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When Jin and Joon left, Yoongi looked at Yoonji and said, "I need to call Jisoo over. I have a lot of questions that only she can answer. Do you want to stay here while she's here?"

Yoonji was shaking her head no but wouldn't answer; Hobi sighed a bit, "We'll head to my parent's place. I need to warn them what your father is up to. Not that I don't think this is real. It's just a little too good to be true."

"Why did you do it?"

He looked at his little sister, the person he loved most in the entire world. She looked so sad and she shouldn't, she's getting to marry someone she loves so much. "You know why," he whispered back just as softly as she had asked.

"I need to hear you say it."

Yoongi sighed as he leaned forward, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands as he ran his fingers through his messy strands. "He made me an offer, one I couldn't refuse."

Hobi snorted in a very annoyed way, "What is this, The Godfather? Cut the shit, Yoongi, and tell us."

"He told me that if I agreed to this marriage, he would let you two get married."

And because Yoonji knows him better than everyone, she glared a bit, "That's not all. Tell me everything. I need to know why you agreed to this."

"He reminded me that I hate the entire Omega situation and how they are treated. So if I marry into the very family that made them, I'd have an easier time bringing it down." He stopped, but she raised her eyebrow a bit, "Fine, fuck. He also reminded me that her father would know if I used Jimin or not. So I'd have to get over that and fuck the poor thing before we sign the papers."

"And you don't want to do that?"

"Of course I don't. He's the victim in this."

"Yoongs," Hobi sighed, a little exasperated. "I know how you feel about them; I feel the same. But that Omega is infatuated with you."

"Because he was trained to be," he whispered, yelling at his best friend.

"No, it's different from other Omegas. They have this blank look on their faces, as if their eyes are unfocused and they aren't really there. It's their way of disassociating from what is happening to them. Jimin's eyes are clear; he wants you."

"How do you know? You haven't seen him being violated."

"I saw him after you brought him up from under the table where he had your cock in his mouth. He looked annoyed that he was stopped. We all saw him pouting when you made him sit on the couch beside you but not touching you. He's different, and you are going to have to figure out something before Friday."

"I know," he groaned as he fell down on his side. "But first, I need to speak to Jisoo, unfortunately."

"She's going to be your wife; you are going to see her a lot."

"Don't remind me. Hopefully, she'll be so busy that I won't see her often. I know I won't like what I'll have to do when she's around."

The two took their leave while Yoongi texted Jisoo. Apparently, the Beta was excited that he had reached out because she was at the door before his sister and Hobi even had a chance to leave. "Where's the Omega?"

Yoongi sat up from where he was lying down. Why did she sound so angry? "What?"

"Where is that Omega? I can't believe he disobeyed me so soon. When we are done, you'll have to punish him. He should be on your cock right now."

He counted back from ten so he didn't murder her before they had a chance to get married. Not that he wanted that, but Jimin would be set to the Pleasure Houses if anything happened to Jisoo before they were married. "I sent him to get cleaned up and take a nap. We were awake most of the night. And if I'm being honest, the thought of getting hard right now makes me want to puke."

It wasn't a lie; thinking about Jimin made him sick even more since she was there.

"Oh well, that's good; at least he pleasured you well." He hummed, a noncommital agreement to what she was saying. "Why did you want to see me then? I figured I wouldn't hear from you before we signed the contracts, and you had to."

She wasn't wrong; if he didn't need answers, he damn sure wouldn't have reached out. "Jimin said that he was part of the BTS Omegas, that they were for VIPs, and that he had special training. Would you elaborate?"

"Of course. A little over twenty years ago, my mother had a dream, and in this dream, she was told that she was going to have a daughter. That the daughter would marry a very important Alpha and that they should have a special Omega. So, the first round was made. Only ten survived to birth, and only four survived their presentation. It takes two years for them to be born versus the normal nine months."

"Uh, okay. Jimin said that they stopped making them."

She frowned a bit, "He's correct; he must have been listening to the reports we were going over. That will have to be punished twice; please do that, as I won't have time today." Yoongi nodded his head; it was not like he would actually do it. But it appeased her. "Yes, they stopped; it was too expensive to continue even more because of the low survival rates. The second batch, the one Jimin was in, yielded 14, but after their presentation, there were only two that survived. Jimin is one of them. The third and final batch was the largest; 17 survived, but only one became a full Omega."

"So seven survived? Those were the seven you had to choose from?"

"Yes and no; seven survived, but there are only three left. Other members of our family received the first four. No one can afford to purchase them, so we don't have to really worry about it. I was annoyed at my lack of selection, but Jimin would have been the one I picked regardless."

Yoongi cocked his head to the side, "why would you have picked him?"

"You are small for an Alpha," she deadpanned. He wanted to be annoyed, but it was true. He is on the smaller side. "Jimin is the only one that is smaller than you. The rest are taller than you, and some were large enough to dwarf you."

"Fair enough, what makes them so special?"

"They are trained in more than pleasing Alphas sexually. They can sing, are extraordinarily beautiful, and play an instrument, as well as dance and art. Jimin has an angelic voice, he can play the guitar, and he specializes in ballet and contemporary dancing. He's also very good at drawing. It's literally programmed into their DNA; they believe that's why so many of them didn't survive. But since they've been given to all Parks, the program was shut down as it was costing the company billions."

"How much are they if you had to buy them?"

"Hmm," she hummed as she looked at her phone. She stood up quickly, "Sorry, I must go; there's a problem at a Pleasure House down South. But they are two billion a piece, I believe, versus the one million normal Omegas costs." She bowed slightly and made her way to the front door.

Well, shit, he had no idea if his father would shell out that much money on an Omega. They might not be able to save Jimin's friends. And that's not something that he can fail in. Yes, he wants all of them saved, but if he could save his Omega's friends first, then that's what they are going to do. He needed to speak to Jimin.

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