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Friday, he woke up to the sounds of Yoonji in the kitchen, which is definitely not a good thing. She can barely manage to make a bowl of cereal without something burning. A trait that he teases her mercifully for, considering you don't even heat up cereal; it's milk, cereal, a bowl, and a spoon. It's not hard. So he quickly got out of bed and threw some sweats on. "Please tell me you aren't attempting to cook; for the love of God, I can't handle another microwave catching on fire."

"It was one time," Yoonji huffed back.

"I'm here, don't fret," Hobi chuckled from the kitchen.

Thank fuck, Yoongi mumbled low enough for only Hobi's Alpha hearing to catch. He sat down at the kitchen island, and Yoonji was sitting on the counter beside the stove while Hobi was cooking for the three of them. It was easy to see how much they loved each other, and Yoongi wanted nothing more than for them to be together. Hobi turns 22 in around a year, so he'll let them be happy for as long as possible.

They ate mostly in silence; even if it was Yoonji's birthday, it was never a boisterous affair even before they started their tradition. Yoonji has never really liked her birthday, but that's because of how people treated her. She gets respect for being a Beta and a Min, but it's nowhere near what she deserved. It shouldn't matter who her mother is; it certainly doesn't to Yoongi.

When breakfast was over, Hobi drove the two siblings to the graveyard. That became part of their tradition as soon as Hobi could drive—a way to support his best friend and the woman he loved so much. He'd wait in the car while the two of them made the journey to the headstone. Yoonji bowed and then kissed Yoongi on the cheek before standing behind him.

The Alpha sat down in front of the headstone and cleaned up the mess that was around it. "Hi, Mom, it's been another year. I'm sorry I don't come more often; it's just hard." He chuckled a bit, "I'll be 22 soon, 22 years since we lost you. I'm still sorry about that. I won't start with you never should never have had me spiel, since we both know that Yoonji will kick me again. So I'll go with the usual. Thank you for having me, even if it means that I'll never get to meet you. I'll live a happy life in your honor." He stood up and brushed the dead grass and dirt from his pants. "I love you; I'll see you next year."

Yoonji stood behind him, "I'll take care of him, I promise." Then she held out her hand for Yoongi to hold as they walked back to the car.

"Thank you for always coming with me and for sacrificing your birthday." He stopped walking to look at her, "you know I'd do just about anything for you, right?"

She smiled at him; she had the same gummy smile, which was strange because the only person in their family who had that was Min Eunae. But he loved seeing it on his little sister; they may not share a mother, but they both shared part of her in a way. "I know, but you don't have to. I can take care of myself."

Yoonji could; of course, she could. He can only shield so much, but she shouldn't have to be so strong when she's so young. "Are you ready?"

Yoongi shook his head, "absolutely not. But will I go regardless? Yes. It's still your birthday dinner."

"Then let's go home and get dressed. It's one night; how bad could it be?"

Turns out, really fucking bad.

When he walked into the living room with his sister on his arm, other people were there. Park Jisoo and her parents, an Omega that was cockwarming her Alpha father with his mouth, as well as an Omega, kneeled beside her with his head down. 

"What the fuck is this?" Yoongi was angry seeing more Omegas in the house, but at least one of them wasn't currently being abused because Eunjae was currently bouncing up and down on his father's cock. He pushed his sister behind him; yes, she's seen it multiple times, but she still shouldn't have to see her mother subjected to that. "Yoonji is here," he hissed.

His father looked at him and ignored his son, "Yoongi, you know Jisoo, of course. Her parents and I have been working on the contract for your marriage for a year now. And since you are turning 22 soon, it's time to finalize it. You'll be legally married next week, and then we'll have the ceremony later this year. It'll give Jisoo and her mother time to plan it."

Yoongi was seething with rage. As if they didn't already have every single last detail planned. "No," he growled out, making the Omega that was kneeling beside Jisoo flinch and pump out his tangerine scent. It was an automatic response Omegas had to their assigned Alpha. Fuck fuck fuck, how was he going to get out of this?

"It's happening, son, whether you like it or not. Now, Jisoo has even been gracious enough to pick out the prettiest Omega I've ever seen, and she's offered to let him move in tonight so you can ensure he's the one you want before the wedding next week."

"I guess I have to repeat myself since you didn't hear me the first time, no."

Min Doyun is not a man to be trifled with; his word is law. He looked at the Parks, "Yoonji will escort you to the dining room. Eunjae, you may go as well, and you will be waiting under the table." 

Jisoo looked at the Omega on the ground, "You will wait here." And with that, they left. The two Omegas followed them with their heads bowed and their hands clasped in front of them. The only people left in the room were the three of them. The Omega was still pumping out his scent to try to calm Yoongi.

"Sit, son."

"I will not do this, I will not," Yoongi's father held his hand up. 

"Let me propose a deal for you. You marry that Beta and you use your Omega like the good Alpha you are, and I'll let Yoonji marry that Jung boy."

Yoongi's heart stopped; that was so incredibly low. Offering something he knew Yoonji wanted so badly. It was diabolical and smart because there was no way he could deny it. "Father," he choked out.

Again, the Alpha raised his hand, "I know you are against this son. I know that you never wanted to get married or have an Omega." Yoongi was getting distracted because the Omega's scent soured a bit. He'd never been around an Omega that could do that. Their scents were always appealing, no matter how unhappy they were.

He had to be going crazy because his father didn't even notice. "You would be correct," he gritted out, teeth clenched. He could almost taste the scent, which drove his Alpha insane, and he wanted to respond and soothe the poor thing. 

"The Parks are from the first family, Yoongi; I know you want to make changes. Your best friend is the President's son. This is how you can do it: you are marrying the great-great-granddaughter of the Omega creator. She will be gone 90% of the time; you want to change things and make your sister happy? Then marry this girl and fuck that Omega."

Yoongi growled, "I want them not to be slaves anymore; how would fucking one help them?"

"It will help you maintain appearances until you can achieve what you want. You don't even have to do it right away; no one will know if you have or not unless they are an Alpha. She won't be able to smell your scent on him, so keep her father away, and you are golden."

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