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A loud clapping of hands snapped Tae out of his daydream, "Hobi texted that they were five minutes away. So Joonie hit the lights; babies find a place to hide so we can surprise them!"

Everyone scrambled to find a good hiding spot and waited for the birthday boy to show up. "Why are all the lights off?" Yoongi grumbled as he walked into the house.

"Maybe the babies are watching a movie?"

He looked at Hobi with his brow raised, "You know damn well they are waiting for Yoonji to get back before they start movie night."

"Maybe they are in a nest snoozing, and Jin and Joon are getting some alone time?"

"Jimin can't go to sleep without his good night kiss, and Kook can't sleep when Jimin is whining, and if Jimin is whining and Kook's awake, then Tae can't cuddle him to sleep."

Jimin wanted to giggle so badly because his Alpha was totally right. Hobi sighed, "Whatever, let's go grab a beer, and then we can wait for them to find us."

"Fine, but if it takes too long, I'm going to go find him because my Alpha is antsy."

"Yeah, yeah, we know you are whipped. Come birthday, boy, let's get you a beer."

"Why are all the lights off?" Yoongi grumbled before switching the lights on and screaming loudly when everyone jumped up and yelled surprise. He bent over, breathing heavily, "fuck you scared me."

Jimin giggled loudly as he ran to his Alpha and jumped into his arms, "Happy Birthday, Alpha, I love you."

"I love you too, Baby, so so much." He looked at all of his family and smiled. This was his family, his true family, and he'd do anything to protect them. "So tell me what we have here."

"I made you a cake."

He looked at what he assumed was his birthday cake. It was ugly as sin, and it probably didn't taste that great, but he'd eat it anyway because his baby had made it for him. "I see that; it looks beautiful."

"We got you presents too!"

They sat around the table, with Jimin in Yoongi's lap. Jin lit the candles, and they sang him Happy Birthday. "Open ours," Tae grinned as he pushed the gift toward Yoongi. It's from Kookie and me."

It was a black bag with blue and pink tissue paper sticking out of it. Inside were two onesies, a blue one with Daddy's little boy and a pink one with Daddy's little girl. "Thank you guys, I can't wait to put them both to use." He smiled at Jimin, who grinned right back. 

Yoongi knew this wouldn't be their last pup. "Now, mine and Yoonji's gift." Hobi pushed an envelope toward him. Inside was a picture of his studio.

"Um, thanks," he was a little confused. Why did they give him a picture of his studio?

"Look closer, moron," Yoonji sassed.

So he did, and it was his studio, but it wasn't at the same time. Things were in different spots and some things he'd never seen. "What's going on?"

"We made a studio for you. Here, so you don't have to leave Jimin now that the pup is on its way."

He was speechless, he honestly didn't know what to say so all he could say was thanks. Jin rolled his eyes and pushed his gift over. "Here, looks like you'll need mine and Joon's gift now."

It was a very expensive bottle of whiskey and Jin was right, he did need it. He opened it up and took a swig immediately. It was smooth, with barely any burn as it went down. "Damn, that's delicious. Thanks, guys." 

"Here's mine," Jimin whispered. "It's a little silly, but I hope you like it."

"Baby, I will love anything you get me. I promise." And he wasn't even lying; he knew he'd love anything. But what he opened was not at all what he was expecting. "Is this for the pup?"

Jimin shook his head, "squeeze the belly."

A thumping sound was heard, and it took Yoongi a second to realize that it was their pup's heartbeat. "I don't even know what to say."

"In a good way or bad way," Jimin asked a little shyly.

"Good, so very good. This is perfect, Baby, thank you."

The party was everything he could have ever wanted, even if he didn't know that he wanted it. They ate the cake Jimin made, and all of them praised him for how delicious it was, even though it was terrible, which Jimin said very loudly and pouted with his arms over his chest. 

"Come on, Baby; it's bedtime." Yoongi picked Jimin up and carried him to their bed. He slowly removed each piece of clothing before kissing his way down Jimin's body. Loving every single inch of it, listening to the sounds that Jimin made just spurred him on more. "Can you cum more than once?" He whispered against Jimin's thigh.

"Anything for you, Alpha," he groaned as he pumped his hips up to get his cock closer to where he wanted it.

Yoongi took the hint, his lips wrapped around the head of the cock, and he sucked hard. Jimin always tasted so delicious, like honey on his tongue. He could eat him out for hours and never tire of it. It didn't take Jimin long to cum, it never really does. The poor thing is always so sensitive.

He kissed up Jimin's body, "You ready for me, baby?" Jimin was still twitching from the aftershocks of pleasure, but they both loved it when Yoongi pushed him into oversensitivity. Jimin moaned and wrapped his legs around Yoongi's back, and that's all it took for Yoongi to push his way in.

"That's it, baby, so tight wrapped around me." Jimin was preening at all of the praise his Alpha was giving him. "No one will ever feel as good as you do, and no one will ever be able to experience what I experience because you are all mine."

"Yes, Alpha, all yours."

Loud slapping of skin and harsh breaths was all they could hear, but it was still music to his ears. "I'm close, cum for me, baby, and then we'll go to sleep with my knot locked deep inside of you." He kissed the shell of Jimin's ear before moaning into it, "because we both know the real reason you can't fall asleep in Tae's nest, and it's not because of a good night kiss."

"Alpha," Jimin whined and moaned at the same time.

"It's because my dirty little Omega can't fall asleep without an orgasm and a knot locked inside his sweet ass. Isn't that right?"

Jimin nodded his head quickly, his breaths coming in faster as his head was pushed back into the pillow. "Cum for me so I can fill you up."

A sharp cry left Jimin's lips as he came undone, his ass clenching so tightly around Yoongi's cock. That was all he needed; his knot locked them together, and he filled his Omega up. His stomach bloated with all the cum inside him. "I can't wait until you look like this all the time," he whispered as his hand rubbed over Jimin's stomach.

"And why are you smiling like that?"

Jimin looked up from his daydream at Jin, who was on the other side of the counter cooking; then the Alpha frowned, shaking his head and mumbling never mind. "Can we keep the decorations us?"

The Alpha's head looked around, and there were streamers and balloons everywhere. He shrugged his shoulder, "sounds good to me, we can keep them up until the balloons lose their float."

He grinned even bigger, "Yay, it's so fun and colorful in here. I never want it to change."

Jin smiled back. The babies were always so easily pleased. It never took much to make any of them happy. So it was his mission in life to do as many things as possible to see them smile. Even if two of them weren't his, he loved them all so much.

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