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Yoonji loved Hobi's family so much, and to think they'd officially be hers too in a year was almost too much. But they had to get this out; Hobi's family was one of the ones that really did not buy into the whole Omega propaganda. For a bit, they contemplated it, but only for surrogacy reasons. 

"We know how you feel about Omega's, and we agree with them, but with who my family is and the family my brother is marrying into," she stopped and looked at Hobi for help.

"We have to get an Omega. We already know which one we are going to get because Jimin, Yoongi's new Omega, has two friends that he really wants us to save. If they went with a different Alpha, they would be abused for the rest of their lives. But with us, they'll be cherished."

His Dad sucked in a breath, "So you do not want an Omega to use for your pleasure?"

Hobi was quick to shake his head no, "Not at all. I'd be fine never touching one for the rest of my life. I love Yoonji, and that's not going to change. But if we can save this one, we want to. Jin and Joon are going to get the other one."

"Then you do what you feel like you need to do. As long as both of you are in agreement, that's all that matters." Hobi's heart swelled with pride at how much he loved his parents. Not many would understand why they were getting an Omega, even more so when they didn't get one, going against society's norms.

Yoongi took a bit to calm down before he went to get Jimin. He didn't want to stress the poor Omega out with his angry scent. When he entered his bedroom, Jimin was curled up in a little ball in the middle of the bed. He had the robe that Yoongi had given him underneath him, and he was hugging Yoongi's pillow with his nose shoved into it.

It was the cutest sight ever, but because the bed was so large and Jimin was in the middle, Yoongi had to crawl onto the bed to reach him. The only issue was that it looked like Jimin had made a nest—a very, very small one, but a nest nonetheless. "Jimin," he whispered sweetly. But the sleepy thing didn't move at all.

Jimin had dark circles under his eyes, and in a way, he almost looked gaunt—like he'd lost weight in the day he'd been with Yoongi. So he tried a little harder; he reached out and lightly ran his fingers through the Omega's hair. Jimin didn't seem to mind when he touched his hair last night, so he figured it would be okay now as well. His fingers ran through the pink hair slowly before he lightly started to scratch at Jimin's scalp.

He expected the Omega to wake up slowly; he did not expect him to start purring and to push his head into Yoongi's hand more. It was adorable, honestly. "Jimin, I need you to wake up so you can eat."

The Omega blinked his eyes open slowly, a soft smile taking over his face. "Is Alpha going to feed me?"

Yoongi cocked his head to the side, a little confused; he was planning on cooking. But did Jimin mean that he was going to spoon-feed him? So he nodded his head, "If that's what you want, yes."

Jimin's smile was almost blinding in his happiness, "Yes, I would really like that." Then he shuffled up, "Would you like me to present or kneel?"

"Uh, neither. You'll sit on the chair next to me."

"What am I going to be eating?" Jimin whispered.

"I was going to make something simple like ramen."

Omega looked like he was going to cry, "I'm not hungry," but then he lay down with his back to Yoongi.

"Jimin, I can make something else if you don't want ramen."

"If Alpha isn't going to feed me, then I'm not hungry."

"I mean, I've never done it before, but I'm sure I can handle spoon-feeding you if that's what you want." Yoongi really thought that would change the Omega's mind. But all it did was make Jimin pick up the Omega Guide that he gave Yoongi last night and throw it at him.

The Omega huffed out what Yoongi could have sworn was 'stupid Alpha doesn't know anything.'

But he was just so confused, "Well, when you get hungry, come get me, okay? You are welcome to stay in my bed if that makes you happy."

Wednesday morning, Yoongi woke in a panic. Jimin was beside him, but his breathing was extremely labored. He screamed for Hobi, and the Alpha crashed into his room a few minutes later. "What?" His hair was all over the place, and he had a crazed look in his eyes.

"Something's wrong with Jimin."

Hobi came closer, not wanting to disturb the Omega that had very clearly made a nest in the Alphas' bed. "Why, because he made a nest? I know it's not normal, but it's not hurting anything."

"Not the nest; he started that the very first day, and every day after he eats, he adds more before his nap." Yoongi was vibrating with anxiety, and Hobi was so confused. Then he looked at Jimin, really looked at him.

"Turn the lamp on," Hobi leaned over as much as he could. "What's wrong with him?"

Yoongi huffed, "If I had known that, I wouldn't have screamed for you."

"He looks like he's wasting away, Yoongi. Are you sure you can't get him to eat more than once?"

"You live here; you see how he is. All he wants to do is suck my cock or be fucked, and when I tell him no, he just goes back to sleep."

"I'll call Jin and Joon; maybe they'll know something we don't."

Yoongi couldn't get Jimin to wake up. All he would do was groan like he was in pain. He was freaking out, he couldn't even get Jimin to pout anymore. He missed that pout so much; he missed Jimin's sass. He kind of lost track of time fretting over the Omega; before he realized what was going on, Joon was squeezing his shoulder.

"Hey, I think I know what's wrong."

The elder Alpha looked at him and noticed that he was holding the Omega Guide that Jimin had given him. He meant to read it after Jimin threw it at him. "What is it," he whispered while turning back to look at Jimin. His fingers hadn't left the Omega's hair since he woke up. But Jimin stopped purring yesterday, and Yoongi wanted that back.

"Have you been using him at all?"

"Of course not," Yoongi growled. "You know how I feel about that."

"Well, you might have to," Joon murmured. "According to this, they get three shots a day at the Center because they don't have an Alpha to give them the nutrients they require."

"I can only get him to eat once a day. He refuses anything else."

"Yoongi," Joon sighed, "you don't understand. They NEED cum to survive. It's written into their DNA; they will die without it. Look," Joon shoved the book in his face, and Yoongi went pale, which was saying something since he was already pale as fuck.

'Omegas require Alpha cum to survive. This was done to ensure that they would pursue Alphas in search of it and would be able to keep up with an Alphas drive. When they are at the Center, they get their nutrients through daily shots three times a day. But when they are given to an Alpha, it's their responsibility to cum inside their Omega multiple times a day. It can be done through oral or anal, as long as the cum stays inside the Omega and they get their rations once a day. They will thrive.' 

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