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Yoonji looked at her brother. On this day, he was usually sad and withdrawn. But because of Jimin, he was laughing and smiling. This was all she ever wanted for him, and Jimin was giving him so much more than she could have ever hoped for. They'd have to see their father tonight; it was a tradition that Yoongi hated.

It got a little better when they moved out. But Min Doyun didn't like to be alone on his wife's death day. He wanted Yoongi right where he could see him and knew he was safe. Now that they don't live with him, he demands they come over for dinner every year. Something that Yoongi hates with all his heart.

She doesn't mind as much because she gets to see her mother. And since the Parks aren't going to be there, she won't have to worry about him being used. She's never blamed her father for the way he treats her mother. Doyun has never been the best at showing affection to anyone, including his children. But seeing her mother's blank stare is heartbreaking; he's nothing like Jimin, who pouts when he doesn't get his way.

Eunjae only shows his personality when Doyun isn't around. He smiles and laughs; he would make silly voices when he read them stories as children. That's how she sees him. For her birthday, he was the one who baked her cake. He was the one who sang her happy birthday and showered her with love. And when this is all over, when he's free, maybe he'll finally be able to be happy.

"Are you ready to go, Baby?" Yoongi asked and snapped Yoonji out of her thoughts. He was smiling his gummy smile, the one that they shared. They look so much alike that they easily pass as twins. She'd heard it most of her life, not that she minded; she loved her brother more than anything. It was always strange how much alike they looked, considering Yoongi was the spitting image of his birth mother.

They shouldn't look alike at all; it doesn't make any sense. But they do, and she's always been thankful for that. She watched Jimin preen on his Alpha's lap, giggle, and tease her brother. Everything would be okay; she knew it would be because it had to be, for all their sakes.

Jimin was so excited; he gets to see and hear his pup today and with the best Alpha in the world. He couldn't stop bouncing up and down in the seat. He didn't even care that he was wearing his collar and naked in front of everyone. He ignored all the looks that Alphas gave him as he walked by. They got stopped more than once because of several Alphas wanted to know why two Omegas were out without their Madam or Alpha.

Yoongi even got stopped because he was an Omega out without a collar. He put all the Alphas in their place. But it didn't stop the looks they both got; Yoongi was very pretty for an Alpha with his pink hair. It was easy to see why they wanted him so much. Jimin had to hold himself back so he didn't growl at them.

A fight would occur if he growled at an alpha out in public. It wasn't like at home, where Hobi, Jin, Joon, and Yoongi didn't care. He growled at Jin that morning because he was teasing him about how he'd survive on nothing but sweets and cum if Yoongi allowed it. Was it true? Absolutely, but why would you not want to smother your crepe in Nutella?

But instead of being punished, all he got from Jin was a fond look and his windshield-wiper laugh. He seriously loved his life so much; he was happy as long as he had his family. And now, with a pup, it would be even better. He can see Hobi doting on a little one, Joon reading them books, and Jin making all their baby food from scratch because they deserve nothing but the best.

The waiting room was nice and clean; there were a few Betas and several Omegas in the waiting room and their Alphas. Thankfully, they weren't the only pair without their Beta, so they didn't stand out other than Yoongi's pink hair. Yoongi's knee was bouncing up and down, and Jimin wanted to reach out and stop it so severely, but he couldn't. All he could do was kneel at his Alpha's feet.

He won't be expected to kneel when he's farther along, but as far as the world knows, he's not even pregnant yet. He's here to have his Madam's eggs fertilized and placed inside his womb so he can grow the pup for his Alpha and Madam-as a good Omega should. But instead, he's already pregnant with his Alpha's pup, and they will have to lie to the world.

Until they can change things, he'll never be able to call his pup his own, claim the little thing in front of anyone besides his family, go to their first day of school, or celebrate their birthday and Christmas with them. Eventually, Jisoo will get sick of waiting and demand Yoongi mate her. And where will that leave Jimin?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Yoongi whispered right into Jimin's ear. From an outsider's perspective, it looked like he was disciplining him since he was also being scruffed. They've talked about what roles they had to play in public, and Jimin is more than okay with it. Yoongi's the one that has issues with everything. Jimin has never wanted more than to be his Omega, owned and used by him. "Your scent is going haywire."

Jimin shook his head once; they couldn't talk about it here. If Jimin started, he'd cry, and an Omega can't cry or show emotions. It's wrong, according to the rules. Yoongi squeezed his neck one last time before he let go and sat up. Usually, he'd run his fingers through his hair and pet him softly until he calmed down. But again, that's not something they could do in public.

Yoongi's name was called, and Jimin got up and walked behind the Alpha with his head down, as expected. As soon as they were in the back, Jimin was asked to pee in a cup and weighed. Then they sat in an exam room and waited for the Doctor who was going to help them.

Dr. Harin was a shorter lady with a black bob and an infectious smile. "Well, first off, I want to congratulate the new parents, and I'm sorry that we have to lie and hide that this beautiful pup is yours. But I will try to make this as easy as possible." She patted the examination bed and smiled at Jimin, "Now hop up, and we'll see if we can find the heartbeat before we get to the ultrasound."

He was practically buzzing with excitement, and he was utterly thankful that the only person who could smell his scent was Yoongi because he knew his scent was getting stronger in his happiness. But there was no way he could stop it; he was here with his Alpha and their pup. Yoongi leaned down and kissed his temple, "Glad you are finally happy. But I want to know what was going on in your head out there. Promise to tell me later?"

Jimin nodded his head before he kissed Yoongi quickly on the lips. Before he could even tell him, of course, the Doctor blurted out an ah-ha, and then they heard it. The fast thumping of their pup's heart. "Oh, this is a strong pup; listen to that heartbeat." And she was right; it sounded like such a strong heartbeat. "Alright, I got that recorded for you, and now we do the ultrasound."

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