Episode 11-D: A Spanking Contest: Carolina's attempt, The Winner is.

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Carolina walked over to Alphonso a bit nervous but also very much excited for what was in store for her. This contest had been more fun just by watching than she could have imagined. She had gotten lucky that she was the fourth girl that he spanked and maybe he was a bit tired, but he was also very much warmed up and ready for action. So far her other three friends had each taken their spankings in different ways. Trinity Jackson had been a wiggly and squirming mess setting the time to beat at seven minutes and 15 seconds. Madison Row still had the official time to beat 8 minutes solid, her spanking while painful left the girl looking like she was about to explode. As for poor Abby Lincoin, well, she tried to cheat and got her butt spanked much harder for it with that switch.

All of them leaving Carolina like a thirsty woman in a desert, she had stumbled up to a large lake of water and could not wait to finally get something to sooth her. She felt hot all over her body, and she needed something to calm her down, and she would hold out as long as she could in order to win the prize for tonight. The right to take her close friend, and fellow Christian, Alphonso to a concert that was in a few weeks. They all agreed that if something else bloomed from this concert that the others would accept this. Carolina had a crush on the boy since they had first met and he had spanked her in that lonely classroom he stayed in. Since then she would go to him anytime she needed peace or relief. They went to the same church, she was friends with his kind mother and his adorable little sisters. He knew things about her that not even her mother or father knew, she could trust him with things she otherwise would leave in the darkness. Including this odd fixation on the word spanking that had started from when she was a little girl, she would go to him if she felt guilty for her actions and needed a true punishment.

Alphonso was a gentle soul but she also knew that the boy very much liked girls that he could spank a bit harder than normal. Not for punishment but maybe two to three settings off that, they had tried it once but it was bit hard on her. Her style was right in the middle, not too hard but not to soft either. However, after seeing how much Madison really liked it when he was able to spank at the strength and pace that he loved. She was willing to do her best to turn what was gonna be a pretty warm and painful spanking into a place of peace that only she could travel to.

"Do you worst," She challenged playfully, making the dark skinned boy smirk. Her giggles were lighter than air as he took her by the air and firmly but gently dragged her over his lap. Her small and soft rump sticking up in the air. Of all of her friends she probably had the smallest, flattest and softest bottom of the bunch. Her's was not formed by years of sports like Trinity and Abby, she didn't get amazing genes that left her rump large like Abby or Madison. However if there was one person that appreciated this it was gonna be a boy who loved spanking butts more than anyone she knew.

"You are gonna regret saying that." Alphonso noted as he patted her white pj covered rear end. She blushed as even those soft pats made her rump wiggle a bit under his palm. As he began to give her a mild warm up over her pajamas, the strength being the same as the spankings he would normally give her. Carolina laid her head on the couch mostly getting used to this warm up, she put her hands together as she began to think of a plan that might save her through all of this. She had a total of 8 sets and a few seconds to last before she won, from her friends' reactions the worst of all six choices on this wheel. Was that solid spoon, his hairbrush, and arguably the switch. She could see that he had taken his time when using the paddle, and tawse not going as fast but leaving more strong swats. His hand was something any of them could probably take no matter how hard the other sets were. However, there was one thing that was worrying her. Her relationship with her father in Heaven was one of love, but it also seemed that some events would happen if she was a bit to rude, unkind or even a brat to people. So her luck would take a small hit, her car might run out of gas forcing her to humble herself and ask for some help. There was the time she didn't get paid when she thought after making a smart comment in her morning prayer and had to walk home. He loved her and so her father in Heaven punished her.

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