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The matron smiled at her little pets, "That's good. Now, you have two hours of riding to do. Some of you need more practice as you couldn't even last an hour. Alphas have unbelievable stamina, and you are expected always to exceed it. If you fail, you will be punished and will not receive your ration today. Only your pill and shots."

They were not dismissed yet, so they did not move. "Just think, here soon, you will be receiving the nutrients that you actually need, and you won't have to receive any shots; you'll only have to take your pills." She turned her back and started to clean up the whiteboard, "you are dismissed."

All twenty of them got up and made their way over to their lockers to get their riding dildo; it was the one that could suction to the floor so they could bounce up and down without it moving. This was when Jimin would daydream, thinking about when he'd get to meet his Madam and Alpha. He knows that a very special Beta chose him for a very special Alpha.

Plus, he was excited about not having to take the shots anymore. They hurt, and he had to get them three times a day. Once he's with his Alpha, the Alpha's cum will replace the shots with the nutrients he needs to survive. Omegas were designed to need Alphas, so while they were still in the center, they had to get shots. They will die without their Alpha's cum; that's why they train so hard to please their Alpha. 

Jimin looked at the clock on the wall. They had just passed the 90-minute mark, and many Omegas had already failed. There were only around ten left that were still bouncing. They would not receive their ration of milk and rice for dinner, and it made him sad. They were already so small that the scoop of rice would fill them up. It'll be better when they can ingest their Alpha's cum; that will keep them full. 

The Omega next to him looked like he was about to cum; Jimin wanted to encourage him to hold off. Sooth him in some way, but they weren't allowed to speak. He had learned long ago to avoid a certain spot inside himself if he didn't want to cum. He did everything he could to avoid it, and then he'd focus on how sore his muscles were. That was enough to ensure that he would not cum. So far, he'd been successful. 

Yoongi was bored waiting for his friends to come over, and his sister was driving him insane. Hobi this and Hobi that. She was making her infatuation with his best friend known to all. Not that Hobi wasn't doing the same thing; he just had the decency to do it a little more subtly. He didn't care if Yoonji ended up with Hobi; Hobi was a great Alpha—someone who would take care of her. 

But he knew his father, and there's no way he'd approve that marriage. Hobi didn't come from one of the three main families. Park, Kim, and Min, sadly, he was a Jung, and while his family was still well off, it wasn't enough for their father. He didn't want to break his sisters heart so he let her daydream, she's not even 20 yet. She had until she was 22 to get married, something that Yoongi had been silently freaking out about.

He will turn 22 soon, in just a few months, now that he thinks about it. But Yoonji's birthday is that weekend, so he needs to focus on that first. That means he'll have to go home and see his father, the man he despises more than anything. He barely waited a year after his mother passed away to knock up that poor Omega he owns.

It's not the Omega's fault; they have no say in this world. And he loves Yoonji with all his heart; it doesn't matter if they share the same mother or not. But he hates going back to the mansion and seeing Eunjae getting abused left and right. The poor thing still wears the collar Yoongi's mother put on him so many years ago.

He's never allowed to remove it since his Madam died giving birth to Yoongi. He's seen his father getting pleasured more than he ever wanted to. But that is the life of Omegas, sadly. He hates going on public transport because everywhere you look, there's an Omega kneeling in front of their Alpha on the dirty floor with the Alpha's cock in their mouth. Or an Omega is bouncing on the Alpha's cock like they are at home.

It's sickening, really. It's why he never wants to marry. If he marries, his Intended Beta will present him with an Omega, and that's the last thing he wants. He's even worried about Yoonji having to go pick one out for her Alpha; Yoonji loves her mother. Even if she's only allowed to see him when their father is not using him. 

Eunjae raised both of them since no one else in the house could. The Betas that worked there wanted nothing to do with a cursed Alpha who killed his mother and a bastard of an Omega offspring. So Eunjae raised them with love and care, so it's hard to see how he gets treated.

Their father left him alone for the most part until they were old enough to take care of themselves. After that, it was back to being his sex slave. So, no, he never wants to get married because he refuses to own one himself. If he's being honest, he's not even interested in Betas anyway. Even if they didn't come with an Omega, he wouldn't want one. 

Not that his father would let him get away with that, being with an Alpha. But his friends Joon and Jin only get away with it because they are from the Kim line. Second only to the Parks, the Parks are first since they are the ones that made Omegas and run the Centers and Pleasure Houses. They are both Kims but from different lines. Jin's is a little higher than Joon's; Jin's Dad is the president, so imagine the scandal when it broke that the President's son was with another Alpha.

"You are ignoring me," Yoonji whined. It was cute, she was cute. He loved his little sister so much.

"I am," he agreed easily, "I can only hear you singing Hobi's praises so much before I want to barf."

She frowned a bit; if she had a scent, it would be souring right now. But alas, only Alphas have a scent naturally; Omegas are given a scent when their Alpha is chosen, something that will please the Alpha and draw them to the Omega. 

"I can't wait until we can get married, just a little over a year, and he can be mine. Are you excited about your marriage?"

Yoongi groaned as he dropped down onto his side on the sofa, "Yoonji, you know how I feel about that."

She made the cutest sad face, so he couldn't really be upset with her. "I know, but it's going to happen and soon. You are almost 22, and you know the law; you must be married by 22."

Being an Alpha sucks so much, you must be married by 22, you must own an Omega. As soon as you present, you have to have a fucking mold made of your hard cock made to help train your chosen Omega to take you easily. Apparently, they train them to deep-throat Alphas so they don't choke, and they also want the Alphas' pheromones so they can do something with them.

It's disgusting, really; the entire system needs to be done away with. Yes, Alphas were bad 100 years ago. Uncontrollable even, they pillaged cities and raped Betas left and right. But they are more civilized now, and no, it's not because they abuse Omegas, and the Betas are running things. They aren't as close to their wolf as they used to be. 

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