2 7A: An Evening with Daddy (Carolina Cobb)

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Carolina held onto her warm cup of cocoa for a few moments. Letting that warmth settle through most of her thin body as she looked out across at the fairly short, pink haired girl that had agreed to meet her. She had a few questions, and she needed some answers from a girl that had more experience in a certain subject. See Carolina was a lot of things, she was a young christian girl, she was fairly good at piana, she was best friends with the schools well known spanker. She also loved him a lot, and she wanted to be his girlfriend, however she was competing with her other three best friends over the boy's heart. Them and one other girl named Dakota who she had not really met but she had seen her give him a kiss on the cheek with started this war. Her mind was filled with jealousy as Madison recently shared that they had shared a kiss. So she already felt behind in this race for Alphonso's heart.

However, perhaps spending some time with him alone would really help her win him back to her side. She knew that they both had some free time on the weekend. However, after last time (see the first episode of season 2) she didn't want to try and make some plan just to get spanked when she got upset. Recently she had been trying to figure out why she got upset a lot more recently, she felt like she was throwing tantrums in her own room lately. Even felt like she was being a bit more bratty during her own private time in the bible, which led her to being humbled by her father in heaven once more. Carolina knew that she was a sub, she knew that for a fact. She had taken a test with her three best friends, Trinity, Madison and Abby and they knew what they were. However, she was not a brat, Trinity was a brat, Abby was true submissive though she often hid it. Madison was a masicist that loved pain.

However, Carolina hid one result of her test from her friends. She was classified as a middle or a little. Now she had no idea what that meant, even just the spankings she had gotten from Alphonso sometimes felt taboo. However, she wanted to venture into this realm with someone else. She had tried experimenting in her room but it just wasn't the same. Watching cartoons, and playing with old toys that she got out from her basement was nice but it just was not the same. That is what made her venture to the senior wing of the school to ask Belle Lee if she wanted to have a coffee with her one morning or after school.

"Seriously, you kids need to learn that there is no shame in not liking coffee." Belle smiled as Carolina blushed a bit, her eyes venturing towards her original cup of hazelnut coffee which just didn't taste that good. "Not even grown up all drink coffee, and personally I like cocoa as well."

"I will pay you back," Carolina remarked as the smaller girl had gone to get her a cup of cocoa to wash out that bad taste. SHe was far smaller in person than Carolina was ready for, it was hard to believe that this was one of the smartest girls in the school. Ready to move onto college with flying colors at the end of the year. Three years her senior.

"Don't worry about it, it is okay." Bella explained. "So what made you want to talk to me?"

Better to just rip the bandaid off. "P-Please don't be mad at me, but Alphonso told me about your weekend as his little, and I had a few questions." Carolina reached into her purse and pulled out a printed version of the test results she and the others had taken from a site. "I think I might be a little or a middle, and I just wanted to ask you a few things."

SHe was surprised that Belle Lee did not seem upset that she knew this information. "I am not mad if he told you, you're his friend and I don't really hide it per say. What do you want to ask?"

"I am having trouble getting into the mindset." Carolina felt a blush spreading up to her ears as she admitted a few things. "I have tried playing with toys, bubble baths, coloring books, I recently bought a bag of huggies that I tried on, even got more cute clothes but it just felt off doing it alone."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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