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The Omega looked so excited and happy to finally get what he wanted after so long. This encouraged Yoongi; his Alpha was in complete control at this point. He was close, so he let Jimin know: "Put your tongue out, Baby. Alpha will give you what you've been wanting."

And like the perfect Omega that he is, Jimin's tongue came right out as his eyes flashed blue. Yoongi groaned before the first splash of cum landed right on Jimin's tongue, making the Omega squirm in happiness. It had been a while since he came; he was going through so much stress with everything going on. The next spurt landed on Jimin's chin, then his cheek, some even falling onto Jimin's chest.

Before he even had a chance to say anything, Jimin was scooping up all the cum and sucking it off of his fingers. "Fuck," Yoongi panted. What he didn't expect was for Jimin to latch onto his cock and suck the last bit of cum out of him. His hands gripped Jimin's hair, making the Omega whine, but finally let go.

He looked better already; it was like his skin was glowing, and that was all he needed to take control of his Alpha. This was sickening; his scent must have started to turn because Jimin whined and curled back up into a ball in the middle of his nest. "Alpha's mad?"

"Jimin," he sighed, only for Jimin to start to sob softly. "Why are you crying?" It was hard to understand what he was saying because he was crying so hard that he started to hiccup. But he finally got it; Jimin was mad because he stopped calling him Baby.

"Okay, shh, Baby, it's okay. I'm not mad."

"Scent," he stuttered.

"I'm mad at myself, not you, never you." He laid down next to Jimin and pulled the little thing toward him so he could calm him down. Jimin's nose went to Yoongi's scent gland, and he breathed in deeply. "I hate that they made it to where you have to have Alpha cum to survive. It's not fair to you, to any of you. None of you asked for this, and I know most of you don't actually want it."

"I," he mumbled against Yoongi's scent gland.

"I know, Baby, I know you want it. But it's-I don't want it." Jimin jerked a bit, trying to move away, but Yoongi held him tightly so he couldn't go anywhere. "It's not like you are thinking, so stop that. I want you, but I want you to want me because you want to, not because you'll quite literally die without me."

"I don't mind," Jimin whispered, his plump lips rubbing all over Yoongi's scent gland. He had a hard time keeping his Alpha in check.

"I know you don't, but you've been brainwashed since the day you were created. You don't know any better."

Jimin scoffed as he pushed away from Yoongi, "I know what I want. I know that I was so scared that day, thinking that I was going to be used by you or the other three Alphas that were in the room. I saw the look on the Omega's faces as they had their Alpha's cocks in their mouths. But you didn't let anyone touch me; you didn't even touch me other than to pet me."

He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the Alpha, "I know that you and everyone else think that we are dumb creations that want nothing but sex. However, the training that we receive outside of pleasure training makes us learn things about the world. I might have grown up in the Center, but I'm not exactly naive to the world." He sucked in a big breath, "You have to trust me; trust that I will verbalize anything that makes me uncomfortable."

It was the most words Yoongi had ever heard out of an Omega in his life. Usually, they do not speak unless spoken to, and they are required to speak, and even then, their answers are very short. They are basically toys meant to be used, not heard, and barely even seen, honestly. It's why they kneel down so much, so they are out of the Alpha's line of sight.

"I don't want to use you, I can't. It's not who I am, and if that makes me a failure of an Alpha, then fine, I'm a failure. But even if you tell me you want it, I'll always have that little voice in the back of my head telling me that you don't really want it; you are made to." He dropped his head down in defeat as his tears started to fall again.

"You aren't a failure, and I know why you are doing this. I heard everything your father said: you are saving me and potentially thousands more Omegas, and you are helping your sister and Hobi be together. If that makes you a failure, then I can't even imagine what I am."

"How can you be a failure? You are perfect."

Jimin snorted the most adorable sound that Yoongi had ever heard. Yeah, he was whipped. "You do realize that we get extensive training on how we are supposed to behave, right? I know that you gave me permission to speak freely inside the house as long as the Parks aren't around. But that's not normal; you grew up with an Omega. Did he speak around your father?"

Yoongi thought back to all the stories that Eunjae had read to him and Yoonji over the years. He was always telling them how loved they were and singing to them. But whenever their father was around, Eunjae was always quiet. He shook his head no, "he raised us, but he only spoke to us when our father wasn't around."

It looked like he was going to be a little smug, but a big yawn interrupted that. Yoongi shook his head, "Take a little nap, and then I'll go make you breakfast. Are you sure you can only eat once a day?"

"Sadly, I think it's because they want us to remain slim. But even if I wanted to eat more, I'd still need your cum to survive."

He figured, but it was worth a shot to ask, at least. "Okay, get some rest, and I'll come get you when it's ready."

As soon as he walked into the living room, he had a very excited Alpha rushing at him, "Did it work?"

Yoongi raised his eyebrows a bit, "you want to know if I could cum or not?"

"Of course not; I want to know if this is a viable option because we are getting an Omega, too, and they will have the same needs. I know Hobi doesn't want to abuse his Omega, either. If this is a way to sustain them, then we need to know."

"Sorry," Yoongi sighed out. He flopped down on the chair, feeling like he had aged ten years during the time he was in the bedroom with Jimin. "It seemed like it, he looked better, but I still want to get some real food in him. We had a heart-to-heart, so I feel a bit better about this situation, but I'm not looking forward to Friday. I have two days to figure out what to do so no one will be able to say that I haven't used him how I'm supposed to."

Jin was already in the kitchen making food, so Jimin didn't get to rest as long as Yoongi wanted him to. But he could always go back to sleep after. He made his way into the kitchen after arguing with Jimin that, yes, he had to wear the robe, and it didn't matter if it was part of the nest. But once the tears started to wobble, Yoongi sighed and stomped over to the closet and grabbed him a t-shirt to wear.

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