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Before anyone could even say anything, Jin let out a loud groan and a chorus of praises. Jimin's body was blocking everything that they were doing, so it looked like he was actually sucking Jin's cock versus just moving his head up and down. Jin got himself situated and grinned at Joon, "Sorry, Joonie, I didn't realize they'd finish so quickly. I'd say you can try him when we get back to Yoongi's place. But you know how he is."

Yoongi took that opportunity very quickly, "Yes, you do know how I hate Alpha scents on my things. It's why you aren't allowed in my bedroom and why you can only sit on certain seats in my house." He walked over to Jimin and scruffed him. He hated it, but it was Jimin's idea. Yoongi scowled, "I just bathed him this morning, and now I must do it again. You know how much I loathe doing more than necessary."

Jin huffed a bit, "Well, sorry that your Omega's mouth feels so fucking great that I came."

"Whatever, Jin, I know he's great, but I don't want to smell your horny ass scent all over my things."

It was taking everything inside Jin not to laugh his ass off. "Fine, get his collar, and then you can go hose him down again."  

Yoongi nodded and all but dragged Jimin with him to Jisoo, "he needs his collar. I do have a job that I'd like to get back to, and I can't if he doesn't have a collar. I can see me getting a lot more work done if my cock is nice and warm."

She glared at Jimin briefly, "Do not give him any issues; you understand me, right?"

"Yes, Madam." 

It was enough for Jisoo. She pulled the white and glittery collar out of her purse. It almost looked like a choker, and Yoongi knew it would look perfect on his Omega's neck, even if he hated the reason behind it. "My mother will be coming by while I'm out of the country so she can go over wedding plans with you."

No, no, no, he couldn't have that. His brain was going into overdrive, trying to find a way to get out of that. "Actually," Yoonji said with a bit of nervousness in her voice. "I was wondering if I'd be able to help out. I know what Yoongi likes, and," she bit her lip and looked at her father, "I don't have a mother, and since my own wedding is coming up, I'd love to see exactly what I need to do for my own."

There was no way Mrs. Park could deny her in front of both of their families. The look on her face was priceless, and Yoongi wanted to laugh; Yoonji had backed her into a corner and simultaneously saved his ass too. "I'll get your details from Jisoo, and I'll be in contact." She looked at Yoongi, "I will still be stopping by; I need to check in and ensure everything is going well."

She glared between Yoongi and Jimin, and his Alpha was ready to growl and hide Jimin from their prying eyes. "Yes, Dear, that sounds great. I'll come with you, and while you talk to Yoongi, I'll entertain that pretty little thing."

He had to get out of here, or he was going to murder every single one of the Parks. He could smell Jimin's scent, and it was almost suffocating in how upset and scared the poor Omega was. But he was frozen; he was stuck in a loop of saving Jimin and not being able to. The only thing that was saving him was the fact that he was so lost in his head that his scent was remaining neutral.

"Well, as fascinating as this all is, I was promised some of the finest whiskey, and us standing here having my cock is bigger contest is pointless." All eyes looked at Jin, and he grinned like a madman, "because mine is clearly the biggest in this room. My father likes to brag that I got it from him." It was a subtle reminder of who his parents are, while the Kims are second to the Parks, the man in front of them is the only son of the Presindent and his mother is well known in politics as well.

It worked; Yoongi's dad stepped in, grinning at Mr. Park, "Why don't we go have a drink as well, since we are family now." He was being over the top, and Yoongi knew that he didn't really like Mr. Park all that much.

"But I wanted to go back to my Om." But he was cut off by Mr. Min.

"Oh, come on, you can spend a few hours without getting your knot wet; our children just got married. We should celebrate." His dad was looking at him like why are you still here?

Yoongi took the hint and left, with everyone following behind him. As soon as he got in the car and the doors were shut, he grabbed Jimin and pulled him onto his lap. His face went straight for the Omega's scent gland as he repeatedly whispered, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Baby." He sounded so broken, and it was hard for all of them to hear.

"Alpha, it's okay. We planned this, and I knew what would happen. Jin played his part perfectly. The hardest part of it was not laughing at the ridiculous jokes Jin kept whispering into my ear."

It made Yoongi chuckle right before Jin started ranting. "Ridiculous, I beg to differ. I am not only World Wide Handsome, but I am also funnier than most comedians. They should be thankful that I have a restaurant to focus on and not take all of their jobs."

Jimin raised his eyebrows as he was giggling, "See, I told you. It was so hard," he whined, making everyone in the car relax a bit. 

"Fuck, how are you so perfect?" Yoongi whispered right before he kissed him quickly on the lips.

"Good genes, I guess." Jimin was handed his robe, which was hard to get on because Yoongi didn't want to let go of him. "I do hate this collar, though; it's so itchy. It's pretty but itchy."

"We can take it off; you never have to wear it unless we are out or the Parks are around. I promise."

Jimin knew that already, even without the Alpha saying anything, because that's the kind of Alpha he had, one that was good to his core. One that would treat him better than he ever could have dreamed of. He was so lucky that Jisoo picked him for this amazing Alpha. "I know, Alpha, I know."

"So while you all were comparing," she looked at Jin quickly, "as Jin so eloquently put it, dick size. I asked the Father if we could get Hobi a BTS Omega, saying that there were two left, and they were Jimin's friends. He didn't like how much it would cost, but he gave me the all-clear."

Jin grinned, "Then you should go tomorrow and pick yours up." He looked at everyone. "I also thought about it. How do you five feel about moving?"

Yoongi's head cocked to the side, and his cat-like eyes narrowed a bit, "what do you mean move? I have a place, and hell, Hobi practically lives there with Yoonji."

The oldest leaned forward, his elbows on his knees as he smirked at Yoongi, "You have a place that they know about. A place that they could show up to at any time. A place where Jimin can't really be free. But if you moved, Jimin could be with his friends, could be free."

"And just where is this magical place?"

Jin grinned and knocked on the partition, "take us to the mansion."

When they pulled up to a massive three-story place, Yoongi finally understood why Jin insisted they take his car and driver. There was no way anyone could find this place; it was so well hidden in the woods. "Oh," was all he could manage to say.

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