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On Thursday, Jimin and Yoongi pleasured each other as much as they possibly could. Only leaving the bed for bathroom and snack breaks. Yoongi taught Jimin how great his tongue could feel on his tight little rim. He showed him how much he could stretch when he had four fingers deep inside him.

The Omega particularly enjoyed riding the Alpha's face and cumming all over his chest. He'd preen every time he'd see the Alpha's slick-covered face as he scooped up the cum from his chest and swallowed it with a groan. He kept begging the Alpha to fuck him, knot him; he wanted it so badly. 

But Yoongi couldn't; he couldn't fuck him yet. Not when he was getting married tomorrow. Not when his little group was trying to change the world for the better. He didn't know how long he could hold out because Jimin was more than tempting, but he would give it his best.

"I swear to God I've never cum so much in my entire life," Yoongi was gasping as he lay beside Jimin in their nest. The Omega was doing so many Omegan traits, and it was adorable. The first round of Omegas purred and nested; they could be calmed down with scenting and soft touches. But that was bred out of them. It was too annoying for Alphas to have to calm the Omegas down constantly, and the Betas didn't like seeing the nest all over their houses.

So they took it out of them, but looking at Jimin, Yoongi couldn't imagine why they wouldn't want them to do those things. It was adorable seeing him fuss with items for his nest, making it just perfect for the two of them. It was calming to hear him purr and to scent him; Yoongi honestly thought that he probably enjoyed those things more than the Omega did.

"We are just getting started," Jimin purred as he straddled his Alpha. "Next one has to be on my face so they can smell you. Surely no Alpha would want to touch me if I'm reeking of your cum."

The little shit was being cheeky, and they both knew it. But Yoongi loved the sassy and bratty side of him. "Oh, you think so? Maybe I should cum on more than just your face. Maybe I should cum all over you and rub it in like lotion."

Jimin loved that idea; he loved smelling like Yoongi. He rocked his hips, rubbing their cocks together, and it felt so good. His slick was all over the Alpha, and his inner Omega loved the idea that the Alpha smelled like him, claimed and sated. "You need to shower Alpha," he grumbled.

He didn't want him to, but if he went to the wedding smelling like Jimin, Mr. Park would tell Jisoo, and Jimin would be punished. "I'm sorry, Baby, I really am."

The Omega rolled over in his Alpha's arms, "Don't be. I know my place."

"Your place is beside me, not her. I will fix this," he whispered before he kissed Jimin on the forehead and got up to get ready for a wedding he absolutely did not want to attend.

The six of them walked into the hall where the contract signing would take place. Jin grumbled the entire way there about how much Jimin stank, but that only made the two of them smell even worse, as their scents took over the entire car.

Jisoo frowned as she looked at the Omega next to her Alpha, he had no marks on him, and she could clearly see no cum dripping out of his hole. "Why is he not used? Was he not to your satisfaction?"

"What do you mean?" Yoongi had his eyebrow raised in annoyance.

"I see no cum," she deadpanned.

Jin snorted so loud that Joon had to apologize for him. "Oh, I prefer to be woken up with his mouth. There is nothing better than some blowjobs in the morning. It's better than coffee." 

Yoongi's face was blank, and he spoke with as much enthusiasm as if he were talking about the color beige. All that did was make Jin snort even louder.

"Damn, Yoongi, you've been having fun."

Jisoo looked at her father, all confused, "What do you mean, father?"

The older Alpha looked at his daughter, "that Omega reeks of his cum. Like it couldn't be more potent than if he bathed him in it. Don't worry, dear, he's well used." He walked a little closer, "In fact, while you two are signing the papers, I can keep him company. I'd love to see how well he treats my knot."

Jin stepped in front of the two of them before Yoongi could do anything dumb, "actually, Yoongi promised me that I could use him. You are the father. You should be there at the signing, but I don't need to be. Besides, Joon and I are looking to get ourselves a BTS one, so this is like a trial run."

They had discussed it before, but it was still hard for Yoongi to keep control. He knew that Jin wouldn't actually do anything to the Omega. But he'd have to pretend really well. Mr. Park frowned, "Ah yes, I heard there are two more left. It's a shame, really; I wanted one after my first Omega suddenly passed. But I never got the chance." He looked at Yoongi with a look to let him know this was not over, "I guess it's a good thing that I now have one in the family."

Yoongi would rather die than let anyone touch Jimin. So he just stood there; his reputation as being aloof was really helping him. "Come Jimin, I have a cock you can warm while you wait for your Alpha. If you make me cum, I'll reward you with Joon's cock."

Jimin played his part well; he looked at his Alpha for permission, and when Yoongi nodded, he walked to where Jin had sat down in a chair. The Alpha got his cock out and raised his eyebrow at Jimin. Yoongi was wound up so tightly that he was about to rush over there and grab Jimin. The only reason he didn't is because Yoonji grabbed his arm and looped hers through. "Come, let's go see the contract."

The faster they could get this done, the faster he could get his Omega back home and to safety. Yes, he knew that Jin wouldn't do anything, but his Alpha didn't like seeing his Omega kneeling before another Alpha. Jisoo seemed really pleased that Yoongi was paying attention to her. She kept rattling on about their mating and how she was so sorry that they had to wait at least a month since she was going to be out of the country. Apparently, the Parks were trying to get Omegas to other countries. No one else had been able to replicate them so well.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. I want to wait for mating until we get to know each other better. I think that would be best for our wolves." She frowned. Her wolf would love to be mated immediately; what was he talking about?

"I don't understand."

Yoongi sighed as he finished signing everything, "I haven't known about this wedding for months. I found out on the day our engagement was announced. No one has asked my opinions on this marriage, and yet I'm here doing my duty. I only ask that we wait for mating until my Alpha is okay with this."

"I think that's a great idea; my late wife and I did that as well, and as you know, we had a very happy marriage before I lost her."

He looked at his father and in that moment he was so very thankful, he also knew that he was full of shit, but in this case it was in his favor. Mr. Park sighed, "They are right, Jisoo. Yoongi had no prior knowledge of this. I think it's only fair. Besides, you gave him an amazing Omega, and he knows that if he doesn't go through with this, he'll lose him, and I doubt he wants that."

A chill ran down his spine; they had to get that law passed.

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