Season 2 Episode 5B: Switched for a Scene. (Emilia)

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"Cut, cut, cut!" Emilia Verex let out another whine as the drama club's president called another end to the scene. Emilia had been a member of the drama club since her freshman year. She was a fairly good actor with hopes of having more than one star on the Hollywood walk of fame. Always being able to jump into characters with far more ease, from playing motherly roles to acting like a small child. To heroes and villains, though she preferred sassy villains mostly because they always had the best lines. Even her work as a side character could steal the shine from the lead actors if she had. However, for the first time in a long time, the curly haired girl could not get into her character. Or rather she could not get into three scenes that her character was supposed to do.

She was playing a younger girl named Sally Eden. The play was about a naughty mischievous little girl who runs away from home and arrives at a very odd place between space and time. There she goes on a quite lovely adventure, but her cheekiness does not go unpunished. As twice there she gets her bottom switched, one by a half man half lion, being played by a taller senior named Malcolm, and another by a kind motherly bear woman, played by a heavier set girl who was a junior, Natasha. Her last switching was one she was supposed to end the play with as she asked her mommy for one, a way to repent for all her naughty actions of her life.

However, there was one problem.

"I am doing my bloody best!" Emilia cried out as she threw down the script she was handed by the president of the club. Henry Alden, a quite tall and good looking senior boy with dark brown hair.

He looked at her, and then back at the script on the ground before bending over to pick it up. "Emilia, the problem is I can't see any true emotion from you during any of those scenes. You are killing all the other ones but with these ones you are either trying too hard, or just not trying that hard at all."

"Well excuse me," she said with a huff as she crossed her arms. "Pardon me that no one heres seemed to even know what a switching is." Emilia whined as she looked over at her fellow actors. "I can't even feel any of them because of these gosh darn layers, I don't know how to react to something I have never really felt before."

That was the main problem, of course some things she didn't need to feel to get into proper character or understand her scene a bit more. However, when they had done spanking scenes in their plays before she had purposely asked the spankers of those scenes to be a bit more firm in their swats. Now of course for those scenes they had to be over pants, or thick bloomers that could pass for shorts. However, she could put on a good showing with harder spanks. She had no idea what a switch was supposed to feel like, all she knew was that it was a clean piece of wood with no twigs or barbs on them. However, she could not feel anything from the combination of the bloomers she was gonna be wearing, the material of the dress, and the fact that she could not get her spanker to swing harder. The teacher in charge had given them a firm warning on that, as well as a firm no to Emilia's own idea to just have her stand in a way that the audience could not see, and let her really get it on her bare bottom.

She had also gotten detention when she tried to sneak and do it with the girl playing momma bear.

"Look, just try and act natural with it, we have another few days before opening night and I am sure you are gonna figure this out." Henry replied with a small smile as he patted her shoulder. "Try and do some research and we will try again tomorrow. Take five everyone, and we are gonna start from act two, when she first meets Jackal."

Emilia huffed as she fell backwards into one of the school auditorium seats and crossed her arms. "Hard to act natural when you don't know what you are feeling." She mumbled.

"Excuse me." Emilia looked up to see a girl that was a few months younger than here, but held herself like she was 12 years older. The kind hearted, and bubbly girl that everyone called Maddie, or Madison Row. She had short pink hair, a matching set of eyes, a rather large backside that Emilia knew drove most boys at the school crazy. She had a kind smile on her lips as she held out a bottle of water to her.

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