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It was cold; that was the only reason he woke up. He cracked his eyes open and saw the snow falling outside. His hand reached out for his husband, and he pulled him back to him. His cock was already ready to go, as it always was around his Jiminie. He slipped inside, and Jimin laced their fingers together as he ran their hands down his body.

He used to do this to get Yoongi to touch him, he's very sensitive in the mornings, and it doesn't take much to get him to cum and go back to sleep. All he needs is a nice fat knot, but this time was different. Yoongi reached up and kissed the mating mark on his neck as he felt their daughter kicking his hand. "She keeping you up, love? Do you want me to put you back to sleep?"

Jimin hummed as he pushed his hips back to get Yoongi deeper. "She was kicking my bladder. I got up three times last night. The latest was ten minutes ago."

Ah, so that explains why he was cold; Jimin left their bed. They both always sleep better with Yoongi's cock inside Jimin. He leaned up and kissed Jimin's stomach, getting a kick in return. "I'll put her to sleep. Get some rest, love."

The rocking motion and getting cum always gave Jimin a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. And Yoongi was more than willing to do that as many times a day as his Omega needed. "Thank you, Alpha."

He rocked his hips slowly; if he went too fast, the pup wouldn't go to sleep. Not that he minded going slow; he was still sleepy himself. Since he mainly produces, he usually has to meet with the artists online in the middle of the night. He didn't get to bed until around 4 that morning, and a quick look at the clock told him it was barely 8. 

"I can't wait until she's here and I can hold her," he whispered.

"Stop talking about our pup and knot me; I'm tired," Jimin grumbled.

Yoongi snorted and started moving again. Jimin started showing shortly after they made the move to Colorado, and it made Yoongi go absolutely feral with his need to have his scent on him. He needed everyone to know that this gorgeous man was his and no one else's; his Alpha loved it.

His hips moved back and forth, and his hand moved down to tease at Jimin's cock. "Alpha," he whined.

Yoongi wrapped his fingers around the cock that was leaking so much pre-cum. "I've got you, baby, Alphas here."

Yoongi was always sensitive in the mornings, and Jimin was sensitive all the time. So it never takes much to get them both to cum. Three thrusts later, his knot locked them together, and Jimin came all over his hand. He licked his hand clean before wrapping his arms around Jimin tighter. "You are the greatest thing that ever happened to me," he whispered to his snoring mate. "I love you so much."

"No," Tae whined, "I don't want to wake up."

Jin chuckled before he kissed Tae's forehead. "It's Joon's first day at the museum. Are you really not going to come?"

"That's not fair," he pouted. He opened his eyes slowly before pushing out his lips for a kiss, one that Jin was more than willing to give him. "Carry me?"

A loud snort left Jin as he reached down to pick Tae up: " You aren't even pregnant, and you are already really needy."

"Just wait until I am, mate," Tae was grinning, and Jin loved it.

They'd all changed so much in the seven months since they'd moved there. The babies had all thrived; being free looked good on them. It only took Tae a month of living there to open up to them and confess how he felt about them. They mated two months later.

"I can't wait, but you know the deal: Joon wants a pup first."

Tae sighed as he was sat into the warm water, he pouted until the Alpha got in behind him. "I'm fine with whatever my Alphas decide."

Jin kissed his mating mark, "So after we all go see Joon, we need a distraction for Jiminie so we can get his party set up."

"Kook and Yoonji already have it planned. She's going to tell him that they decided on having a pup, and she wants to go buy some lingerie."

"Have they decided who is going to get her pregnant?"

Tae shook his head. "I think they are both just going to try, and whichever sperm is faster wins." He turned around to look at Jin. " I kind of wish you two would do that, too."

"You just want both of our cocks at once again, you little cock slut."

He was grinning, his scent filling the entire room and making Jin so fucking hungry. "And I don't remember you complaining."

"Get clean, you menace."

Kook was bouncing up and down, "do you think it will work?"

Yoonji giggled as she sat in Hobi's lap, "of course it will. You know how Minnie is. He'll go ballistic once he finds out that we are ready for a pup. He pouted for hours the other day when he realized that his pup would be alone."

"And while you guys are out buying sexy time outfits, the rest of us will be decorating the museum for his party."

He grinned at Hobi, "still can't believe they are letting us stay the night in the museum."

"Well Joon is in charge, who's gonna tell him no?"

He couldn't stop smiling; he loved his mates so much. He'll never forget the night they mated. Hobi had just knotted him, and Yoonji was still bouncing on top of his cock. They exchanged bites, and Kook had never been happier. He never thought his life could be like this; he even had a job. Both him and Tae did, they taught Art to pups at a local school.

It was what made them both want to start trying for pups of their own. That way, Minnie's wouldn't be alone, and they'd have pups of their own to teach. "I'm so excited."

Jimin was tired, so fucking tired. But it was Joon's big day, so he'll deal with the swollen feet and sore back to celebrate his friend. "Do you want me to carry you?"

He glared at Yoongi. His mate was just a little too intuned to every little emotion he went through. "No, we are almost done, and they want to go shopping after."

The Alphas smiled at each other; they only had maybe two hours before Jimin would give up and want to go home. That gave them just enough time to decorate and get the food ready. 

Yoonji dragged Jimin behind her. She needed to stall just thirty more minutes, and then they could go back and have the party so Jimin could go home and get some rest. "Last place, I promise."

Jimin scoffed, "Sure. I believe you."

Tae tried his hardest not to laugh, but Jimin was being so moody that it was cracking him up. "Just think about how excited Yoongi will be when he gets to unwrap his present tomorrow."

"It's my birthday; he should be dressing up for me, not the other way around. I'm too fat to wear that anyway."

"Don't act like you don't get his knot multiple times a day; give it up." Kook was rolling his eyes so hard.

Yoonji nodded that they were ready and could head back: " Let's go get those silly Alphas and get some food in our bellies."

As soon as they walked into the room, everyone shouted Surprise, making Jimin squeak and hold his belly. Yoongi ran over to him, "Baby, are you okay?"

"No, you asshole, I'm seven months pregnant, and you just literally scared the piss out of me."

Everyone snickered, and Joon went to his locker and grabbed a pair of sweats—the ones he wears to the gym after work. "They'll be big on you, but they are pee-free."

"Thank you, Joon." Then he looked at his Alpha and glared before turning around to change.

"He peed himself," Kook howled as he clapped his hands together and giggled manically. "This is the best day ever."

A/N you guys really are the best. Thank you for all of your continued support. I love you all so much my amazing chaos goblins.

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