Episode 12-A: The Little Space Adventures of Belle and Misty.

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It had been a month since Belle Lee had her very fun day with Alphonso Lewis. Belle still remembered each second of that day. Meeting someone that would let her pretend in her littlespace that she based on her favorite story. (A lighter version of Lurking Dragon's Melody series) She had gotten three spankings that day, the worst being when her little side attempted to go without eating her veggies at lunch time. The best part of that day was just laying in Alphonso arms, her daddy for the evening protecting her as she cried for a while. She by all means did not like spankings, they hurt very much on her small backside. However, having a caregiver that was willing to spank her only helped put her deeper into her little space.

A little space that she really needed to go back into.

The last month had been a bit hard on her, her own achievements being overshadowed by her more athletic brothers. She felt like she was back in their shadows and even when she got two tickets for speeding in one week, which resulted in her paying a large chuck out her savings. Her mom and dad really didn't care, even though she kinda wanted them to do something. Her own self little space sessions were not working, and even when she had one of her friends act as her care giver for the afternoon, it was nothing like what Alphonso had done. Her friend was what people would call a switch, someone that could be both a Cg and a little. However, she leaned more towards the little side. So they spent most of the day having fun but no punishments for her tantrums or not wanting to eat, Little Belle worst enemy in veggies.

So Belle decided to reach out to Alphonso once more her parents were going out of town with her brothers for a game for the AAU basketball team. Promising to be back Sunday afternoon to take her to dinner for her nearly perfect scores in her recent tests. Do not get Belle wrong, her parents loved her a lot and supported her very much, but it was hard staying in her brother's shadows, and she knew one person that would treat her like the little she wanted to be.

And this time, she was gonna bring a friend.

"And he really did all of that to you?" Belle nodded her head as she sipped on her ice coffee with far too much sugar in it than it should have had. Her closest friend and often time her more playful caregiver and big sister sometimes when in little space. Misty Daniels looked at her with wide eyes, truly surprised at what she had just heard.

"Yep it took a bit for him to get into character but once he truly went with it." Belle felt a smile start to cross her lips. "It was amazing, it was the smallest I had ever felt in that space. He treated me just like Mel from that story, without being a bit too firm on me. I know that you would like it as well."

Her much taller friend turned her eyes onto her warm cinnamon flavored coffee. It was no secret that she also shared a need for a firmer hand in her own little space, her ex boyfriend was not good at that aspect either. Another boy she dated when she was 15 years old seemed too quick to punish and his spankings were more abuse than anything. She had broken it off after he tried to take a belt to her, breaking her out of her little space and earning him a black eye from her much larger brother. She was an average sized girl, she had red curly hair. A lot of people often viewed her and Belle as sisters. The idea of having an entire day to spend as her more childish seven year old self alongside Belle and Alphonso. A boy that was known as a spanko and had given more spankings than she could often believe.

"And do you think he would mind if I joined as well?"

"We will not know until he gets here and we ask." Belle had invited the boy to this small cafe after school so they could discuss this.

"And you are sure he is not gonna go too far if he says yes?"

"I can promise you this, he will not cross lines that you don't want crossed. Hell you could even ask him not to punish you if you get naughty with him and I am sure he wouldn't do it. That is the kind of guy he is.''

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