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The matron was walking in front of the whiteboard as her subjects kneeled in front of her with their heads bowed. They would not look up until she permitted them. All the Omegas in front of her are nearing the end of their training. They should go home with their Madams to be presented to their assigned Alphas within the next few weeks. 

A little over 100 years ago, the world was dying because Alphas couldn't be controlled. Their rages from their emotions were volatile. Their need to dominate and control their partners was too much for the Betas to handle. So, Park Micha took it upon herself to fix the situation. It took nearly 40 years for it to be perfected, but the first viable Male Omega was created.

They were subservient, always ready to please their Alpha in any way. They were trained from their chosen day in all ways to please an Alpha, and they were given special pills to take that would keep them meek and wet at all times. They could also carry pups if their Madam chose not to carry them. It was a simple procedure if the Madam wanted to use her eggs; if she didn't, then the Omega could still get pregnant on his own. 

A simple pill would be given, and it would induce the Omegas heat, which would trigger the Alphas rut, and a pup could be made.  They were perfect; they obeyed without question and could be used by the Alphas as much as desired so the Betas could fix the mess that was the country. They weren't cheap; it was an honor to be given an Omega by your intended Beta. 

When you get engaged, your intended should present you with an Omega of her choosing. The Omega will be trained with toys that were made from the mold of their Alpha since all Alphas must go to the Omega Center upon presentation and give a sample of their pheromones and have a mold of their cock made. It was an honor, something that all Alphas boast about. This is more important than presenting to most.

The Omega that was chosen has been trained to take the cock with ease and as much as the Alpha wants. They will never tire of it; there is nothing you can't do that they won't allow. It's an honor to be chosen by a Madam to serve her Alpha. Six months ago, Park Jisoo picked Omega BTS613. He was a small thing with big lips and a perky ass. Something that she knew her soon-to-be intended would love. 

BTS613 was renamed Park Jimin after his Madam, and training began. His chosen scent was tangerines, as she knew how much her Alpha loved them. Jisoo was excited to be choosing an Omega. As the Great-Great Granddaughter of Park Micha, it's her job to continue with her legacy. And as she is intended to be with the Alpha heir of the Min Dynasty, it's even more important. 

Alpha Min Yoongi is the only son of Alpha Min Doyun and the late Beta Min Eunae, who died giving birth to Yoongi. Doyun was given his Omega upon the announcement of his engagement by his late wife. Omega Min Eunjae then went on to give birth to Alpha Min Doyun's second child, Beta Min Yoonji, as the Alpha wanted more heirs to his fortune. 

Alpha Min Doyun contacted Jisoo's parents around a year ago to start the negotiations for their marriage. She and Yoongi went to school together, and she was always curious about the aloof Alpha, who only paid attention to his friends and his little sister, who he adored more than anything.  

She went shopping to find the perfect Omega for her intended once the contracts were signed. It took a few months to find Jimin, but once she did, she knew that Yoongi would love him. He was pretty enough to keep the Alpha's attention when Jisoo was busy with work. As a legacy of Park Micha, Jisoo had to tour the country to visit all Omega Centers to ensure that everything was going as planned, as well as lobby for Omegas to be made in other countries.

The Omega Centers generate the most revenue for the entire country. They are exclusive and pricey, so not all Alphas can afford one. They couldn't rectify that by allowing anyone to own one, but sometimes an Alpha grows bored of his Omega or the Omega doesn't please him well enough, and he can be sent back while another is purchased. It's not a cheap process, but it does happen quite often. 

When an Omega is returned, it undergoes a reset and is then sent to one of the many Omega Pleasure Houses. There, it can pleasure up to twenty Alphas a day. The Omega will live the rest of its life at the Pleasure House until it can no longer service Alphas. When it is no longer of service, it is disposed of.

"Look at me," the matron demanded, and all twenty heads snapped up to look at her. "Good pets; now we will go over the rules."

Jimin eagerly nodded his head since he was not permitted to speak.

"Rule number one," the Matron said in a clear voice, "you are to do whatever your Madam and Alpha say. If you cannot please your Alpha or you disappoint your Madam, you will be sent back for reset."

Jimin shivered; resets weren't good. They never saw any of the Omegas after they were sent back to be reset. "Rule number two, if your Alpha is sitting down, you are to be kneeling at his feet with his cock in your mouth. The more times you can pleasure your Alpha a day, the better of an Omega you are."

"Rule number three, no clothes are allowed to be worn. Even outside, your holes are to be accessible at all times. The only coverings you are allowed are the marks your Alpha leaves on your body. The more you have, the better."

There was nothing new there; they'd never been allowed to wear clothes, so it's not like Jimin wanted to anyway. The one time he had to wear the hospital gown to get his scent implanted, it was so itchy. "Rule number four, if your Madam is not sleeping in her Alphas bed, you are to be there so he can take you as many times at night as he wants."

The matron glared a bit at them, "If you are not dripping with your Alphas cum at all times, then you are a failure of an Omega. Your body is theirs to use whenever; if they give you to another Alpha, you must do your best to please them. It's an honor to service Alphas; do not forget that."

The Omegas all nodded their heads again. " Rule number five and probably the most important rule. You can only go outside if you have your collar on. Your Madam will give this to you, and this collar can only be removed by your Madam. This is to ensure the Alpha you are with doesn't try to mate you. A mating bite from an Alpha is shameful. That means that you could not do your job properly."

They had been warned about mating bites, about how much they hurt, and about how the Betas cared so much about them that they took that burden on themselves. Because they saved the Omegas from that horror, all they ask in return is to help keep the Alphas happy so the war doesn't come back. Nearly half of their population was wiped out in the wars 100 years ago. They still haven't caught up to where they were.

"And the final rule, I want you all to say it with me." They nodded their heads; this was the only time they were allowed to speak, "Omegas will not cum; you are not to receive pleasure from your service. That is shameful, and if you do, you will be punished."

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