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Hobi walked in, looking so confused; Yoongi gave him a look, like please don't freak out and go along with this. Then Yoongi turned to look at his father, nodding so his father would get this started. Doyun cleared his throat before tapping the side of his wine glass with his knife to get everyone's attention. "Now that Mr. Jung is here, I'd like to announce my plans for him to marry my daughter before his birthday next year."

Both Yoonji and Hobi screamed WHAT very, very loudly. Doyun raised his eyebrow, "As I was saying, if they both agree to this, as well as your parents, we can draw up the contract, and Yoonji can start planning the wedding. Do you think your parents will agree, Hobi?"

Hobi nodded his head quickly before gulping, "Yes, of course, they know how much I love Yoonji. They have always wanted me to marry for love, so they will be extremely happy to know that you agree as well." It was a subtle dig, but not one that Hobi could be called out on.

Doyun nodded his head once, "Then it's settled; sit down and eat, please. We have much to discuss." Then he moaned very loudly before dropping his head back onto the chair. Yoongi was disgusted at how alphas act, especially when they are around other alphas. Mr. Park was also not one to be outdone; he gripped the hips of the Omega on his lap and slammed him down as he pumped his hips up and came very loudly. Too loudly to be in the company of your daughter and future son-in-law. 

But that was their way; this is why even if some Alphas are in charge, they really aren't. Betas think that they can't survive without getting their knot wet multiple times a day. It was sickening. Yoongi has had sex one time in his life; he had sex with a Beta, and that's how he realized it just wasn't for him. When they were younger, he and Hobi were curious, and they kissed. 

While Yoongi enjoyed it because it was so much better than kissing the Beta he slept with, Hobi said kissing his best friend was weird because he looked too much like Yoonji. Doyun looked at Mr. Park and nodded his head once; the Omega on Mr. Park's lap was set back under the table to clean up the mess that was made. Meaning he had to put the Alpha's fucking cock back in his mouth. 

Yoongi was gripping his cutlery so hard he was afraid he would bend it. Then the scent hit him, the sweetest tangerines fresh from the trees. Then he felt a weight leaning against his leg; even though he told the Omega not to touch him, he meant sexual touches more than comfort touches. It was enough to ground him, and he calmed down.

"Yoonji, maybe when Jisoo gets back from her business trip, the two of you can go look at Omegas for Hobi. She can take you to the same place she got Jimin; maybe they have other pretty ones." He was staring at his daughter a bit; he knew exactly how his children felt about Omegas. But this is not the time.

Yoonji smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Yes, of course I'd love to."

Jisoo nodded once, "Sure, I'll see if I have the time when I get back."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes, even if he wanted this marriage, which he absolutely did not. He will not allow anyone to be disrespectful toward his sister. She was his favorite person in the world. But again, he had to play his cards correctly. This is about human rights Yoongi; get your shit together.

Dinner was mostly quiet, and Yoongi spent most of the time running his fingers through Jimin's pink hair. Besides the fact that they are always naked, the unnatural hair color is the easiest way to spot Omegas. It was another way for them to stand out and make it harder for them to hide. Dye doesn't stay in their hair for long.

Finally, the world's most awkward dinner ended; Doyun saw the Parks out, but not before Jisoo spoke with Jimin. When she walked to Yoongi's side of the table, she expected to see Jimin's mouth on Yoongi's cock as is accustomed when your Alpha is sitting. "And here I was going to give you the honor of wearing your collar early since I was told that you were the most obedient at the Center. But clearly, I was lied to. You better get better and please my Alpha over this week, or you will not be collared; you will be sent for reset." Then she stormed out of the house.

The smell of rotten oranges filled the air; he looked around to see if the other two Alphas could smell it. But it didn't seem like they could. What the fuck was going on? He looked down, and his eyes met Jimin's tear-filled ones, "don't worry, you were just doing as I asked. That makes you a very good Omega, the best," he whispered. Jimin nodded once before he leaned back into Yoongi's leg and wrapped his arms around it tightly.

Doyun pulled Eunjae up from the floor, "I'm so sorry, but you did great. It will have to be like that every time they are around. I know I told you this before they came, but I'm still sorry we had to do this on Yoonji's birthday. Go get your robe and sit with her."

"Yes, Alpha," was all he said before he ducked away to get cleaned up and put on the silk robe. It was the only clothing he was allowed to wear, and it was only allowed in the house. 

Yoongi stood up slowly to not dislodge the scared Omega from his leg. " You held up your end. But I need to leave. Apparently, I have an Omega that I now have to get settled in my house. If you'll excuse us," he said. He turned his head to look at Hobi. "Can you bring her home when she's ready? I know she'll want to spend time with her mother."

Hobi nodded once, reaching his hand out to squeeze Yoonji's, "of course. She's safe with me, I promise. I'll take care of her, always." The words weren't just for Yoongi but for Doyun as well. But that was fine with Yoongi; his father needed to learn his place for once.

"Jimin," Yoongi said very sweetly, "let's go home, yeah?"

The Omega nodded his head and slowly let go of the Alpha's leg before crawling out from under the table. They made their way to the front door, and Jimin stopped and picked up a small duffle bag. It had his things from the center. When they got to the car, Jimin went to the back; Yoongi didn't like that. He wanted the Omega up front with him, but he didn't want to push the poor thing more than he already had that day. 

Getting home was an experience; he kept glancing into the rearview mirror to see the gorgeous thing. Jimin was looking out the window in wonder. They are made in a Center and do not leave until they are presented to their Alpha. They are taught everything they need to know, but still, it must be overwhelming to see things that you've only heard of before.

When they made it to the Alpha's house, Jimin was practically buzzing with excitement; the Alpha took him to a room and opened the door. It was small; it had a twin-sized bed, a toilet, a shower, and a sink. Then, there was a wardrobe to put his things in.

Yoongi sighed, "This room is attached to mine. It's the typical Omega quarters that come standard for Alphas. I don't have another room ready, but I'll get one, I promise. But if people are here, like Jisoo, you must stay in here. I'm sorry."

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