Episode 7:A: Curiosity Spanks the Cat.

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"What do you mean you can't come today?" A tiny chinese girl with dark black hair and mischievous dark eyes pouted up at the older girl. Her small hands came to rest on her hips as she tried her best mean girl on Mina Baxter. "You promised me that we were gonna go and you were gonna get me stronger."

Mina Baxter shook her head at the girl. "No, Jiang, what I said to you this morning when you came to see me was, and I quote this. If you have time today, can we go to the gym? I wanna get stronger and don't know how." The rounder and wider girl sighed a bit before adding. "I told you if I didn't have plans that we would go, but I am a bit stressed and I am gonna deal with my stress today. I promise if you still want to go we can do it this weekend at the latest or tomorrow at the earliest."


Mina placed a finger over Jiang lips making her pout grow even bigger. "My answer is no and that is the end of it." Jiang pulled away from the older girl and spun around her arms crossed, a slight sound of anger escaping her mouth. "Jiang, if you keep pouting and acting like a little girl I am gonna go back to treating you as a little girl."

Jiang had known the girl since her family had moved to Coast City all the way from China. She was the cool older girl that lived next door to her, always being active despite her more heavy size. Mina used to be her babysitter back when Jiang was only seven years old, she was ten at the time but far more responsible than people would guess. Their friendship grew even greater as they moved up through middle school, and Jiang was happy that she would be able to at least share two years with Mina before she went off to college. A day she was very much dreading, so she wanted to spend as much time with her as they could. They ate lunch together (she being the only freshmen at the junior and senior table in the back), she often went to try her best and play volleyball with the girl and her friends. She attended all of Mina's field events and always cheered the loudest. To Jiang Xinyue. Mina Baxter was not just the cool older girl that lived next door anymore, she was the cool older sister that always looked out for Jiang and her more bratty tendencies.

"What is so important that you can't come?"

"I am gonna say this as kindly as I can, it is not your business." That was all Jiang needed to her before she began to march away from the older girl. "Jiang, don't be like that... Jiang!" Jiang turned a corner and pressed her back to it. She peaked her head around the corner and saw Mina pinching the bridge of her nose before turning on her heels and walking towards, not the bus stop, not one of the two gyms or locker rooms, she was heading to the older school building.

Jiang had many nicknames, one of them being the curious cat, she knew every rumor in the school, and around the neighborhood. SHe couldn't help but stick her small nose in other people's business. One of the rumors she knew was that it was on the 2nd floor of the old school building. The star setter of The Coast City Leviathans, Alphonso Lewis called a classroom his home away from home. Where he did one of two actions there.

Spanked or had sex with girls.

Jiang's cheek turned a bright pink color as the thought of her older sister going to do one of those things or even both with that boy. Made her quickly run the opposite way, slipping past people ignoring the mean yells that came from the people she bumped into. On her way to the back entrance of this part of the school to take the back way entrance to the older part of the school.

She never would have guessed that her curiosity wouldn't kill or hurt the cat, it would get her little behind spanked. Jiang was no stranger to a swat here or a small spank there, however she was a good girl at heart and those rare moments of more firm disciples could be counted on one hand. She in fact witnessed more spankings of her friends in town than she had ever gotten herself. They looked painful but she had an odd fix to it that her 14 year old mind couldn't explain. The idea of maybe seeing the strong and smart, Mina getting her backside spanked for whatever reason. Only made the curiosity of her's grow even better.

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