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It took a bit to get Jimin and himself all cleaned up since the younger absolutely did not want it. He was a very unwilling participant; Yoongi huffed at the brat who went limp in his arms instead of standing up like he should. "If you think this will stop me, then you are severely misinformed."

Jimin groaned as he stood up and stomped his way to get under the spray of the shower. He glared at Yoongi the entire time he was washing himself. But Yoongi didn't mind; he had the younger turn around as he washed his back. It was going okay until Yoongi had the audacity to start cleaning out his hole of all of the cum.

That just started a whole other fit from the Omega. But eventually, it was done; they were both clean and ready to be seen by the others. He got dressed and put the robe on Jimin, then he picked him up and carried him downstairs. Based on the pouts, he knew that if he didn't carry him, the Omega would just sit in the nest whining until he came back.

"Jimin, you came out of your room," Tae was practically bouncing in his seat, his purple hair flopping around everywhere.

Kook wrinkled his nose up, "well, at least you smell better."

The two of them had talked about it; they didn't want to tell the others about their heat and rut. It was something they wanted to keep between them, so it was more special. But he could tell by Jimin's scent that he was about to tell everyone they had sex. He was a little too excited and smug.

He was waiting for him to spill the beans as he sat down. The younger plopped right into his lap. Jin smiled at them as he passed their plate. Jimin barely eats anything, and Yoongi discovered that if he fed him off of his own plate, the younger would actually eat more. The eldest Alpha opened his mouth to ask Jimin something, but the Omega just interrupted him and shouted, "I got knotted."

Hobi spit his drink out, making both Jungkook and Yoonji shriek. Joon started to choke on his food, and Tae smacked him on the back while Jin looked at both of them with his mouth wide open. Yoongi groaned as he dropped his head onto Jimin's shoulder, who was just a little too smug. "Well, that's nice, Jimin; I'm happy for you. Knots are fun."

"Jin," Joon sighed in exasperation, only making the elder snort.

"Don't act like you don't love a good knotting."

"Can we please talk about anything other than knotting," Yoongi groaned from where he was still hiding his face in Jimin's neck.

"We are going to have a movie night after dinner; if you horn dogs can stay away from knots, you are welcome to join the four of us," Yoonji looked smug, but it worked. They all went to much more pleasant dinner topics. 

"So, have you told Jimin yet?"

Yoongi's fork dropped; no, he hadn't because as soon as he got home, his rut was triggered, and they'd spent the past several hours fucking.

"Tell me what, Alpha?" The Omega's eyes were wide, and he was smiling; his scent was so pure, and Yoongi hated what he was about to do. "Are you okay? Your scent," he mumbled.

Of course, he wasn't, and of course, Jimin could tell immediately; they were so intuned with each other. "Jimin, Mrs. Park came by the studio today, and she told me and Hobi something. And before you get mad."

"Too late," Jimin hissed. "But do tell me."

He was too worried about how everyone would react or even comment on how much of a brat Jimin was being. "She told me that Jisoo intends to have her eggs removed and sent here so you can be the surrogate carrier for our pup."

The Alpha might as well rip the band-aid off; tears were almost immediate. Jimin's small hands went to his stomach as he started to sob. Yoongi pulled him into his chest so he could rub his back softly and murmur sweet and soothing words into his ear. It wasn't working because all Jimin could do was cry about their pup and how it's not fair.

"I know, Baby, but I need you to listen."

"He won't do it, Jimin, do you hear me?"

The Omega turned his head slightly to look at the other Alpha, "I was there with him when she said it and even after. He said that he refused to do it, that if he had a pup, it would be yours and his."

Tear-filled eyes rimmed in red turned to look at Yoongi; they were bright blue. His Omega was in full control. "Listen to me, my Love. I promise you that if I ever pup someone, it will be you and only you. I want no one else, and as soon as I can figure out how to get out of this atrocious marriage, I will. I just need you safe; you have to be safe. Will you trust me on that?"

"My pup is safe?" Jimin whispered so softly that Yoongi barely caught it.

His eyes flashed red, "I promise." he whispered back just as softly before he kissed the tears away. 

Jimin was increasingly needy after that. He refused to sit anywhere but Yoongi's lap; he spent most of his time with his mouth latched to the Alpha's scent gland. He even bit it softly when his emotions got the best of him. He begged Yoongi to give him his cock while they were watching a movie. He had to tell him no, which only made Jimin's scent that much more sour.

When they went to bed, Jimin laid down on top of Yoongi and slid down the Alpha's length. He didn't even try to get either of them to cum; he just needed to fill him deep inside. His mouth attached to the scent gland in front of him.

Yoongi could barely leave the nest. If he went to the bathroom, he had to leave the door open so he could talk to Jimin the entire time. He wasn't allowed to leave the room at all. When he begged Jimin to come with him to breakfast, Jimin cried harder about how his Alpha was leaving him and didn't love him anymore. 

So he settled back in; it was the only thing that kept Jimin calm. But come lunchtime, Yoongi needed to eat. None of the Omegas could bring anything to them; Jimin hissed and growled at both of them enough to scare them away. Yelling that it was his Alpha and they couldn't have him.

So the Alphas tried, only for Jimin to freak out and hide in the corner with his arms around his stomach, crying no, no, no, over and over again.

Finally, at nearly dinner time, Yoonji was allowed in. As the only Beta in the house and one that Jimin loved and wasn't his Madam, she could enter without disturbing him. She brought their food and drinks and could even get Jimin to speak to her in short sentences.

But the biggest problem was that if Yoongi couldn't leave the nest, he couldn't go to work. He had no idea what was going on with the younger. Four days later, Joon barged in, "He's pregnant."

It was the first time that Jimin didn't react to an Alpha; he just blinked his blue eyes at Yoongi and purred. "What?"

"Look, I don't want to talk about your sex life, but that day that Jimin got his first knot. Is there a reason it happened that day?"

Yoongi's eyes went wide, "his heat, it triggered my rut."

Joon nodded his head, "it's the pills. I think that's what was wrong with them. He's not the only Omega that went into heat, according to Jin's Dad."

"He's pregnant," he looked at Jimin, "you are having my pup."

Jimin purred a bit, "I am. Are you happy?"

"Happy, but a little scared, if I'm being honest." He looked up at Joon, "What are we going to do? She's expecting him to be a surrogate."

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