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He turned his head to look at the Omega; he was beautiful. Even if Yoongi could only see part of his face, could he do this? Could he take this poor boy home and abuse him? No, he couldn't. But he could at least take him home and save him.

"He'll be sent to be reset if you deny him in front of her. Do you want him to go to the pleasure houses?"

"Fuck," Yoongi breathed out.

His father stood up and squeezed his shoulder slightly, "I know you have never agreed, and I know I'm an asshole. But I do love Eunjae in my own way. I can't love him as much as he deserves because a part of me died when your mother died. I only had him out tonight because they came. Otherwise, he would have been in the dining room sitting next to Yoonji as he always does. But they are here, and we have to play our roles."

"Why today of all days? You know what today is, what we do."

"I know," his father whispered, "and I'm sorry. But you turn 22 soon, and Jisoo only has next week until she's gone for well over a month. She wouldn't be back in time for you to get married. It had to be today; the Parks are busy people. Besides, you would never have agreed to come here or meet me if it wasn't Yoonji's birthday."

His father is correct in that aspect; his eyes were closed as tears fell. "I'll do it for Yoonji, but you must tell her tonight in front of the Parks. I'll have Hobi come, and you will make the announcement then. He can be here in an hour."

"Deal, but son. Your Omega will have to be at the signing of the documents and used by then. You have less than a week to make peace with this, or he'll be reset."

Yoongi looked at the beautiful Omega, "what's his name?"

"Park Jimin."

"Okay, go to the dining room. I want to speak to him."

"Son," Doyun sighed, "they are pets, toys; they aren't supposed to speak. I know you, you'll want to befriend him, but you can't do that, not with the Parks involved. Do you think I wanted to do that to Eunjae? You know how I hate other people seeing him like that, but this is the Parks, the direct descendants of Park Micha."

His eyes glowed red as he glared at his father, "I will do what I have to do, but I will do it my way, or I will walk out of this house, and you will never see me again."

Doyun knew when it was a lost cause, "Fine. But remember why you are doing this."

Yoongi nodded his head, and his father left. He sighed; of course, he knew why he was doing this. He wanted his sister happy, and he wanted to help the Omegas. And with Jin on his side as well as being associated with a Park, they might just be able to pull it off. He stood up and walked over to the Omega; he kneeled down, "Can you please look at me?"

Jimin's heart was racing so fast. Throughout the entire drive from the Center, he had been repeatedly told how he had to impress this Alpha and that if he didn't, he would be punished before he was sent to be reset. He was grilled and berated for the entire three hours he was with his Madam. He didn't want to be reset. When he walked into the house, there were two other Omegas there. Both were older than him.

Would he have to do that immediately with his Alpha? The one that smelled like summer rain, a scent that felt like home to him. He slept so well at night since they sprayed their pillows with their assigned Alpha's pheromones. It was a comfort to smell that scent every single night. But now the summer rain smells more like a thunderstorm. He raised his eyes up to see his Alpha for the first time. His breath hitched a bit, and the smallest whine slipped past his lips before he could stop it.

The Alpha smiled softly, more like a smirk. His cat-like eyes sparkled with something akin to amusement. His scent also mellowed out: "They weren't lying; you really are the most beautiful Omega I've ever seen."

Jimin wanted to preen; his Alpha was pleased with him. He wanted to speak to him, but he wouldn't. He'd never go against his training and risk being reset. "I'm sorry about this; I'm going to have to do things that I don't want to do. I hope with time, when I can get you free, you'll forgive me."

He didn't understand; there was nothing the Alpha could do that he would need to be forgiven for. Omegas were made to please their Alphas in any way they possibly could. He wanted to say that, but he didn't; he just blinked his eyes a few times. Yoongi sighed, "We'll work on that. Now, I will have you follow me and sit under the table at my feet. You will not touch me in any way. Nod, if you understand me."

The Omega didn't understand why the Alpha didn't want to be touched, but he nodded that he wouldn't do that. He followed his Alpha into the room, where the smells of all the different foods was almost overwhelming.

 His stomach growled so quietly, but it was still loud enough for Yoongi to hear. The Alpha looked at him with a raised eyebrow. But he wasn't allowed to speak, so how could he tell him that he missed his rations today because his Madam got him before that? Which means he also missed his two doses of his shots. He needed his Alpha's cum at the very least, but his Alpha said not to touch him.

Yoongi pulled the chair back, and Jimin got positioned under the table. The other two Omegas were cockwarming their Alphas, and they looked at him in pity. He wasn't doing what he was supposed to be doing, and he was ashamed. Thirty minutes into him kneeling under the table, a hand came down, and fingers ran through his hair.

He didn't understand why he was being petted, but he loved it. So much that he purred lightly for the first time in his life. The other two Omega's eyes were open wide as they looked at him. He cut the purr off quickly; was he not supposed to do that? They never mentioned it in any of his training. 

Yoongi was getting updates from Hobi, letting him know his ETA. He looked at his sister, who was just pushing food around on her plate. He was doing this for her and for the Omega, who started to purr as soon as Yoongi petted his hair. He only did it because the poor things' scent was going haywire, and he didn't want any of the other Alphas to notice.

When Mr. Park brought his Omega up from the table to have him finish serving him, Yoongi grabbed a roll and, carefully so no one would notice, shoved it under the table for Jimin. Only the poor Omega didn't take it; he pushed the chair back a bit so he could look at him. But the poor thing looked terrified. He knew he was hungry, so why wasn't he taking the food?

Eunjae grabbed the roll and handed it to Jimin, motioning with his hands for the Omega to eat. But Jimin only started eating it when Yoongi returned to petting his hair. That's fine; he can keep petting him if it means the poor thing will eat. All he had to do was get through this dinner and then call his friends and freak the fuck out.

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