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Jin looked up from the pot where he was stirring their dinner, "he's finally asleep?"

"Don't start with me; you know how difficult it is. You've heard the tantrums," Yoongi scoffed.

The eldest rolled his eyes so hard, "Aww, poor baby, did you have to get a few blowjobs and eat some slick?"

"Jin, you know how I feel about all of this. And it's even worse the last few weeks. He's been acting strangely." Then he perked up, "Well, I guess you'll be dealing with it soon. You know what today is, right?"

"Uhh, Wednesday." 

Yoongi grinned for the first time that day. "Yeah, isn't your Dad dropping off Tae today?"

Jin groaned as he dropped the spoon he was using to taste the food, "fuck, that is today, isn't it? I forgot."

"Yup, and in a few days, we'll get Kook. This house is about to be full of Omegas begging for cum, and just know I will have no sympathy for you."

"I don't know if I'm ready; it's one thing to tease you. But it's going to be overwhelming for Tae; he'll have two Alphas that he'll think he has to please."

Yoongi got up from the chair and walked to where Jin was standing; the poor Alpha was looking into the pot of food like it had all the answers to the universe. "We have Jimin, he'll help. He'll show them that we are different."

"Won't stop him from needing cum several times a day," Jin sighed and put a lid on the pot before stepping back. "I don't know how you do it; I really don't. Even thinking about it," his entire body shook, "it makes me want to barf. I love Namjoon, and you are telling me that I'm supposed to ignore that and use this poor Omega who has no choice. It's fuck or die for him, and for me, it's adultery."

"You know it's not like that; it's not cheating, not according to society. And I know you don't want to do this; I get it more than anyone. But it is fuck or die for him, and he's Jimin's friend. So I need you to save him." He looked down at the ground, "I get your feelings; trust me, I." He looked back into Jin's eyes; both of them looked like they were on the verge of crying. "I love Jimin, and I couldn't imagine doing anything with anyone else. So I get it, I do. But you and Joon know where you stand with each other. This will not break you two; it will make you stronger."

Jin wrapped his arms around the shorter Alpha; he tucked his face into Yoongi's neck and sobbed. And because mating bites connect two wolves, it was a matter of seconds before Joon was in there, taking Jin from Yoongi's arms to hold him. "Baby, what's wrong?"

He had to look at Yoongi because Jin was crying too hard to speak. "Tae comes today," was all Yoongi had to say to the younger Alpha for him to understand.

"Jinnie, we've talked about this. We have to do this; we want to save them, and unfortunately, until we can really make a change, this is the only way to do it. We'll be there together every time. I love you, and nothing is going to change that." It took a while, but Jin finally calmed down in his mate's arms.

"It's going to be a long day," Yoongi sighed. And he was right, but he also couldn't stop the smile on his face. Jimin was so happy, so excited; his scent was filling the entire room, and Yoongi had never been more grateful that no one else could smell it. That it was solely for him to enjoy.

"It's almost time, right? Tae Tae will be here soon?"

Yoongi raised a brow, "oh, it's Tae Tae now?"

Jimin nodded his head eagerly, "Yeah, just wait until you meet him. He's totally a Tae Tae. I miss him so much; I can't believe that we are going to live together and Kookie too."

"Ah, so we have Jiminie, Tae Tae and Kookie? Our cute little baby Omegas," Yoongi mused as he pulled on Jimin's hand to bring him closer. His Omega was getting shy, and it was so adorable.

"Alpha," he whined with his face in Yoongi's neck.

"Don't worry, Baby, your Tae Tae will be here soon, and then you two can spend the rest of the evening together if you want."

He pulled back, his eyes wide and his mouth forming a cute little o. "Really? But Jin and Joon," he whispered even though said Alphas could hear very easily.

They turned around and looked at Jimin with smiles on their faces, "Of course, you can, Jiminie; Yoongi and I talked about doing a movie night for you two, and you can have a little sleepover out here."

The Omega perked up, "We can have a sleepover? Like in those movies," his body practically vibrated with excitement, "can I make a nest out here and show Tae Tae, please, Alpha?"

Yoongi chuckled softly, "Of course, Bub, you are allowed to nest anywhere. You know that."

A soft pout was on the Omega's face, "I can't nest in your studio."

He booped the younger on his nose, "I only took it away because of her, and you know it. Once it's safe to take you back there, you can nest as much as you want. I promise."

Not even ten minutes later, they all heard the soft footsteps, and then the scent hit them. "Why does it smell like bulgogi in here?" Hobi asked as he walked down the stairs; the question was answered as soon as Jin's dad turned the corner, and behind him was a beautiful Omega that smelled like Jin and Joon's favorite dish.

"Dad," Jin groaned before he palmed his face. "Bulgogi, seriously?"

His Dad shrugged before putting his hand on Tae's back, "I panicked, okay. Now, here is Kim Taehyung. I know you will treat him well."

Tae walked up to the two Alphas he was being given to, his scent was all over the place, but he got down on his knees in front of them and bowed. "I've been named Kim Taehyung and was told that I was being given to two special Alphas. I hope I please you two well."

Jimin's body jerked on Yoongi's lap because the other Omega hadn't looked up from the floor yet. "614," he whispered, and Tae's head shot up, and tears filled his eyes.

"613," he gasped out, but he wouldn't move; he was still in a full bow. "How," he asked as he looked at the Alpha that Jimin was sitting on. "No, they got you too?"

Jimin pushed off of Yoongi, and the Alpha let him go willingly. He kneeled in front of Tae and took his much larger hands into his smaller ones. "I'm Jimin now; my Alpha is named Yoongi. We all live here together. They are the best Alphas, Tae Tae."

"Tae Tae," he whispered as more tears fell. "I don't understand what's going on."

Jin kneeled in front of Tae as he draped a robe over his shoulders. It was just like the one Jimin had, but it was emerald green. "We were told that we were getting an Omega shortly after Jimin was given to Yoongi. We asked him who he thought we should get because we can only save so many right now. Jimin asked for you and 817."

"They named him Min Jungkook; Kookie will be here in a few days."

"Jimin, I'm scared. Two Alphas? And they don't smell like the one I was trained for, the one that just left. What do they want from me?" His voice was barely above a whisper, but all of them could hear.

"They are trying to save all of us. The Alpha that just left is the President." He pulled Tae up to where he was sitting on the ground, and he helped him put the robe on. While he hated it at first, he loves that now you can't see his body unless he wants you to. "I promise I'll tell you everything. Come on."

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