Episode 7-B: Help This Stubborn Lioness Cry.

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Zara Maleta had been adopted by a wonderful couple in Coast City when she was 13 years old. She was originally from Cameroon; she had lost her original parents when she was ten and she spent the most of her life in an orphanage. It was hard, truly it was, watching kids her get adopted left and right. Everyone seemed to like the little ones, but no one wanted to take a chance on the oldest girl there. They wanted someone to take care that would be with them longer, not waste time and money on a girl that would be there for only 8 to ten years before going to college.

At least that was until The Mcdaniel's had adopted her.

She was amazed by her first plane ride, and even more grateful when she was able to run into her new mama's and papa's arms. To share a long embrace with the couple that had changed her life.

That was two years ago today, and since then she had learned two things about herself. She had a lot of frustration about a lot of things and that slowly but surely built into very bad anger management issues. Her therapist often told her that it was because she had not cried in a very long time. She was told that would help her, however, she found one sport that let her truly take that anger out in a much safer way. She was considered one of the top five best aces in the entire state for women's high school volleyball. She found slamming her hands against a ball to be the best form of taking out a lot of anger. She was one of the tallest on the team at six feet and a inch give or take. Her long legs that she developed from years of running back home gave her an insane vertical.

All of this gained her the famed nickname of the violent lioness.

However that title was also the one thing that held her back in many moments of time. When Zara lost her cool on the court she no longer had control of her amazing power, she couldn't focus on making the right play. She had been thrown out of five games on the season for internally spiking the ball at girls to try and injure them. Other teams knew this and turned her greatest fuel into her biggest weakness.

A weakness that the captain of this team was determined to fix by any means necessary.

Zara kept her mouth shut as the captain of this team, Brittney "The Genies" Levi finished what felt like an eternity of a scolding. She knew that the smallest but older girl was angry when her Scottish accent was on full display. She was an 18 year old senior, on her way to UCLA to play volleyball, and probably would be on the Scottish national team one day. "I am tired of this! I am tired of my best spiker not being on the court longer than one set because she cannot handle her stupid tongue!"

"They wouldn't-"

"Shut up!"

Zara's chair violently screamed across the wooden floor as she shot up to her feet. Standing three inches taller than the girl, deep breath escaped her lips as she glared down at the girl with her dark eyes. Her hand clutched into tight fists. However, unlike other members of the team, the captain never backed down. If Zara was the violent lioness, then Brittney was the one that kept the beast in line. The captain's deep blue eyes always calmed her down a lot quicker than her anger could keep her mad. This was her setter who had set her up for at least seven of her top ten best plays she had so far.

Brittney reached up and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Listen to me, okay. You are really good, the ace of this team. However, you are young and foolish and that temper of yours is gonna cost you a lot more than just one game. For fuck's sake, you nearly punched that girl last game."

"She wouldn't stop trying me."

"That does not make it okay." Zara slowly sat back in her chair and looked away from the girl. "I cannot help you if you can't help yourself. Zara and coach is ready to bench you for the rest of the season, cause he thinks you are a liability to have on the court until someone can show you that you can't lose your temper so easily."

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