Episode 11 B: A Spanking Contest: Turn Pain to Pleasure. (Madison)

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Honestly watching her close friend go over Alphonso's lap and get her small rump tanned was a lot more exciting than Madison Row could have ever expected. Madison had been what she later learned a spanko since she first heard about the word in a picture book. She had once convinced her momma back when she was eight years old to just give her a spanking instead of having her stay inside on a sunny day for her bad behavior. Her momma tried her best but it just didn't really work. She had tried to spank herself once, and her only true punishment had come at another sleepover when she was ten. Her friend's father had taken them both over his lap after they had been up far too late. That one day only increased her need for the action both for fun and pleasure, but also for punishment.

She assumed that day would never happen. Until one day Trinity Jackson had informed her of a boy that could make her long distance dreams become a true reality. That boy was named Alphonso Lewis, back then he had been a quiet and shy boy with a skill for volleyball and an interest in giving spankings. She had met him in an old classroom and since that fateful day she went to see him at least twice a month, sometimes a simple whisper in his ear at lunch. Other times she went to go for a more firm hand if she felt her own attitude was a bit out of control, and that firm hand of his was enough to keep that attitude from ruining her day.

Now that Alphonso had finished with Trinity, his eyes locked onto her, the second of the four girls that had gathered tonight for what was both gonna be a fun night of spanking. But also for a little contest that they had put together. It was no secret between herself and her four close friends that all of them very much had a crush on Alphonso. For them finding a boy like him that was kind, friendly and they could come to with their own problems was like finding a needle in a haystack. It didn't help that the boy had also grown into a handsome young man, about 5'7 in height. He had average sized arms that held secret muscle in them, a good looking build from the sports he played. She could not remember that last time she saw him without the smooth waves in his hair.

So instead of fighting over him or ruining the other's chances of getting with him. They had come up with a simple plan, whoever could handle their little spanking contest, as Trinity had called it, and could take it longer than the others. Would win the right to take the boy to a concert, they all had entered a contest online for a Bruno Mars concert that was coming in a few weeks. Abby had won the tickets and they all agreed to put them up for grabs tonight. Whatever happened after that night was either gonna be the best day for one of them, and a bad day for the rest of them, or things would go back to normal. "Or get a bit more complicated," Madison had thought to herself when they had come up with an agreement. Cause if it didn't work, she was sure they all knew the fight for Alphonso before the Winter Dance would increase.

Now the pink haired beauty looked over at Trinity as she lay over Carolina's lap, her small rump once again exposed as Carolina's more gentle hands began to rub a bit of lotion onto her probably burning rump. Her brown backside had taken a darker hue but also now was showing signs of redness. She had made the mistake of letting the girl go first, because now that Alphonso was good and warmed up, she knew that this was gonna hurt. Now she had taken punishment spankings from the boy before, but this was gonna be much different and she could feel. A small secret that only she knew about the boy was that he was not a fan of punishment spankings and for that reason he went a bit quicker than anyone would notice. However, when he was allowed to enjoy himself and give the more hard spankings that he enjoyed. She knew that she was not in for a good time, and since he was now good and warmed up after Trinity. She felt like she was in for the worse of this.

Madison stood in front of the boy and offered her hand to him so he could pull her over his lap like he always did. Normally her comfy pajama bottoms would already be down to her ankles exposing her underwear to his hand. However as they had agreed, these would all start with a quick minute warm up over their pants or shorts. In her case, she was wearing a pair of more fluffy blue pajama pants that had a few stars running up and down them. Her only hope was that the thicker material would protect her backside a bit more than Trinity's short pair of red shorts, Abby's tight pair of green shorts or even Carolina soft but silk pajama bottoms could provide.

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