Season 2 Episode 1B: Helping the master pick new weapons ( Dora Horus)

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Dora Horus sighed a bit as she looked through a certain well known but also kinda hidden spanker of her school's bag. "Seriously," she said as she looked back up at the average sized boy with a small title of her head. Her curly brown hair bounced with every movement she made. "I would assume that you would have quite the collection of items to pick from. But all you have is a hairbrush, a paddle, and a wooden spoon."

Alphonso shrugged his shoulders a bit at that. "I assumed that was a pretty good arrangement if you ask me."

Dora Horus had heard about the boy from a friend of hers. The kid who did not hide his love for the subject on spanking, and did not care if anyone knew that he enjoyed it. For a girl like her who was a bit more, kinky, than other 16 year olds. Just had to meet this boy, however it had been a bit hard. Since it seemed more like first come, first serve, she was busy some days and other days when she had a few moments, she could never get there before another girl came. Now it wasn't that she didn't have someone to spank her. She had a friend named Carlos who she was helping learn how to properly spank someone. (Honestly was in love with him) However, she wanted someone that seemed to know what they were doing. But she was not gonna give up on Carlos either.

Today was technically the 2nd day she had been able to get a session with the boy. The first one being better than she could have thought, he knew what he was doing, he was really good with his hand. So she wanted to see what else she could. However, today when she went to pick an item from his bag, she was stunned that he had so few options.

"I am just saying," she said, taking out the medium sized paddle from his bag. "See something like this isn't gonna be good for all girls, some want something a bit more stingy and not heavy. Something made of plastic or even thinner wood or even one made of leather."

"I have a belt." Alphonso said.

"Yeah, not many want to be hit with a boys belt. Kinda thicker and harder, some might want something a bit softer, or even heavier." Dora explained as she closed his book bag. "I get that you also give punishments, but you gotta think of your spankees a bit more. Some items don't get the job done, or even get the job done a bit too early."

"How on earth do you know this much about spanking items?" Alphonso questioned as he poured out two cups of orange ginger tea.

Dora scuffed a bit. "Please I know more about the subject of spanking, than you might think. Plus my sister is in charge of that one store in the mall, that bdsm store. So she knows a lot about it," Dora explained as she sat down across from the boy.

"You mean, Mistress Honey's shop?" Dora giggled as she saw the boy's cheeks darken slightly at that. "I have always wanted to go but..."

"But what?" Dora asked.

"It is not like I can just keep an assortment of implements in my locker or at home. My mom would probably murder me if she knew I had them, she doesn't even know I still do this." Alphonso answered. "Though it's not like the idea hasn't come to my mind of getting a few more items, but it's not like I can just go into a shop like that."

"Why not?" Dora asked sipping at her tea. "You are already so open about your love for spankings, I don't see why you would be worried about going into a store like that." The boy looked away for a moment. "Don't tell me the all mighty spanker of asses, the king of spanking here, is embarrassed to go into a store like that one his own!" The darker the boy's cheeks turned the more she knew she was guessing right.

"Okay look it is not easy for a 16 year old boy to just step into a fucking store filled with spanking items, step up to the register and buy them. It is like going to the girl's clothing aisle when my mom makes me go to the store with ehr and my sisters. It's awkwards as hell."

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