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Jimin slammed the door upstairs, and Jin could hear his little feet stomping down the stairs before he stormed into the kitchen and yelled, "I hate him." He huffed a bit when Jin motioned for him to sit down, and he slid a plate in front of him.

"Oh yeah? What did he do to receive your ire today? Yesterday, it was his knot, and the day before, it was because he smelled like another wolf."

The Omega glared at him so fiercely, but all it made Jin want to do was coo and pinch his cheeks. "In my defense, I've been begging for weeks to get his knot, and he refuses. And yesterday, there was an Omega scent all over him." He crossed his arms and started to pout; while Jin wasn't exactly immune to the pout, he at least could hold out longer than Yoongi could. 

"And he told you repeatedly while on his knees that the Omega scent you smelled was an Alpha singer he was working with all but threw the Omega onto his lap, and the poor thing was so out of it from being repeatedly passed around that he couldn't catch himself before he sprawled all over him."

Jimin rolled his eyes so hard, "then why can't I have his knot? How do I know that he isn't giving it to all the Omegas he's around every day?"

Jin snorted so hard, "Because you've seen it for yourself, and you know your Alpha and how he'd never even touch an Omega besides you." He leaned over the counter, motioning for Jimin to keep eating. "Jimin, he cares about you so much, so he won't give you his knot. He wants it to be because you are free and want him, not stuck in this world where you have no choice. Now, why are you mad at him today?"

"He won't let me go with him to the pharmacy; he already stopped my trips with him to work. Which FYI, does not help his case for knotting other Omegas, I want to go outside," he demanded in a surly tone.

The Alpha raised his head and motioned toward the floor-to-ceiling windows that led out to the backyard, "Literally, no one is stopping you." That only caused Joon to snort from where he was reading the newspaper at the table in front of the windows.

"It's not the same; I used to be able to go to work with him every single day. But he stopped that, I've been stuck inside for weeks Jin, weeks. It may not mean much to you, but you haven't lived your entire life inside a building or a cryo tube." By the end of his little speech, his lower lip was wobbling, and tears were forming in his eyes.

"Oh, sweetheart," Jin whispered as he reached over and squeezed Jimin's small hand, "it's for your safety. You know that, right? He stopped taking you to work because Mrs. Park kept showing up, and he hated how he had to act in front of her. He barely had any time to take down your nest before she saw. You can't be caught, or else you will be punished and reset."

"I know," the younger sniffled, "I don't know why I'm acting all crazy. My emotions are all over the place. I just," he looked at Jin, and then the tears really started to fall.

"I'll get Yoongi," Joon said as he threw the paper down on the table. The headline read, 'Mass firings at Pharmaceutical Lab for tampering with medicine.'

Yoongi was lying down on his bed waiting; it was always best to give Jimin time to calm down. For the past month, his emotions had been all over the place, and no one knew why. But it didn't matter to Yoongi because his precious Omega was free to act however he wanted. Yoongi could take all of the screaming and door slamming. Honestly, he thought it was cute when he stomped down the stairs away from him.

"Yoongi," Joon panted as he burst into the Alpha's room, "Jimin, crying."

That was all he needed to hear; he was up and out of the room before Joon could even catch his breath. "Jiminie," he rushed to his Omega's side, his large hands cupping Jimin's cheeks as he brushed the tears away. "My Baby, what's wrong?"

"I don't know," Jimin all but wailed before he launched himself into Yoongi's arms.

Jin wasn't even phased by the glare that was directed at him, "we were talking about you and his feelings. He started crying."

"Do you think his meds have been messed with?"

Everyone turned to look at Joon, who was holding up the paper. Jin squinted his eyes, grumbling that he needed his glasses. He snatched the paper from his mate's hands, and the more he read, the wider his eyes got. "There's not a lot of info here, but it would make sense."

"Explain," Yoongi hissed while he rocked Jimin back and forth in his arms. 

"According to this article, they noticed a few weeks ago that there was an issue with the meds. Some people have had adverse reactions since then." He looked up, and his eyes flitted between Yoongi and Joon, "you know that the Jeons own the paper; they are the fifth. So they can only do so much without getting shut down by the Parks." 

"I'm supposed to go pick up more meds for him today. What if they are messing things up?"

Joon sighed a bit, "well, taking him off them isn't an option either. He's been taking these pills in one way or another his entire life. You have no choice but to get them."

"B-but," Yoongi stuttered as he looked at the Omega in his arms. His heart was breaking because while Jimin had never been like other Omega's, he wasn't strictly acting like himself either. "Okay," he sighed. He really had no other choice, but regardless, he'd be there for whatever happened.

"It's okay, Alpha, I'll be okay. I don't feel that different; maybe it's just all the Alpha scents. I'm not used to so many scents around me."

Mrs. Park slammed the papers down on her desk, "This is bad, really, really bad. How many Omegas were affected?"

Jisoo looked out her window; the Eiffel Tower was really beautifully lit up at night. "We aren't sure yet. But I suggest that every Omega that leaves a Center be given six months' worth of pills until we can get to the bottom of this. You know what will happen if not."

Her jaw was clenched tight, "I do, and I refuse to let that happen. They are an abomination, and I do not want them in our world."

"I agree; we need to do a purge of the pharmacies that distributed them." Jisoo looked at her watch quickly, "I suggest that is the first thing that you do tomorrow since most are about to close. Were the culprits handled?"

"Of course," her mother scoffed. "Had a hard time keeping it out of the papers. The fucking Jeons somehow caught wind of it and published it. We have no idea where the leak came from, nor do we know the actual extent of the damage. We had to cull over 100 people."

A loud snort came from Jisoo, leave it to her mother to call murdering 100 people, culling. But she would have done the same thing, so she can't even be mad about it. "Have you seen Yoongi?"

"Yes, he was never home, so I had to start showing up to work. That Omega was only there a few times; now, he doesn't even bring him. I haven't seen him in weeks."

Jisoo sighed, "I'll have to call him and check up on him then. I was hoping to be back already, but of course, as soon as I get married, everything goes to shit."

"I still don't understand why you wanted to marry him. Yes, I know you had a tiny crush in high school, but I know you, and you are not even remotely interested in him. You were grateful that he wanted to put off the mating."

"If I have him, then no one else can. That's enough for me."

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