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Yoongi's eyes went wide as he turned to look back at Joon, "shit Jisoo wants a pup. How are we going to do that if he's already pregnant?"

Joon nodded, "I've already handled that part, but you are going to have to call Jisoo."

He squeezed Jimin a little tighter to his body because he knew the Omega didn't want anything to do with her. "What do I need to do?"

"Call her and tell her that you are on board, but it must be done tomorrow morning." 

The elder cocked his head to the side, "why tomorrow?"

Joon looked like he wanted to smack him, "Yum, because Jimin is already pregnant. It's just a few days right now, but if we wait too much longer. They are going to notice, dude."

"I'll call her," he sighed before turning to look at Jimin. "I love you, and I am happy about our pup. Please don't take anything I say to her to heart." He leaned forward and kissed his forehead softly.

"I know, Alpha; I love you too."

A long sigh left Yoongi's lips; he absolutely did not want to do this. He grabbed his phone and dialed Jisoo's number. "Yoongi, I'm surprised to hear from you, if I'm being honest."

"Yeah, well, what did you expect when your mother came to my work and dropped the pup bomb."

"We are both heirs to our family's fortunes."

"My father has Yoonji, too," he interrupted.

"Yes, but we both know how that would look; she's from an Omega, and even if your family doesn't care. Society does Yoongi; she'll never be able to take over, and since she's marrying a Jung."

He gritted his teeth and squeezed his fists; he wanted to slap her so badly for thinking like that about his sister. "Well, I have some concerns if we are going to do this."

"Of course, let's talk it out." She was too calm, and if he was being honest, it was scaring Yoongi a bit.

"You want to have Jimin be your surrogate, and that's fine. But I love my job, and I'm not going to be a stay-at-home Dad, and I know you won't stay home either. So, who is going to watch our pup? I don't want some stranger with them."

"Jimin would, of course," she was quick. Clearly, she had thought this through. "I know that he hasn't been going to work with you, and you've been sending him to Jin and Joon's. But if he has a pup to watch, he can stay at home without having to go there."

It was true; an Omega couldn't stay home without an Alpha. The only exception was when they were watching pups. Why he didn't think about that is beyond him since both he and Yoonji were raised by an Omega. But he's going to have to play this right in order to get what he wants.

"Fine, I'm okay with that. But here's the thing: Jin and Joon can't get an Omega. They've tried getting the law changed so they can get one, but Congress keeps turning it down. How they've survived this long without one is beyond me. They need Jimin."

The Alpha sitting across the room from him raised an eyebrow. "I'll talk to my mother and see what we can do with Congress; she has a lot of friends there. But doesn't Yoonji's Omega go there as well?"

"He does, but here's the other thing. I want them to refrain from using Jimin once he's pupped. I will not risk my pup with an overzealous Alpha repeatedly trying to get his knot wet. So he will have to come with me to work, and I'll stick him in a nest so he can rest."

"So you won't use him while he's pupped?"

His teeth clenched together, "I will, of course I will. But I would never hurt my pup; I can't say the same for them. You heard Jin the day we got married; he's even worse when he's in his home."

"Well, if we get the law passed, then they can go get their own, and Jimin can," she paused, and it honestly sounded like she was choking to say the next part, "nest at your studio for safety reasons."

His heart skipped a beat; he was getting what they wanted and needed. "Send your eggs over; I want to do this in the morning. I'll send you the address for the OBGYN I picked, but you have to do your part. I want that law passed so my friends can get an Omega of their own. This is non-negotiable, Jisoo."

She sighed loudly, "I'll send them over and get Congress to pass it. It'll take me about a week to do it, but we should know if he took it by then anyway. Because Yoongi, without an heir, he's useless to me."

Teeth clenched together as a low growl filled his throat, "Don't worry, it'll take. I can promise you that. You do your part, and I'll do mine."

"I'm coming home in less than two weeks; Paris is going to sign any day now. I will be home for a week at most, and then I have to head to the States. They are adamant about how inhumane it is. But I can get them to come around. I'd like to see you."

"We can do dinner, just the two of us. Leave the families at home."

He could tell it wasn't what she wanted, but it was all he was willing to give her. "Fine, I'll get a reservation. Ensure your swimmers do the swimming; I wouldn't want to have to reset him." And then she hung up the phone.

"Damn, she's scary. I'm almost worried the procedure won't take, which is pointless since he's already pregnant," Joon muttered as his entire body shook. 

"You are going to go alone, aren't you? I won't be able to come," Jimin pouted.

"If you come, she'll have you naked and under the table with my cock in your mouth while we eat and talk about shit I don't want to talk about."

Jimin got up and crawled onto Yoongi's lap, "I'd rather do that and be there than not. I don't want her alone with you; hell, I don't want her around you at all."

"He's got a point, Yoongi; she'd probably see it as a slight if he wasn't there. Even more, if he's pupped, it's expected for Alpha to want to be near whatever they breed. Plus, she's getting Congress to pass the law for us; if you stay on her good side, we can get even more from her.

He growled a bit, "You want me to parade him naked in front of all those people? Have him suck my cock throughout dinner while he's kneeling under the table and pregnant with my pup?"

"If he's not under the table, then he has to at least be on your cock Yoongi. I know you don't want this, but it's the world we live in until we can change it."

"Please, Alpha. It'd make me feel so much better if I was there."

"Fuck," he groaned. "It's those puppy eyes. They always get me. Fine, you can come, but I'm not going to like it."

Jimin went to kiss Yoongi, but Joon coughed loudly to remind them he was still in the room. "I'll talk to Jin, send her the address I just sent you, and tomorrow we'll fake knocking him up. But on a good note, tomorrow, you'll be able to hear the heartbeat. You might want to record it so Jisoo can listen to it. She will think it's her pup after all."

"We'll get to hear their heartbeat?" Jimin whispered with his eyes wide and sparkling with so much excitement.

Yoongi kissed his forehead quickly, "I guess we will. But remember, you can't show any emotions about the pup around her. It's hers and not yours; we can't let her catch on, or she'll murder us both."

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