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Jimin woke up, and his entire body was hurting, but not in the way he wanted it to hurt. He hurt because he was literally starving to death, and no amount of food would fix it. He got it; he understood why, but it was something the Alpha was going to have to get over if he wanted Jimin to survive. 

He looked at the cup that had such a fantastic scent coming from it. He pulled it toward him and smiled, while he would much rather have it from the source. At least he was getting to taste it again. Once the cup was downed, he expected to feel better like he did the last time he drank his Alpha's cum. But he didn't; he did feel better, but nowhere near how he felt when Yoongi came on him. 

Once he was done, he stumbled his way to the bathroom to clean the cup. He wanted to just walk out there with nothing on; he seriously hated wearing clothes. But he knew that the Alpha didn't want that, so he stomped his way to the Alpha's closet to put on a shirt. They were practically swimming on him, but the delicious scent more than made up for it.

Now, the issue was being able to walk to the living room without passing out. It was going to be difficult, but he needed his Alpha. "Alpha," he croaked when he was in the hallway, leaning up against the wall. He could only make it about five feet before he had to stop. He heard the Alpha before he saw him as he ran around the corner.

"Baby, are you okay?" The elder's voice was full of worry, and it was making Jimin's heartbeat flutter like crazy. Jimin didn't even have a chance to reply before he was picked up bridal style and carried into the living room. But much to his dismay, he was put down on the couch next to Yoongi instead of on his lap. Baby steps, he told himself.

Jin was cracking up so badly; Yoongi is just too fucking cute the way he dotes on Jimin. Infinite teasing material right there. "Baby," he cackled, "God, I love it."

With a roll of his eyes, Yoongi flipped Jin off, "Don't act like you two won't be the same exact way with your Omega. There's no way you won't turn into mush balls around him." He looked at Hobi and Yoonji next, "Plus, I give Yoonji a week before their Omega has her wrapped around his little finger. And once Yoonji falls, Hobi will be right behind her."

Jimin was purring as he slowly made his way closer to the Alpha and his amazing scent. He was seriously in heaven, and he was thanking his lucky stars for being picked for this Alpha. He would have preferred that the Alpha use him as he so desperately wanted him to. He knows it's only because it's Yoongi, if it were any other Alpha he'd want nothing to do with them.

A loud snort came from the eldest in the room, "You are probably right, but that doesn't mean I won't tease the shit out of you anyway." He clapped his hands and looked at Yoongi with a serious face. One he rarely ever uses as he much prefers being the fun one, "back to what we were saying. Clearly, drinking from a cup isn't working based on how Jimin looks right now."

Yoongi turned his head to look at Jimin, who was much closer than where he placed him. It made him want to smile, but Jin was right. After the morning incident, Jimin practically glowed; the dark circles under his eyes went away, and everything about him was shiny. His eyes had sparkles in them for fucks sake, now he just looked dull. Like his lifeforce was being drained from him.

"I can't," Yoongi whispered.

"It's a fuck or die situation at this point, Yoongi," Joon cut in before his mate could say something. "If you care about him like we think you do, you will have to get over it. Plus, he doesn't smell like you as much. If you take him around Mr. Park and he's not drowning in your scent, he will say something. You will already have a hard enough time keeping him away from Jimin. You know how Alphas like to share, and he's going to expect you to share."

Jimin's scent was so distressed; he didn't want that man to touch him. The way he was looking at him on the car ride to meet Yoongi made him feel like something was crawling all over his skin. He whimpered softly, and Yoongi wrapped his arm around him and pulled him as close to his side as he could. It wasn't enough for Jimin, but it was better than not touching the Alpha.

"He will not touch Jimin," Yoongi growled out with his eyes flashing red. His Alpha was fighting for control, and it was taking everything in him to keep it in check. The thought of that man touching Jimin didn't sit right with him. 

"He will if Jimin isn't drowning in your scent, and you know it. He still may even try, regardless. Yoongi, you have to be prepared." Joon sighed. He hated all of it, "What are you going to do about Jisoo? You have a tomorrow, and then you are married, which means you have less than 36 hours to drown Jimin in your scent so much that no one will be able to question you."

Yoongi was so tuned into Jimin's scent that he noticed that it soured when Jisoo was mentioned but sweetened when they mentioned drowning in his scent. "I'm not worried about Jisoo."

"Yoongi," Jin sighed. "She is going to be your wife. She's going to want to consummate this marriage at some point. How are you even going to do that?"

Saying that he was not into Betas was not even needed, they all knew. But he couldn't focus on that; he had to focus on Jimin, who was spiraling according to his scent. The poor thing whimpered out a sound so heartbreaking that Yoongi had no choice but to let his Alpha take over. He pulled Jimin onto his lap and moved the Omega's face into his neck so he could breathe in the Alpha's scent, where it was the strongest.

His arms wrapped around the tiny thing as his large hands ran up and down Jimin's back. He could feel each bump on his spine, and it was breaking his heart. He murmured soft words into Omega's ear until his scent was at least somewhat better. It was still sour but better than before. Yoongi no longer felt like he was choking on it.

"Let me guess, none of you smelled that?" The other three Alpha's shook their heads as they looked at him with confused faces. "His scent was so sour; he was upset hearing about her. But to answer your question. This marriage was forced on me, and I'm going to ask for time to get adjusted to it. It shouldn't be a hard request since I walked into what I thought was my sister's birthday dinner only to find out it was actually my engagement announcement."

"Well, it might work. Doesn't she have to leave right after the wedding?"

Yoongi nodded once, "Yes, she will be gone for at least a month. So we have that long to come up with something. Jin, have you talked to our Dad at all?"

"No, I'm going to talk to him later. After you get married, we want to be there to support you; I expect a meltdown tomorrow from you anyway. You are a little too calm for my liking." He smirked a bit, "Plus, I want to remind everyone just who your best friend and his husband are. You are a Min, but you have Kims on your side, and together, frankly, that's better than the Parks."

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