Updates and Announcements.

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Good morning, sorry for the slight announcement instead of a more proper update. I just wanted to let you all know of a new project well projects and the upcoming chapters for this season of Tales of A School Spanker. 

For one, I am proud to announce that their is a new story going up on my page and the first two chapters we updated last night.  The Crimson Hide, this one is a story ive held in my back pocket for a bit, I wrote the first two chapters when I was about 17 years old but never wanted to do anything with it. I always doubted that writing more spicy spanking novels would ever do anything but I want to try here for a bit and see. So I look forward to writing that there is a bit more information at the end of the first chapter of how that one is gonna look. I would love it if some people went and checked it out, you all have already given me so much strength and confidence to write something as simple as this spanking fic that I wanna branch out and see where things go. Of course I have not forgotten this fic with the new chapter coming hopefully later tonight. 

As far this fic goes I also wanted to let you know what I have planned for the next six chapters. Chapter 10-A: Is A fic staring a girl named Hannah Windchaser, it is more about how she doesn't like her more larger body type but see beauty in it from our favorite school spanker. Episode 10-B Is the Return of Little Jiang as she starts her foolish plan along side her close friend Aisu to get Mina and Alphonso to start dating so you can expect two spankings in that episode. 

And than chapter 11  is one I am excited about, a four part episode (In anime terms an hour long special) staring the first four girls that Alphonso had even spanked, Trinity, Abby, Carolina and Madison as they get together one night with Alphonso for a little party and challenge. I am excited for you all to see what the original four look like, well you already know what Carolina looks like. 

Than episode 12-A and B: Is gonna be the return of our favorite little as she brings a new friend to Alphonso to try their odd little space home. 

Than our last episode episode 13. We are going back to where it all begin with Dakota as she comes back to see Alphonso not for a more fun spanking but a mix of pain and pleasure for whar she did (nothing too spicy lol) And than Tales will be over at least season 1 will be over. 

Again I cannot thank you all enough for bringing back my love for writing these types of stories, I had lost a lot of confidence and hope way back a year ago when someone I cared about really went into me for writing these types of fics saying they are pointless and just nasty, but with every few and like, it brightens my otherwise boring day. So again thank you all and I will see you all soon with more content both here and with my new story out. 

Until next time. 

Stay Safe, 

Stay Behaved, 

OR your might be spanked. 

Bye Bye. 

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