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All he wanted to do was get home and see Jimin; they had to talk about this baby bomb; they had to figure out a way around it. He would not subject Jimin to that, nor would he have a pup with that awful woman. As soon as Hobi and he walked through the front door, he expected to see the three Omegas cuddled together with Yoonji on the couch. The Beta had won them all over, especially Kook. He looked at Yoonji like she hung the moon, and it was adorable to see.

But Jimin wasn't there, Yoongi looked around thinking maybe he was in one of the nests. But he couldn't smell him either. "Where's Jimin?"

Tae didn't even look at the Alpha; he kept his eyes on the TV when he waved his hand toward the stairs and said, "he's in your room."

Yoongi raised an eyebrow: "And why is he in there, and you two are down here?" The Omegas rarely left each other's sides; they basically only did so when absolutely necessary. Not that any of them minded; there have been a few times he's walked into his room to see all three of them cuddled up in bed together, sleeping as they purred away.

His sister looked at him with a frown on her face. "I asked him if he wanted us to come in or if he wanted to cuddle down here. He said no that he was just sleepy and missed his Alpha. He didn't want any other scents around him, only yours, so we left him alone."

The hairs on the back of his neck raised a bit; that wasn't normal for the Omega. He never refused time with them. Hell, he doesn't even refuse time with other Alphas if they ask. Hobi has dragged him to the room they turned into a dance studio multiple times to dance. Even Kook started going just to watch.

"And how long ago was that?"

Yoonji looked at her watch, "around an hour and a half ago; why?"

"And you didn't think to call me?"

She snorted before she rolled her eyes, "And tell you what? That Jimin was taking a nap."

"He smelled funny," Kook whispered, and every eye snapped to him, making the poor thing roll over and shove his face into Yoonji's stomach as he whined a bit.

"Kook," he asked softly as he kneeled on the floor in front of him. "Can you tell me what you meant by he smelled funny?" Kook has a really sensitive nose; he can smell the most minute change in their scents, but Yoongi is the only one who can smell Jimin's. Something they still haven't figured out why. So he should just smell like he usually does to Kook.

"I'm not sure how to describe it, but richer and sorta deeper."

"Thanks, pup," Yoongi whispered as he ruffled the hair on his head. "I'm going to go check on him. We'll see you guys for dinner." They had managed to get the Omegas to eat with them every time they sat down to eat. It was hard at first, and they barely ate anything, but at least they were eating actual food more than once a day.

Yoongi didn't even make it all the way up the stairs before the smell hit him square in the chest. He got what Kook meant; he rushed into their bedroom to find Jimin in the middle of their nest panting. His entire body was glistening with sweat and slick, "Alpha," he whined, "I don't know what's wrong with me."

But Yoongi did, and if he didn't get the fuck out there right now, it was going to be bad. "Baby, I need you to listen to me." Fuck, talking without breathing in the pheromones was harder than he thought it would be. "You are in heat, and if I don't leave now, you will trigger my rut."

"No," Jimin cried, and his voice sounded so pitiful that it broke Yoongi's heart. He reached out for the elder as tears fell down his face. "Alpha can't leave me." He was sobbing; his entire body was shaking.

"Baby, this is your first heat and my first rut. We don't know what will happen, and I could hurt you."

Jimin was shaking his head no so hard that Yoongi was afraid he'd snap his neck. "Alpha would never hurt me; I trust you. Please, it hurts so bad; I just want it to stop."

He wanted to leave; he knew he should leave. But he couldn't; he couldn't do that to Jimin. He couldn't leave him here to suffer when he could help him. He knows the only way to help him is to knot him over and over, but they haven't even had sex yet. Mainly because he didn't want to do that to Jimin when he had no choice; now it looks like neither of them do because once his Alpha takes over, that's it.

"Are you sure, Baby? Think about this. I'm going to have to knot you repeatedly." 

Even though he was in pain, he was still a brat. Jimin growled as he got on his knees, his hands were balled up into fists on his hips as he glared at Yoongi, "I've been wanting your knot since the moment I met you, you are the one that's knot shy, not me. Now, if you don't get over here in the next three seconds, I will go find another Alpha that can give me what I need."

And that was all the push he needed; his Alpha took over. His eyes went full red as he growled lowly in his throat, Jimin's blue ones matching the call. His clothes were off before he even made it to the bed where Jimin was at. It shouldn't take too long, a few hours at the most, and it would pass. They weren't like the wolves of the past, who had ruts and heats several times a year and that lasted for a week or longer.

"Is this the nest you made for Alpha? Is this where you want Alpha to give you his knot?"

The Omega in front of him purred so loudly as he swayed back and forth, "Yes, Alpha, do you like it?"

He looked at the nest; there were no more items from their housemates. It did not bother Yoongi to sleep with his friend's scents around him, but it was a different story with him being in a rut. It was all their items; the nest smelled so deliciously like the two of them that his Alpha had to rumble in response.

"Alpha loves it; you did such a good job. Such a good Omega for me, just perfect," he whispered against Jimin's lips before he devoured them. He wanted to eat him alive; he wanted to bite him, mark him as his. Yoongi shook his head; he couldn't do that. That would be a death sentence for Jimin and knowing Jisoo, for him as well.

Jimin tasted like everything he's ever wanted and needed. He could survive on that taste alone for the rest of his life. "I love you," he blurted out, shocking the both of them.

But Jimin just smiled, the one that Yoongi loved so much because his eyes disappeared, and he just looked so happy. "I love you too, Yoongi; you have no idea how much. I've been wanting to tell you for forever, but I was scared."

"You never have to be scared, Baby; I will always protect you, even your heart. You are mine to love and protect."

"And to fuck?"

This cheeky little shit, he barked out a laugh. His head thrown back, the audacity of this brat, "Yes, to fuck as well. And if you are a good boy, I'll give you my knot so many times that your wet little hole will feel so empty without it."

Jimin nodded repeatedly as he tried to present himself, but Yoongi needed more of his lips first. He needed Jimin begging.

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