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"Look, I'll be the first to admit that I don't know shit about construction. But even I have to admit that Yoongi was right."

Joon hummed a bit as he looked at the parking lot before him. The one that, according to the satellite image Jin looked at last night, had a very large building on it. "That buildings don't disappear overnight?"

"That buildings don't disappear overnight," Jin confirmed with a far-off look on his face.

"Do you think that maybe someone tampered with the satellite feed, and what you saw isn't what was actually here?"

Jin spun around to look at Joon, "can someone even do that?"

The younger shrugged a bit, "It seems more likely than someone making an entire fucking building disappear in like 18ish hours, don't you think?"

"This is. Joon, I don't know what's going on, and you know I hate that. I hate not being," he started to choke up; he couldn't even finish what he was saying. 

Joon wrapped his arms around his mate. He loved him so fiercely; it's not common for Alphas to mate. But Joon didn't give a fuck what anyone thought because the moment he saw Seokjin, he knew that was it for him. "I know, you hate not being in control. We'll figure it out; I'll use that big, sexy brain of mine."

Jin snorted, "It is a big, sexy brain."

He had accomplished his goal; his mate wasn't upset anymore. But they had to get to the bottom of this: how do you get rid of a building, and where were the 100 bodies of the Omegas that were killed?

Jisoo was pacing back and forth, "How did you not catch this earlier?" She was livid; this is why Alphas weren't allowed to be in charge of anything. Her fucking father was probably distracted getting his knot wet while they were losing millions.

"Do you know how many Pleasure Houses there are in this country?"

She whipped around and narrowed her eyes at him, "I do, do you?" The chill in the air made her father shiver a bit. "Not only can I tell you exactly how many houses we have, I can tell you how many Omegas are in those houses." She leaned down over the desk to get eye-to-eye with him, "Now tell me how you didn't notice that a Pleasure House that services three fucking cities hadn't made any money in over six months?"

Mr. Park was given two things upon his marriage to his wife: a beautiful Omega and the CEO position over the Pleasure Houses. Something that he loved because he could test out as many Omegas as he wanted. He could have his meetings at the one closest to his office, and after they were done, he could treat his buddies to a good time.

It was a nice system, something that he'd been doing for over twenty-five years now. He never really had to do much; they ran on their own, and the Matrons handled all of the day-to-day things in charge of each house. He didn't even catch the missing payments; his secretary did, and before she even told him, she called Jisoo. 

He found out because his daughter stormed into his office and all but threw his Omega onto the ground when he was so close to knotting him for the third time that afternoon. "I don't handle the finances," he grumbled. Did she not have any sympathy for him? Being that close to knotting and being denied, it fucking hurts. He was in excruciating pain right now.

"You get monthly reports, yes?" He nodded once, already afraid of where this was going, "then please tell me why it wasn't caught until Ella came back?"

He didn't catch it because Ella was on maternity leave, and she's the one who usually compiles the spreadsheet. He didn't even bother doing it while she was gone. Was he going to admit that to his enraged daughter? Hell to the fucking no, he was going to keep his mouth shut and let her get it all out before he finishes what he was doing before she stormed in there. "I don't have an answer to that, but I can look into it."

"Useless, that's all Alphas are. If I didn't need Yoongi, I wouldn't even bother marrying him."

The Alpha wanted to roll his eyes so hard; why did she give Yoongi the prettiest pet anyone had ever seen? He's honestly jealous that he didn't get an Omega from the BTS line. But alas, he'd already been married for several years when his wife had that dream. 

He even had his original Omega reset so he could get one, but his wife stopped that and gave him a lesser one. He gets the job done, and the other Omegas he gets to use hold him over. But he would have loved to get his hands on a BTS one. Maybe his son-in-law will let him borrow Jimin when he's over.

It's not an uncommon practice by any means; it was bragging rights if your Omega could make another Alpha cum. "Why are you smiling? You have no reason to fucking smile."

He didn't realize that he had zoned out, "I'll fix this, I promise."

Jisoo scoffed, "Don't bother, you just keep inflating your fucking knot, and I'll handle the business. This will mean more time away from Yoongi, but clearly, you can't be trusted with this, and I know he won't want to leave that silly little label he owns. It's almost cute how he thinks he's doing something."

Park wanted to growl at his daughter for speaking to him like that. But he knew that if he pissed her off, his wife would find out, and he could not only lose his Omega but access to the Pleasure Houses as well. So he just sat there and looked upset while she ranted. Because all he wanted her to do was leave.

"Oh my God," Hobi's mother screamed as she jumped up and down in excitement, "is this for real? Please tell me this is for real."

Hobi chuckled a bit before his mother tried squeezing him to death. "Mom," he whined, "I can't breathe."

"Sorry, sorry," she let go of him only to grab Yoonji and squeeze the life out of her.

"Yah, don't kill her before I get to marry her, Dad. Can you help out and control your wife?"

It was said in teasing because his father was sitting on the couch watching his family with sparkles in his eyes. His parents never went the Omega route. They talked about it before they got married and decided mutually that they wouldn't do that. It almost bit them in the ass when they struggled to conceive. They were weeks away from actually purchasing one to use as a surrogate when his mother found out she was pregnant. 

"Honey, if you want grandkids, I suggest you don't kill them. Can you imagine little pups running around with her gummy smile?"

That made his mom burst into tears, "Oh my gosh, their pups are going to be the absolute cutest."

"Mom and Dad, please sit down. There are a few things we need to talk about."

"Uh oh," his Dad whispered into his wife's ear, "Are we in trouble?" It made her giggle, which is what he wanted. 

Yoonji shook her head, "no one is in trouble. It's just," she blew out her breath and looked like she was about to cry. Hobi didn't even have time to comfort her before his parents descended and started to fuss over her. His mom even went as far as pushing him over on the couch so she could sit next to Yoonji.

"If my dumb son has done anything to hurt you, let me know, and I'll end him, I swear."

"Mom," Hobi squeaked, very non-Alpha-like.

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