Season 2 Episode 4B: Finishing a Report on A Sore Rear End. (Lydia)

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Lydia Smith let out a loud groan as she finally slammed her head on her small desk. "Come on, come on already!" She told herself over and over, before she sat back up and looked down at the paper she was supposed to be writing. The page is completely blank aside from her name, the due date, and the title of her report. It was a lot harder than she could have thought to write a stupid paper. Her mind just kept going blank, she had taken 15 breaks so far tonight, either going on her phone, playing a few video games. Watching tv. She had tried to play music but that only made her mind travel to other sights to look up artists and gossip. She had tried to watch her favorite dnd podcasts to maybe have something fun to watch while she worked, that only led her to looking up animations of scenes so she could laugh at them. This paper was supposed to be due by Friday, and it was Wednesday.

Lydia sighed once more as she turned off all of her devices but working in silence just didn't work for her. She was 17 years old, about to be a senior next year, but right now she felt like a little girl once again. One that wanted to play so bad that she couldn't do any homework right or properly. Her gaze settled onto a picture of her late great grandma, dirty blond hair, wearing her favorite brown and white dress. Her eyes are kind and motherly, but also firm. Lydia smiled as she looked back at that picture. "What would you do if you were still here, Grandma?"

Lydia shuddered as she knew the answer to that question. Whenever she was a bit too hyper and could not focus, her granny knew one sure way to get her back on track. To get her focused on her work, it was easy to focus on work when you were squirming on a bright red tushy. Her grandma was so skilled of a spanker, that if Lydia was misbehaving her parents would call Grandma rather than do it themselves. So when the older woman had passed on, it left Lydia without anyone to take that place. Her parents just weren't good at it in any way, probably scared to really give their only daughter a truly sore rear. Lydia remembered how much it hurt to write a paper on a wooden back chair, her rear as red as a fire hydrant. It really did help to focus on work instead of a burning bottom.

"Maybe that is what I need." Lydia thought to herself as she went back to tapping her pen against the paper. Then she felt the light bulb in her head go off. As she went back to a certain gossip and new blog that was run by one of her underclassmen. Lola had recently done an interview with a certain boy, an interview that she had watched about five times now. As Lola had no issue going over his lap and from her facial expressions this boy could pack a serious punch. She had heard rumors of the boy known as Alphonso Lewis, a great volleyball player, but now that she was sure that he was not some weird pervert. A new thought started to fill her head as she found herself looking at the picture of Lola sitting across from Alphonso. "Maybe..." Lydia folded her hands together as she thought long and hard about a choice she was gonna make. It had been nearly five years since she had been spanked, he was 15, and she was 17 years old. However, he held himself very kindly and responsibly. "How the hell do you go about setting something like this up?" Lydia asked. The interview said that it was best to go to him but she didn't want to make a plan like this just to be turned away as he was doing it with some other girl.

So instead she decided to go to a middle man of sorts. She called Lola herself. "Lola my name is Lydia Smith, and I was watching your interview with Alphonso Lewis... I need a favor."

After explaining things, she had given that girl her number and she was gonna give it to Alphonso Lewis. She nearly hopped out of her skin as about ten minutes later her phone started to ring. At first she was worried that it was just gonna be one of her friends, but one look at her phone got rid of that thought. It was a number she did not recognize. By the 5th ring she finally found the collage to answer the phone. "H-Hello?"

"Hi, is this Lydia?" She recognized his voice from the interview but she could not believe he had actually called her back. The fame schooled spanker, Alphonso Lewis. "Hello? Helloooo?"

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