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Yoonji made her way into the Omega Center. She knew she wanted BTS817, and there was nothing else she would accept. She walked over to the cryo tubes they were kept in, and he was beautiful. They had a tablet so she could hear his voice and see him awake. She fell in love with his doe eyes and bunny smile. "This one," she announced to the matron running the place.

"Are you sure? This one is quite pricey; we have cheaper options."

The fucking audacity of this woman. "That won't be necessary, as I'm sure you know who I am and who my brother is married to."

The matron glared a bit as she tapped on her tablet; her eyes went wide before she looked at Yoonji. That's what she thought; Yoonji smirked at the woman because she loved watching her squirm. "Of course, my apologies. And what scent would you like?"

Yoonji smiled, "Citrus, leaning more toward lemon-lime."

The matron nodded her head quickly, "We can do that, and we already have his scent and mold, so that's no worries. The typical training period is six months. Would that work for you?"

"No, we want him sooner. We are trying to fast-track the wedding, and I want to show my devotion to my Alpha by getting him one as soon as possible."

With an annoyed huff, the matron started typing on her tablet again. "Well, the soonest we could possibly get him to you is six weeks. But I must encourage you not to do that. 89% of Omegas that don't finish their full training get reset. You really don't want to chance that with how much you are paying." Then she hummed, "Although if he was reset, we'd make a killing at the Pleasure House with him."

Fucking bitch, Yoonji had never been so thankful to be a Beta before. Because if she were an Alpha, her scent would be going haywire right now. "That will not happen, as I'm a very hands-on Beta. If there is anything that I do not like, I will handle the Omega myself."

"Good, too many wives just hand the things off to those disgusting Alphas and then don't think about them again. They will always need training, even if they go through the full course. But the ones that care, their Omegas are always the best performing."

Like they were fucking show ponies and not actual people that are getting abused over and over against their will. "I'll be back in six weeks to get him." Then she spun around on her heel and left. She needed Hobi; she needed his arms around her so she could cry and scream at how unfair this fucking country was.

"That's why we are doing this, Baby Girl; we'll fix it."

"But," she sobbed, "she's out there right now trying to get other countries to do this. If that happens, we'll never be able to stop it."

"I know, but Jin's parents are working on it. We have to trust them and ourselves to do this. They already got BTS614 out." Hobi smiled, "Jin told me they named him Kim Taehyung, Tae for short."

"I want to him Min Jungkook."

Hobi cocked his head to the side, "Why after me and not you?"

"Breaking traditions, he's so adorable. He has this bunny smile and these big doe eyes that sparkle."

He reached out, his thumb brushing against her cheek. "I see I already have competition. It's a good thing I'm not a jealous person."

"I love you," she whispered against his lips.

"And I love you," he whispered back right before he crashed his lips into hers.

Hobi has loved Yoonji for as long as he could remember. He and Yoongi had always been friends, but Yoonji never played around them. Every time Hobi asked about her, Yoongi would shrug and say, "Why would I want to hang out with my little sister?"

So Hobi always dropped it. But when Yoonji was a teenager, he couldn't ignore it anymore; he knew that he wanted her to be his. He even told Yoongi that the reason he didn't enjoy kissing him was that he looked so much like Yoonji. It felt wrong to him to kiss someone who looked like her but wasn't her.

"Were they okay with rushing the training?"

She nodded her head, "Yeah, in six weeks, we'll be the proud owners of BTS817, better known as Min Jungkook."

"Don't be sad, love, we are saving him. Always remember that. Think about how happy Jimin is with your brother."

Yoonji snorted, "he didn't look too happy yesterday when he was pouting all day."

Hobi barked out a laugh, "I seriously hope that his two friends have as much personality as he does because he's a hoot. Who would have thought that an Omega would be so upset because their Alpha refuses to knot them."

"He was really cute, though, his bottom lip pushed out as he did everything in his power to ignore Yoongi. I've never seen my brother scramble so much to please someone, he looked so exhasperated." She giggled so much that she threw her head back in glee. "Jimin is seriously the best thing that has ever happened to my brother."

"He really is," Hobi agreed as he tucked her hair behind her ear. "When we were in the studio the other day, Yoongi was stuck on a part of his song." He smiled at the memory of the fit Jimin threw. "And he told Yoongi that he would think much better with his knot deep inside of him while he purred on his lap."

"He did not," she gasped.

"He did, Yoongi looked like he was sucking on a very sour lemon and choking all at the same time. It was hilarious. When he finally told Jimin that it wasn't necessary, that cheeky little thing started messing with everything he could reach. Then he threw his robe off and made a nest right there on the couch while he started touching himself. Yoongi's eyes flashed red, and he told me I had two seconds to get out."

The Alpha shook his entire body, "for someone who claims he wants to be a rock in his next life and a true believer that it's easier not to care than to yell. Fuck, he was scary."

"Do you think Jimin got that knot?"

Hobi sighed, "Unfortunately, he did not. Yoongi is still firm in the belief that he shouldn't do that. He only masturbates because Jimin needs it, and he convinced the Omega that for every time he came, Jimin needed to as well."

"Okay," she giggled even harder, "enough about my brother's sex life." Yoonji sighed before she laid her head on Hobi's chest. It wasn't the most comfortable since they were in a car, but it'll do for now. "Are you going to be able to keep Kook alive?"

"Oh, it's Kook now?" She nodded, her nose rubbing along his shirt. "I will, but only if you are there with me. I can't do this alone; I love you too much to cheat on you."

"It's not cheating, Hobi; you don't have to worry about me."

"Hey," he whispered so softly as his hands cupped her cheeks, "I know that that's what society says. But to me, it is. So if you aren't there, I will not touch him. I want you to want him, too."

"Do you think he would even want that? They only want Alphas." Her voice was so tiny and scared sounding.

"We won't know unless we ask. We'd never force anything on him, but I will not be able to do anything without you at least there with me."

"I can do that, whatever it takes to make sure he's okay." He pulled her tighter against him, "And then maybe one day, when this is all over, he can be free."

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