quickly turned into laughter and joy as he truly integrated with them. They had won two games of the five they had played and as they were getting ready to go back home. She found herself waiting on the bus stop beside the boy as they talked quietly back and forth.

After talking about a few new releases of anime for this month. Mina couldn't help herself or even hide the blush on her face as she asked. "So, just a quick question, is it true about what you do? That you actually spank some girls here every now and then."

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