Episode 13 Final Episode: A Spanking To Capture My Heart (Dakota)

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It had been nearly two months since Dakota Demarious had been spanked for the first time in her life by Alphonso Lewis, and since then Dakota truly hated how her schedule had been so far. As she didn't have any free time to go back and see the boy since. Now she had seen him in passing and giving him shy waves, even shared lunch with him in the lunchroom. However, she never seemed to have time to go back and get her hiney spanked. And it was starting to drive her insane!

She hated that the cheerleaders had practice right after school and she could never find time to go and see him. She hated seeing a few girls on the bus stop squirming a tiny bit probably from sessions from the boy. Everytime she didn't have practice he seemed to be doing a session with someone else and considering that she did not want to be caught peeping. Like a poor little japanese girl (Jiang from episode 7-A) had gotten, she didn't want to be a bitch and hurry things up especially when he seemed in the middle of giving more firm sessions. It was starting to seem like that she would never get what she had been, craving more than any meal her momma could cook, ever again. It didn't help that the more she had to speak to him in the library or just on the way to classrooms that shared the same hallway. The more she spoke to him, the more she was starting to feel her 15 years old heart start to race.

However, finally after two months of picking her moment and two months of not having anything. She decided to skip the waiting, and she waited outside of the sophomore classroom for the boy to get done with his teacher. She had no idea if this was creepy or not and she hated the knowing looks that a few of the older girls seemed to give her. "Dakota?" She looked up as the door finally opened and Alphonso came out of the classroom. Today he was wearing a black long sleeved shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He had started growing out his hair and she kinda missed his smooth looking wavy style. "What up?"

Dakota took a deep breath before leaning forward and whispering. "I want you to spank me today." Her light brown face turned a bit redder just at saying that single word. She had not said that word to the boy in a very long time.

"Sure." Dakota' face lit up like the sun. "Honestly I am surprised that you have not come to ask for a-" Dakota put a hand over the boy's mouth and frantically back and forth. It was very embarrassing for him to say what she wanted out loud. "Okay okay!" His voice muffled against her hand. She took her hand from his mouth and looked down at her with a small smirk. "I will keep that in mind."

"You better," Dakota responded with a small smirk. "It is not easy to come and say that to someone."

The boy laughed as they began to walk towards the staircase that would take them to the first floor. "Like I was saying I am surprised you had not come back sooner or brought it up when we spent a bit of time together."

"Well unlike you I still find it very embarrassing to even bring the subject up."

"And why is that?"

Dakota shrugged her shoulders. "It just doesn't feel right saying that word out loud, how do you even say it without getting embarrassed."

"Trust me I used to." Alphonso responded. "Having a liking to this kind of thing is something that feels wrong or taboo, or just childish in some cases. No one our age wants to admit that they still get it, or people older than us don't like saying it cause it makes it seem like they have a pain fetish or something. However, when you give as many as I do you get used to it."

"It's not like I haven't tried to come by that classroom of yours but either I come too late and you are not there, or I arrive when you are already in the middle of one or someone is going to see you. Some of those girls don't look like they are there for the same reasons I would be, it's like they are actually worried and scared to see you." Dakota explained.

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