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"Alpha," a sweet voice whispered against the Alpha's ear. "Can we go hear our pup now?"

Yoongi groaned as he cracked open one eye to look at the clock on the bedside table; it read 5:16 am. "Jimin, they aren't even open yet. Go back to sleep."

He knew that Jimin was pouting; he didn't even have to look at him to know that. "But you said we were going in the morning."

"And we will, but first, more sleep. Then we'll shower, and after breakfast, we will go," before Jimin could even argue, he reached out and pulled him on top of him. "Here, I'll put you to sleep." It took just one thrust of the hips, and Yoongi slid inside him. His large hand went down to the Omega's neck to guide his lips to the scent gland before him.

Jimin latched on quickly as he settled more comfortably on Yoongi's chest. "That's my baby," Yoongi rumbled as soon as he heard Jimin purring. It was the easiest way to get Jimin to sleep nowadays. Not that either of them minded; it was just as comforting to Yoongi as it was to Jimin.

"We'll sleep for just a few more hours, and then I'll wake you up nice and slowly. Once we've cum, I'll take you to the shower and love all over you again."

A whine left Jimin, and Yoongi knew he was about to throw a fit. He hated it when Yoongi washed his scent off of him; it had gotten a hundred times worse since the pregnancy. But he did not want to take a pupped and satisfied Omega out in public, even if Yoongi seemed to be the only one who could smell him.

"Do we have to shower?"

He didn't even answer him; he just started to rock his hips slowly. His cock moving in and out of Jimin's dripping hole. The Omega moaned before he latched back onto the scent gland. Yoongi would get him fed, and then in the shower, he'd suck the little cock dry.

It didn't take long for Yoongi to cum, he was always ready to feed his love. As many times a day as needed, Jimin was more than he could have ever dreamed of. As soon as he was done and his knot locked him in, Jimin fell asleep. Little snores were heard; that was all Yoongi needed to fall asleep.

When the alarm went off, Yoongi reached over and swatted at it to shut it up. He knew that Jimin would be hard to wake up; he always did if a knot was stuffed into him to put him to sleep. His hand rubbed up and down Jimin's naked back as his cock started to plump back up. Sex in the morning was even better than jerking off onto Jimin's face.

He didn't want Jimin to cum because he wanted to suck his cock in the shower. The only thing that stunk about this morning was he couldn't knot Jimin; they didn't really have time to wait for it to go down. They had breakfast to get to and an appointment after. 

Jimin bit down on Yoongi's scent gland right when the Alpha came. It wasn't hard enough to mate him, but hard enough to please the Alpha. Yoongi picked Jimin up, and the Omega wrapped his legs around Yoongi's waist so that he would stay inside. Cleaning Jimin up while he was clinging to him like a koala wasn't exactly easy, but he's become a pro at it over the past few days.

Everything was going great until he had to place Jimin on his feet and turn him around. This was the part where he always threw a fit. He was an Omega, and he should have his Alpha's cum dripping out of him at all times, and he couldn't understand why Yoongi didn't want that. He didn't want that because, one, it was gross to have to clean up dried cum from all the surfaces the Omega sat. And two, Jimin had nothing to prove. He was a fantastic Omega.

Yoongi scooped out the last bit of cum and then kissed the plump cheek in front of him. "Alright, now turn around. It's my turn to get fed." Fingers were in his hair the second his lips latched onto the head of Jimin's cock. He could easily take all of him, and Jimin is so sensitive that it never takes long for him to cum.

He knew that when he was getting close, Jimin's moans would get higher in pitch, and his fingers would tighten around whatever it held. Yoongi happily drank down the mouthful of cum then he kissed up Jimin's body. The blissed-out face that the younger makes is really the most adorable thing he's ever seen.

"Let's go eat breakfast, hmm." Jimin nodded his head quickly as he reached out toward Yoongi with his grabby hands. "Yes, yes. Let me do all the work for you," he snorted.

"That's the plan, Alpha."

This cheeky little shit, Yoongi, rolled his eyes but picked up his wet baby and carried him to the sink. He set him on the counter so he could dry him off and get his robe on. He lightly tossed him onto the bed so he could hear Jimin giggle and then got himself dry and dressed.  "Let's go before someone barges in to get us."

"I think they've learned their lesson by now," Jimin giggled as he snuggled into Yoongi's chest.

"Yeah, we definitely traumatized Tae Tae the last time."

They sat down at the table with the rest of their family, and it made Jimin's heart beat fast. Two months ago, he was training for 8+ hours a day, and he was not allowed to talk or look at the matron. He'd only get his rations once a day if he was good, and he got three shots a day. Now he was pregnant, and he had friends. He got to have as many orgasms as he wanted for himself and from his Alpha. He was learning to love eating more than once, especially now that he had a pup growing inside him. 

Plus, seeing how pleased it made Yoongi every time he took a bite was worth it. Right now, he was sitting in his Alpha's lap as the elder spoon-fed him oatmeal. He'd get a kiss after each bite he took. Yoongi laughed at him because he kept purring, and it was making a mess of the oatmeal. 

He'd chuckle before wiping it up with his finger. He'd smile at him and mumbled how Jimin was such a messy baby that he didn't know what he was going to do when he had two pups to take care of. Jimin's heart was beating so fast that he was having a pup with this amazing alpha. A man who truly loved him with all his heart.

When he was done eating, he laid his head back on Yoongi's shoulder and watched his new friends. Jin and Joon were doing their best to tease Tae by trying to feed him like Yoongi was to Jimin. Kook couldn't stop staring at Yoonji, making heart eyes at her. They were truly happy, even if the other two Omegas weren't at the same place with their Alphas as he was with his.

He couldn't wait until they were, though; he wanted to have sleepovers and gossip with them about their Alphas. He spills all about his and Yoongi's sexcapades, and he wants to hear about theirs as well. He wants to laugh at Tae when he finally gets a knot and loves it. He wants to be able to tell him that he told him so.

Or when Kook sleeps with Yoonji for the first time. He's never slept with a girl before, and he's never even seen one naked. So he's really curious and has told Kook multiple times that he wants a play-by-play of it after it happens.

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