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"What the fuck," he whispered in anger. "So you are telling me that I'm supposed to either rape or assault him when he's barely able to breathe? What kind of fucked up shit is that?"

"Well, I know you don't want to hear this but trust me, I agree. But it's not rape or assault," Jin held up his hand, "I'm speaking legally, not morally. Yes, it's wrong, but he will die without it."

"There has to be another way?" Yoongi knew he sounded desperate, but it was because he was. He didn't want to do this. It was wrong on so many levels. Yoonji walked in and handed Yoongi a cup, "what am I supposed to do with an empty cup?"

"Go beat off and put as much cum in it as you can." All the Alphas looked at her like she was equal parts crazy and smart.

"Surely that can't work."

She looked at Jin, "he needs cum, either orally or anally. It doesn't say anywhere that it has to come straight from Yoongi's cock." She shook her entire body in disgust, "Now, please don't make me talk about this anymore; he's my brother."

Joon looked at Yoongi, "it might work. At least this way, it won't be against your morals."

"Fuck, I'll try just about anything right now if it means I don't have to assault the poor thing." He looked at the cup, "can you go wait in the living room, kinda won't be able to do it if I know you are in the next room," he huffed.

Jin held his head up high, "like I want to listen to you grunting." Then he grabbed Joon's hand and dragged the younger Alpha out of the room. Joon squeaked and fumbled a bit, trying not to drop the book.

Yoonji and Hobi were the last to leave, "when you are done in there, let me know, and I'll help you feed him."

"How are we going to do this, Yoonji? I can't even wake him up."

"I already thought about that. You know how you are a big-ass baby about taking medicine?" She held up her hand to stop him from arguing, "You are, don't even try. So I was thinking we can do it the same way, syringe style."

It could work. They'd have to make some adjustments to it since cum was too thick to come out of that tiny hole. He was standing in his bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror. He had to masturbate into a cup with his Omega practically dying in his nest and his sister and three friends in the living room. Yeah, that all added up to having a great time.

He's an Alpha; Alphas never have issues getting hard. A strong breeze could make him chub up, but right now, it just wasn't coming. No imagination would work well enough to help his case. But if he didn't get this done, Jimin would die.

After twenty minutes, he gave up. He could get hard, but not for long. He admitted defeat and went back into his room. Tears were welling up in his eyes. He was a failure of an Alpha, and there was no way around it. He couldn't do the one thing that was expected of him, and when he tried to fix it, he couldn't even do that.

"Alpha," Jimin croaked so softly. His small hand came up to brush the tears that Yoongi didn't even know were falling.

"I'm okay; go back to sleep."

"Crying," he whispered, "why?"

Yoongi laid down right outside Jimin's nest, "I didn't know I was hurting you, but I can't do what you need."

"I know, it's okay."

"Jimin, it's not; I'm killing you because I can't be Alpha enough to take you. I tried to do it myself in the bathroom; so we could have you drink the cum from a cup. It was the only way I could justify it."

"I help?"

Yoongi shook his head quickly, "I can't, Jimin, I can't violate you like that."

"I want," the poor Omega's breathing was getting more erratic as he talked. Before Yoongi could even speak, Jimin groaned and sat up. He swayed a bit; his body was so weak. But he needed Yoongi to understand that he wanted this. It might have been different if it was another Alpha, but with Yoongi, he wanted it. He loved it when Yoongi petted his hair so softly; he loved how sweetly Yoongi treated him.

"Jimin," Yoongi's voice broke, but Jimin pressed a finger over his lips.

"On me," he circled his finger around his face and held out his tongue. His scent was spiking to entice the Alpha, and slick was already starting to pool between his cheeks. That's how they were made, what they were for.

Yoongi's brain was going into overdrive, he could smell that Jimin was horny, but he knew it was fake. It's just something programmed into him and not real. He didn't want Yoongi; he wanted what he was trained to want. "You want me to cum on your face?"

Jimin nodded and pushed his tongue out more. "Okay, um, can you give me a second really fast?" Jimin nodded again and laid back down while Yoongi scrambled out of bed.

He ran into the living room where everyone was waiting, "Finally, like damn dude, it shouldn't take over thirty minutes to jack off."

The Alpha completely ignored the oldest in the room and looked at Joon, "I couldn't do it. But Jimin woke up, and he wants me to cum on his face. He had his tongue out. Would that be enough?"

"Theoretically, yes, pending on how good your aim is. But you could always, uh," his eyes darted over at Yoonji, who was fake gagging, "scoop it up and make him eat the rest."

"Great, now I know even more about my brother's sex life as well as Jin and Joons; this day just keeps getting better."

"If it doesn't work, we could always try something else; he's essentially getting the nutrients that he needs. So it would probably work better than the cup. But if you try it this once and don't like it, we could go back to the cup."

That was all Yoongi needed to hear; when he made it back to the bedroom, the scent just about knocked him on his ass. It was so strong and everything he'd ever wanted. His cock plumped up faster than he even knew was possible. "Jimin," he growled out. He wasn't mad, more surprised and still a bit guilty.

"Alpha," he purred out before kneeling right in the center of his nest, his hands curled above his knees and his mouth wide open, tongue looking too sexy for its own good as soon as Yoongi was kneeling on the bed, right outside of the nest. Jimin reached behind him and gathered a handful of slick. He held his hand out for Yoongi as he pumped his scent more.

"You want me to use your slick?" Jimin nodded, but Yoongi could tell he was having a hard time staying upright. He needed to hurry, for Jimin's sake. Just shut your brain off and feel, he thought to himself.

So that's what he did; he pushed his underwear down and used Jimin's slick to help his slide. It felt amazing, better than anything he'd ever felt before. And the smell, fuck, he couldn't even begin to describe just how fucking great that was. He moaned quietly as his hand began to move faster, "Lay down, Baby, it'll be easier."

And Jimin, always so eager to please, did exactly how his Alpha asked. His purrs started up and egging Yoongi on even more. They only purr when they are happy and content when they feel safe. In all of his years being around them, he'd never heard one purr before he met Jimin. He'd never seen one nest before, either. Jimin was so fucking special. 

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