Episode 4-B: Late to Class is now punished by a Spanked Ass.

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Shaquira Price was what many would call a very hyper child of 15 years old. She had recently moved to Coast City from a small little town in Wisconsin called Oshkosh. It was much different from her new home but she felt more home now than she ever had before. She was too hyper and childish for the more quiet areas of her town, often getting into more trouble and mischief than her older parents could really handle. She was often called a miracle child back home by the people of her old church. Her mother had her when she was 50 making her 65 right now and her father was 69. Though even in their older years her parents were some of the most fit people around. Helping grow within the girl an early love for sports and being outside rather than inside. If anything her parents were to blame for her more hyper tendencies, though she would never tell them that.

Shaquira also had one more problem that was the worst and often got her in the most trouble. See everyone had an internal clock and Shaquira was 99.9 percent sure her's is broken or maybe her father in heaven had forgotten to give her one. Most days she could be found sprinting down the sidewalks on her way to school to avoid being late. She was often the last person inside of her class, she never could make her 3rd or 4th period on time and often had to stay after school as punishment. She was often late to basketball practice and that often got her two scoldings, one from their coach and the other from the captain Melessa Davis.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Shaquira said over and over after practice as she had come 15 minutes late and for most of the practice Melessa had not spoken to her. After her usually 15 suicides for being late, all throughout practice, Meslessa refused to even pass her the ball let alone talk to her.

This hurt a bit more as she often saw the captain of the team as big sister and knowing she disappointed her was almost too much for her to bear.

The dark haired girl with creamy colored skin and a county accent to die for finally spoke to the girl. "I'm getting tired of you being late," she answered as she finished buttoning up her shirt. "It has happened too many times for it to just be an accident or you having a bad internal clock. I ain't ever seen someone with such a bad notion for time."

"I can try harder." Shaquira muttered.

"You said that last time, and we were late to our first game, we had to rush to get to the locker room and all that nonsense, that is why you sat out for the first quarter of the game!" Shaquira could only tremble under the girl's harsh but true words. "It ain't right, and it ain't fair. So I have found a solution that might work."

"Is it gonna be running more suicides?"

"Nope, cause your endless energy makes them pointless."

"Am I gonna be sitting for a few games, cause I promised my daddy I was gonna be starting and I kinda want to do that."

"Although the coach wants to do that, I convinced her not to."

"Then what is gonna happen to me?"

Melessa motioned for the girl to follow her and Shaquira quickly gathered her belongings and chased after the girl. She led her back into the gym and they walked in. Melessa began to speak once more. "Now since you also seem to struggle in keeping track of time in all functions of your life. I am gonna do to you what my mama back home did to me when I was bad at it."

"You're gonna make me get one of those switches you told me about?!" Shaquira had never been spanked before in her 15 years of life. It was a perk that came with older parents cause if she was in need of one, she would just hide or run as fast as she could and oftentimes they were too tired to keep chasing her and would just give her a different punishment. Melessa had often said that if she was her momma she would have tanned her hide by now, and now Shaquira felt that she was about to get just that.

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