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The cheeky thing was so happy that he got his way that he didn't even wait for Yoongi before he skipped his way into the kitchen. "Wow, yeah, you don't have to worry about anyone thinking you aren't using him for your pleasure. Jesus Yoongi, did you bathe him in your cum?"

The poor Alpha was bright red as he groaned and dropped his head into his hands on the table. "Shut up, Jin, I beg you."

All that did was set Jin off where he was cackling very, very loudly, "Oh, this is so fucking good." He turned his attention to Jimin, "So, do you feel better now that you've had your nutrients?"

Jimin nodded quickly, his scent sweetening to an almost unbelievable amount. "Yes, Alpha tastes so good. I can't wait until I get my next one after my nap."

"What?" Yoongi's head popped up, his mouth wide open. "What do you mean your next one?"

The flat look that Jimin gave him was almost enough to get him to smile, but he couldn't. Jimin sighed as he set his spoon down and turned to Yoongi. His little hands reached out to Yoongi's much larger ones, "you know that Omegas get three shots a day, right?" As soon as the Alpha nodded, he continued, "So wouldn't it make sense that I would need your cum at least three times a day as well?"

"Fuck," Yoongi rushed out quietly, "I didn't think about that." He groaned, "I can't cum on your face three times a day and still look everyone in the eye."

Jin snorted really loudly but tried to cover it up with a cough, "you could always try the cup method now. He's awake, so we wouldn't have to force-feed him."

Yoongi was willing to latch onto anything that would help him not have to masturbate in front of Jimin three times a day. He looked at Jimin, all hopeful, like a pup. Jimin sighed, "We can try, I guess." He pouted a bit, "But I really liked it when I was laying down, and you were ab."

The Alpha squeaked and smacked his hand over Jimin's mouth to get him to shut up, "that's enough of that," he huffed out.

"Well, I made you this," Hobi handed Yoongi a white coffee mug.

"Um, thanks," he was confused; why did he need a coffee mug?

"Turn it around," the younger Alpha mused. So he did, and on the other side of the cup, written in Sharpie, was 'Yoongi's Nut Cup.'

"I hate you," he said with no anger in his voice at all while everyone else, including Jimin, was just about dying with laughter. The Omega laughed so hard that he fell into Yoongi's side. "Careful, Baby," he murmured, only for Jin to hear it and tease him for the next hour.

Jimin absolutely did not want to go to sleep, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop yawning, and of course, Yoongi noticed. But he was having so much fun; Yoongi's friends and family were so nice and funny. Jin could not be stopped no matter how much Yoongi grumbled, and Jimin laughed so hard that he gave up even trying to sit up correctly. 

"Come on, you need a nap, and after, we can give you your nutrients," Yoongi whispered into his ear as he leaned down to where the Omega was lying in his lap.

"Don't forget your nut cup," Hobi happily cheered when the two of them got up, making the elder grumble even more. 

"I'm gonna kill him," Yoongi said as soon as he closed his bedroom door, making Jimin giggle even more. "Come on, let's get you in bed." Jimin started to whine, but Yoongi wouldn't hear it, "You've been yawning for the past two hours, and if Seokjin had shut up, you probably would have fallen asleep out there."

"Okay, Alpha," Jimin whispered as he wiggled in the middle of his nest. He couldn't get comfortable, he didn't like wearing clothes. "Alpha?" He whispered. Once Yoongi hummed to let him know he was listening, he continued, "Can I remove the clothes, please? I'm not used to them and can't sleep."

Jimin looked at the Alpha, and he wanted to smirk because Yoongi was bright red, and it was absolutely adorable. "Yes, baby, do whatever you need to get comfortable."

 He grinned as he pulled the shirt off and rolled over, "I know what would make me really comfortable."

For about two seconds, Yoongi looked extremely interested in what Jimin had to say, then he scoffed and gently pushed the Omega back into the nest. "Not happening, Omega. Go to sleep, and when you wake up, your cup will be right here waiting on you."

He pouted as much as he could, even used his puppy eyes to get his way, but Yoongi wasn't relenting. So he huffed and rolled over, "Fine, but I still don't think it will work."

It didn't take long for Yoongi to get the pouty Omega to sleep. All he had to do was run his fingers through his hair and hum softly. Within five minutes, Jimin was out. His breaths were deep and even. Now, all he had to do was go into the bathroom and nut in a cup; it sounds easy. It wasn't, and he knew it wouldn't be because of earlier, but if he didn't want to cum all over Jimin three times a day, this is what he'd have to do.

Only it wasn't easy because all he could think about was how sexy Jimin looked with his face covered in his cum. When he scooped it all up and licked his fingers clean, Yoongi almost got hard again. Oh, he finally started to get hard; that's interesting. His cock was hard and leaking, so he just went with it.

He thought about the sounds that Jimin made when he was slurping up all the cum. He thought about how it would feel if it was his cock, vs the Omegas fingers that were getting sucked on. He thought about holding that juicy ass while Jimin rode him. He couldn't wait to taste the Omega; he wanted to drown in his slick and cum.

Yoongi choked out a moan before he remembered he had to get it in the cup. If he missed, this was all for nothing. He aimed his cock to where it was slightly inside the nut cup, and he stroked himself a few more times before he started to cum. He filled the cup up about halfway before he had to suck in a breath and sit down.

Well, he definitely found a way to masturbate, it seems, dirty thoughts about the gorgeous Omega that was asleep in his bed. What have you gotten yourself into, Yoongi? He mumbled to himself. He washed his hands and adjusted his clothes before he left the bathroom. Jimin was still asleep, and he was a vision. All curled up with no clothes on in the middle of the nest he had made.

His heart was already so enamored with the Omega; this was a very dangerous game he was playing. He'd have to ensure that no other Alpha touches him, and he would have to ensure that other Alphas can smell him on Jimin. He'll have to find a way to keep Jisoo away from the two of them as much as possible. Because there is no way she will tolerate Jimin not doing as an Omega should.

He could fall in love with Jimin; there's no question about that. This is what he was missing, he never wanted Betas and while he didn't mind the thought of being with an Alpha. He never really pursued it since it's such a rarity. Jin and Joon are definitely in the minority. But this, having a sassy Omega that has so much fire in him. That's what he wants, what he needs. He's so fucked.

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