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"But first, I want to tell you about about my birth, something that no one outside my family knows." Everyone looked at Jin while Joon wrapped his arm around his husband in support. "My mom and dad wanted a baby. My mom tried for years to get pregnant, but it wasn't working. Then, finally, it did, but they had a miscarriage. The doctor told them that to keep trying was too dangerous with how stressful my mom's job in Congress was." 

Jin was tearing up, and Joon quickly brushed the tears away. "Sorry," he mumbled before kissing Joon on the cheek and starting again. "They had to go the Omega surrogacy route, but none of the eggs were getting fertilized. They tried for a few more years, and none of them took. So they decided that my mom should step down from Congress so they could start a family. No one knew that they were struggling." He looked at Joon, "I can't."

Joon nodded his head before kissing Jin's forehead, "the Omega that they picked offered to be the pups, Jin's mother. They wouldn't have to tell anyone since no one even knew about him, and she was staying home. His mom and dad didn't want to do it at first because they only got an Omega because of surrogacy. Something that had been a thorn in their side for years. But alas, they finally decided to do it. His heat was induced, and then Jin's father's rut was triggered. Jin was conceived that night, and the three of them were so happy."

He took a deep breath, "I need you to know that both of his parents respected the Omega. He was never used how Omegas were. That was never their intention; they actually loved and respected him."

"We've been to your house since we were little, Jin; I've never seen an Omega."

Jin looked at Yoongi, "he died giving birth to me."

Yoonji and Yoongi both gasped; they knew exactly how he felt. Yoonji was born of an Omega/Alpha pairing, and Yoongi lost his mother during his birth. "I'm so sorry, Jin."

"I never met him, but I have pictures, and they tell me a lot about him. After that, they decided that they couldn't do it anymore; they couldn't get another one. They loved him too much." He looked at Yoonji, "I know it's unheard of, but my mother had a relationship with him, too. Not just my father."

"You mean?" Yoonji asked softly, and Jin nodded his head. It was a little weird to hear about his parent's sex life and even more when another person was added. But hopefully, it'll help Yoonji.

It was a lot to take in for all of them, "why didn't you ever tell me? I love Yoonji. Did you think I'd ever treat you differently?"

Jin was quick to shake his head, "Of course not, Yoongi; I just have been told since I was old enough to understand that I couldn't tell anyone. My parents actually became friends with your father after Yoonji was born; they hoped that it would help us become friends. They hoped you'd be more tolerant if you ever found out."

"Okay," was all Yoongi could really say. He couldn't be mad that Jin didn't tell him; he told him when he thought it was the right time. I better get him back to bed; I can't be very comfortable to sleep on," Yoongi mused as he looked down at Jimin. "I'll see you guys later."

Jin looked at his watch, "I might actually have time to go see my father now." He looked at Joon, "Do you want to do it before in case Yoongi needs us after?"

"Sounds like a plan; I'd rather go into this without having any questions."

Yoongi got Jimin into his nest. He had the rest of the day and tomorrow to resolve his issues because there was no way he would let Mr. Park come anywhere near his Omega. No one will ever touch him. It wasn't going to be easy because he was going to have to do something he really didn't want to do in order to protect him. 

Jin's Dad looked up as his son and husband walked through the door. "Hello, Son, to what do I owe the pleasure? You never visit me at work anymore," he frowned a bit. "You want something, don't you? I told you we can't not have an heir, so that means an Omega, and I know how you feel about it, but."

Jin held up his hand to stop his father's monologue, "I have no issues with getting an Omega, and neither does Namjoon. In fact, we already picked one, so once the law is approved, we'll go get him."

That seemed to shock his father into a stupor because he was just blinking at him slowly. "Well, that was a lot easier than I was expecting. Not gonna lie," he smiled; it was the same smile that Jin had; it was about all he got from his father. The rest was all his birth mother, it's why he's so beautiful his mother always says. "She's still working on Congress. They denied the first proposal, but we aren't giving up, don't you worry."

"I know, Dad. I wanted to talk to you about a few things, and I need you to be completely honest with us." His dad looked worried; he gulped quickly and nodded his head for Jin to continue. "I know about the pleasure house that was blown up."

"Of course you do; I told you about it. Besides, that's not something you need to worry about. We got it handled an."

"Dad, we drove there. It's a parking lot. I saw the satellite images, and it was there, but then, eighteen hours later, it was gone. Which was impossible, so we drove there to see it ourselves. It's been gone for a while, and the locals conveniently weren't around."

His father went pale, "You've got to be kidding me." He scrambled to get his computer to wake up, and his fingers were flying over the keyboard, "fuck, fuck this isn't good." He grabbed his cell phone and dialed a number completely ignoring the two Alpha's that were in front of him, "the building is gone, I thought you fixed the satellite?" There was some humming and more keyboard clacking, "fix this, asap, and let me know when it's done."

"Dad?" But the President held his hand up as he groaned and dropped his head into his hands.

"This is something we wanted to keep you out of, son, your mother, and I. We just wanted to keep you safe, but you might as well know now." He looked up, and for the first time, Jin thought his father actually looked his age. "We've been trying to change the laws, as you know, and we are receiving a lot of pushback from Congress. It's all Betas, and they don't like the idea of not owning the Omegas."

"You can't own a person," Joon spit out.

"I know, and I agree, but they don't see them as people. I was approached by one of my advisors; he knew I had an Omega that died and that I never wanted another. He's a sympathizer; he's never had an Omega or wanted one. His bethroed passed away the night before their wedding. Brain aneurysm: she was going to give him his Omega at the wedding. They had argued for weeks about it; he really did not want it, but she insisted."

"I don't und."

"Just let me finish, please."

"He told me about some rebels, mainly Alphas but some Betas, even those who were rescuing Omegas from the Pleasure Houses. They were working with the Betas that worked there; it took nearly a year to get them all out. Then we dismantled the building. We want to do more, but we can't find any willing Betas."

"Dad, that's a horrible plan. Don't you think the Parks would notice that they weren't receiving money from that house?"

"I know," he sighed, "but we had to do something."

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