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One hundred years ago, Alphas could still shift, and their instincts controlled them. The one that said dominate, procreate. But now they no longer shift. Hell, most Alphas take suppressants, so they don't have their yearly cycle. The only time an Alpha even has a rut now is if their Omega goes into heat and they are trying for a pup. 

That happens so rarely, though; most pups born of an Omega/Alpha pairing are looked down upon. Because that means that the Beta Madam couldn't get pregnant herself or her eggs weren't viable enough to use the Omega as a surrogate. All Alphas demand pups of their partner; it's ingrained in them to breed that which is theirs. 

Which Yoongi thinks is a bunch of shit; two of his friends are Alphas, and they have no desire to try and pup each other. They mated a year ago before Jin turned 22, and they are completely normal; they don't need an Omega to keep them happy or a Beta to control them. They are thriving with just the two of them. Jin owns a very successful restaurant, and Joon is a curator of the biggest museum in the country. 

Hobi works with Yoongi at their record label. It's not exactly what their fathers wanted them to do, but they didn't care. They've made a name for themselves in the few years that they've been doing it. They just debuted a group with Betas and Alphas, something completely unheard of, even more so since none of them are mated.

"I don't want to get married; I don't want an Omega," Yoongi whispered. "I don't want to abuse someone so innocent like our father does."

Yoonji flinched; speaking about how their father treats her mother is always a sensitive subject for Yoonji. And he gets it; he really does. "I know," she whispered back.

"I just can't see myself doing that. Could you imagine Hobi with an Omega?"

She shook her head so quickly, "No, he hates it as much as you do."

"Well, if you plan on marrying him, then as a Min, you'll be expected to present him with an Omega of your choosing." It was harsh, but it was something she needed to hear. 

"I know, and I'll do my duty, just as you will." She looked like she was seconds away from crying, "Sometimes, I really don't like being a Min."

He opened his arms wide, and she ran into them. That's how their friends found them. Hobi immediately picked her up from Yoongi's arms and held her on the loveseat while Jin and Joon forced Yoongi to sit up so they could sit down.

"My parents insist on us getting an Omega; they want an heir."

Yoongi looked at Jin with his eyebrow raised, "And how is that supposed to work? You two are mated; you don't have a Beta to purchase one. Don't they have to be owned by their Madams?"

Jin nodded his head, but it was Joon who spoke, "His Dad is trying to write a new law stating that once an Omega is given to an Alpha, he solely becomes the Alpha's property and not the Betas. This means that any Beta can purchase one for an Alpha but does not have to own him. So Jin's Beta mother can purchase one for us, and Jin would become his owner."

"And do your parents want an heir, too?"

Joon sighed, "Yes, they are in talks right now. It seems we'll share the Omega, but they are both naturally concerned about the backlash of us breeding an Omega vs using a Beta egg. I don't like it at all; I've never really been concerned about having pups. I love Jin, and that's enough for me."

"Trust me; you two are too high-profile not to use a Beta egg. I'm in the third family, and I get looked down on. Being from the second family would be even worse. At least we have Yoongi to continue on the pure line. If you use an Omega, your line will be tainted."

Hobi was pumping out his scent of leather; he was trying his best to calm Yoonji. It was instinctual for him because he loved her so much. Betas don't really need pheromones; they don't have any themselves, and it takes a lot of them before they can even smell them. But they are comforted by scenting if it's with someone they are close to. So after a few minutes, that's what Hobi did: he rubbed his nose up and down her neck. 

"Your birthday is this weekend, Yoonji. Are you excited?" Jin was trying his best to distract her.

She nodded her head, "Yes, I am. On Friday, Yoongi and I will do our tradition, and then it's a dinner at the house with my parents and Yoongi." That's why Yoongi loved her so much; she sacrificed her birthday every year to go with Yoongi to see his mother's grave. 

He might never have met her, but she was still his mother. And seeing her on her death day was too hard since it was also his birthday. His father never let him out of sight on his birthday, so when Yoonji was 5, she suggested going on her birthday instead. It's been their tradition ever since. He'll never be able to repay her for that kindness.

Three more days and he'd have to see his father again; he wasn't ready. But he wouldn't let Yoonji go there alone, that's why she lives with him and not at home in the mansion. Which was fine with their father since then; he can do what he wants with Eunjae. He doesn't use his Omega when his daughter is around since it upsets her so much. So when Yoongi moved out and asked if Yoonji could come too, his father was more than happy to let her go.

Now, he has free rain to terrorize the poor Omega as much as he wants, and it sickens Yoongi. "Did you hear about the bombing at that pleasure house?"

Yoongi snapped his head toward Jin, "what? No, I didn't hear anything, when was this?"

Jin frowned, "I knew they were keeping the knowledge of it from the general public, but I assumed you would at least know, being from one of the three families." He took a deep breath, "it was on Monday, during the middle of the night, so there were only a few Alphas there. But over 100 Omegas were killed. Now, they are worried about riots since that center was the only one servicing three cities. That's a lot of Alphas that can't get their knot wet."

"Is there a reason behind it? Why blow up a pleasure house? Those Omegas are innocent. It's not like they asked to be there. Hell, they didn't even ask to be created." Yoongi was frowning at the eldest in the room.

"That's the thing, I've seen the reports. And it doesn't make sense."

"I'm confused," Yoongi had his head cocked to the side.

Jin sat back, "how are they keeping this a secret? If a pleasure house that services three cities was blown up and 100 Omegas were dead, there would be riots. But all my father can tell me is they are worried about riots. I don't understand it."

Yoongi's eyes went wide. "Did you see pictures of the building?" he gulped a bit. "Any of the bodies?"

The elder shook his head quickly, "that's why it doesn't make sense. I even looked up satellite footage, and the building is still standing. But there's no one coming in and out; I've been checking. They wouldn't be able to keep this out of the media, no matter how powerful the three families are. And the fact that you hadn't heard anything about it just makes it even more suspicious. My father is up to something, and I don't know what it is."

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