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"Wow," Yoongi breathed out as he looked at the screen. He had no idea what he was looking at since it was all black and white and grainy looking. But he knew somewhere in there was their pup.

The Doctor pointed to the screen, "This is your precious pup. It's right on track for when you say your cycles hit. I'll print you out a few pictures, and then I want to see you guys in a few days for the official appointment where we'll do all this again, but you can give all of that to Jisoo."

"Thank you, Doctor. I have no idea why you are doing this, but thank you."

She smiled softly as she cleaned up the gel from Jimin's stomach. "I was in love once, but this was back before the president's son made it a little more okay for the masses. The woman I was in love with was a Park. Two Betas being together was unheard of. She promised she didn't care and would be with me no matter what." Dr. Harin chuckled, "The next I had heard, she went on and married an Alpha. It was all over the news. She had blocked all ways for me to reach her, and she acted like she didn't know me in public. I took the hint."

"I'm so sorry. I know what it's like not wanting what you are supposed to."

"I've moved on. I met some amazing people in college, and we formed a group to fight the world's injustice. I've personally helped save hundreds of Omegas. I've gotten them out of pleasure houses by making the Parks think that I'm euthanizing them like they are animals. I've found them loving homes where they can live out the rest of their lives without being abused. I've helped other Alpha/Omega pairs like you get around their Beta's wishes and helped them have a pup of their own. I couldn't be with the one I love, but that doesn't mean I can't help others."

Yoongi was stunned; he didn't even know what to say. He had no idea that so many people had been helping out the Omegas for so long. "Thank you for helping us; I had no idea there were even people like you."

"There are many of us, and I know why you married Jisoo. We can fix this, but it won't be easy, even more so since you are now having a pup."

She left them alone in the room, and Yoongi started to tear up as he looked at the printout of their pup. "Alpha, why are you crying?"

"Today is always such a hard day for me every year. But this year, I got to hear my pup and see them for the first time." He looked at Jimin while the Omega tried to thumb his tears away. "Thank you, Jimin; the past couple of months with you have been the best times of my life. I love you so much."

"I love you too, but why is today normally hard for you?"

He sat down, pulling Jimin with him onto his lap, "You know how my mom died giving birth to me?" Jimin nodded his head quickly, "Well, today is my birthday, and every year, I'm reminded that I'm the reason my mom isn't here."

"Oh, Alpha, no, you can't think like that. She loves you, and I promise you that she'd much rather have you here than be here herself. I've only known about this pup for less than a day, and I'd do anything to ensure they lived."

While he understood that to a point, the thought of losing Jimin was too much to even think about. "Let's head home; I'm sure they are waiting for us."

And Yoongi wasn't wrong; as soon as they got home, two Omegas, three Alphas, and one Beta were waiting for them as soon as they entered the door. "I want to see the pictures of my pup," Jin screamed as he jumped up and down at the back of the group.

Yoongi turned to look at Jimin, "He realizes that it's our pup, right?"

"That's cute," Hobi snorted, "you know damn well that this pup is all of ours. Now pass the picture, Min."

Jimin was ambushed by the other two Omegas and Yoonji; they all but dragged him away from Yoongi and circled around him as they cooed over how cute their pup was. "I don't see it; where is it?" Joon grumbled from where he was hanging over the back of the couch.

Jin pushed him out of the way so he could see better. "Huh, that is not what I was expecting it to look like." His eyes were scrunched out. " Maybe I do need my glasses."

"Idiots, I swear," Yoonji grumbled. She pointed toward where the pup was on the paper, "This is a pup. I know it doesn't look like much, but he's not even a week pregnant."

"So eventually, it'll look pup-like?"

"Yes, Jin, eventually it'll look pup-like."

"Want to hear their heartbeat?" Jimin asked with his eye-scrunched smile, which Yoongi loved so much. It was infectious and just made him feel so loved when it was directed toward him.

"I have never wanted anything more in my life," Jungkook whispered.

Yoongi pulled out his phone and pressed play. All of them sat around and listened to the pup's strong heartbeat. "Can you send that to Jin so I can listen to it whenever I want?"

It was so quiet and spoken in nothing but awe and love, "Of course, Tae. I'll send it right now."

Jin looked at Tae and tried to control his emotions. He'd never wanted a pup because he was so in love with Joon that it wasn't an option, so he never dreamed of it. But now, they have a beautiful purple-haired Omega, and it's possible. Not any time soon; they aren't ready for that. But someday, someday, he might be the Alpha passing around his pup's picture.

Or maybe it will be Joon's; either way, Jin will love that pup with all his heart. "I'm so happy for you guys. Truly, you two will be the most loving parents in the world, and that pup will be so lucky."

"Thanks, Jin."

Yoonji smiled at her brother, "Maybe today can be about the future and happiness?"

"I'd like that. We probably have some trying times ahead. But this pup, I'm going to give them the world."

And he would, she knew that. He never held it against her that her mother was an Omega. Plus, he loves Jimin more than their father could ever love Eunjae. "We'll get through it, all of us, together."

Before she could finish her sentence, all three Omegas burst into song and dance. Hobi joined in, Yoongi and Yoonji smiled at them, and Joon groaned as he fell into Jin's side. "I knew getting them to watch High School Musical was a mistake." 

"Whatever, it's adorable. You should have seen them last week when we watched Moana. They turned the living room into the ocean and sang their little hearts out in the cutest reenactment." 

There was never a dull moment with those three, and all the others loved it. Before Tae, Kook, and Jimin, their lives seemed so monotonous. It was full of giggles, very loud singing, and some of the cutest dancing they had ever seen. A house full of love. 

"Hey, we should get ready to head to Father."

Yoongi sighed, "Yeah." He turned to look at Jimin, "Do you want to come? You don't have to; Kook is staying here."

He chewed on his lower lip. He wanted to go because it was Yoongi's birthday, but this was the only time he could get him a present. "I'll stay home, Alpha; I'm tired."

He got a sweet kiss on his forehead and a whispered I love you in his ear before the three of them got up to get ready. 

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