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Well, that makes more sense. It's still weird, but at least he knows now. She stood up and snapped her fingers, "Give him here, and I'll get everything handled."

He snorted, "still not happening. I'm an Alpha, and he's carrying my pup; if you think for one second that I'll let him out of my sight, you are insane."

"I told you the stipulations; you disagreed. He's mine to do with how I please."

A loud laugh left his lips, "That's where you are wrong, Jisoo. Remember our deal? Well, the law passed, meaning Jimin is mine. He no longer belongs to you, so you can't touch him without my permission. So, no, you will not be taking him or my pup. I will not be moving in, and as soon as I can figure out how to get out of this terrible marriage, I will, and I'll be taking my pup with me."

He stood up and reached down to bring Jimin up. He picked him up, and the Omega wrapped his arms around him and brought his nose to Yoongi's scent gland as he started to purr. "So I'm going to go home to kiss and cuddle with my Omega, who is carrying my pup."

Jisoo was speechless as she watched her husband walk out of the restaurant. How dare he embarrass her like that? Did he not know who she was?

"You are insane," Jimin giggled into Yoongi's neck as he tried to get the both of them into the back of the car so the driver could take them home. "I didn't even have to see her face to know she was pissed."

"Fuck her, I wasn't lying. I'm not letting her come near either of you." He pulled back and looked at Jimin with his beautiful smile on his face, "We should just move to the States. There, you'd be a human and not an object."

"As long as I have you and our family, I'd move to the moon with you."

It was something he'd have to look into; maybe if he dropped the bomb that the baby wasn't hers, she'd let him go.

"Okay, spill it," Yoongi looked up at Jin, where the elder had his arms crossed and was slightly glaring at him.

"Spill what?"

"Ever since you two came home last night from seeing She-Devil, you've both been acting weird."

Yoongi sighed as he put his spoon down. He wouldn't be able to keep feeding Jimin while having this conversation. "I threatened her because she was trying to have Jimin reset. I let her know that he is mine now, and she legally can't touch him."

"Hhmm," Jin hummed, "Well, that explains the weird text my father sent. You must have really pissed her off, Yoongs, because she's trying to get the law turned back. But in order to do that, the President has to agree. Which we all know he doesn't."

"I will not let her touch him, or anyone for that matter. I actually thought of moving to the States. The babies would be free there, and any pups we had wouldn't be looked down upon."

He looked at the Alphas, and none of them seemed opposed to the idea. Yoonji smiled at him, "If everyone goes, I'm totally okay with going. I loved it when we went as kids."

Yoongi remembered how much fun they had. Eunjae took them to an amusement park, and they stayed the entire day. He did complain about having to wear clothes since he wasn't used to it, but no one treated him badly the whole day. He'd almost forgotten about it. "I did, too. Your mother was so free there. I want that for Jiminie and for Tae and Kook, too."

"Do you want that Kook?"

The Omega snapped his head to the left to look at Hobi, "I-I don't know."

"That's okay, don't fret."

Jin looked at Tae, "What about you?"

"I will go where my Alphas tell me."

Both Alphas sighed as they looked at each other, each one reaching out to take Tae's hand in their own. "We make decisions together, as a family. Your opinion is more important than ours if I'm being honest."

It was shit like this that made Tae have all these weird feelings in his tummy. They were just so nice and good, all of them, and he didn't understand why. "We'd be free, like really free?"

"Yes," Yoongi's voice was strong; it made everyone believe that. The only downside is that you will have to wear actual clothes if you go outside or around other people besides us. No more naked cuddles in the living room nest if we have guests."

All three of the Omegas pouted but nodded their heads. "I want to go. I want to go where I'm a person."

"I want to go too, and I want our pup to have the kind of life they deserve."

Jin sighed as he looked at his mate, once Joon nodded his head he knew. They were going to do this. "My family has a vacation home in Colorado. We've only been a few times, but it's big enough for all of us and any pups that come along the way. He'll let us stay there; I know he will. My only stipulation is we stay together. I'm not moving to another country away from everyone and things I know and love if we don't stay together."

"I wanted that anyway, so I'm fine with it." Yoongi pulled Jimin closer to him, which wasn't all that possible considering the younger man was sitting on his lap and had his back against Yoongi's chest.

"I'll work out the logistics. We'll get out of here as soon as we can."

"I'm going to call my father," Yoongi groaned, "I need him to get me out of this marriage because in the States, he can be my mate, and I want that."

"I want that too, Alpha. You are mine, and I want everyone to know. Even if the mating bite hurts really bad."

Joon cocked his head to the side, "It doesn't hurt. Well, it hurts a bit, but only for a second, and then it's," he couldn't even think of how amazing it was, "it's the best." That was all he could come up with.

"Why do you think it hurts?"

"In training," Tae wouldn't even look at Jin. "They tell us how bad it hurts and that the Betas took on that burden to save us from the pain. It's why we have to wear collars so Alphas don't lose their head and accidentally mate us."

"Well, that's a load of horse shit," Hobi grumbled. "I don't have a mating bite, but I know it doesn't hurt more than getting a shot." He grinned and wagged his eyebrows a bit, "plus, if you do it during sex, the endorphins totally override it." 

"But can three people be mated?" Kook had barely spoken, but all of the Alphas caught it.

"In the States, Alpha/Alpha relations aren't looked down upon, and neither are poly relationships. The three of you could walk down the street holding hands, and no one would look down on you."

"Really?" Tae asked, his eyes wide as he looked at Yoongi.

"Really?" He stood up, still holding Jimin in his arms. Now I have to call my father and see if he can help."

Once Jimin was settled into the nest, Yoongi grabbed his phone. "Well, hello, son, and to what do I owe this honor."

"I want a divorce. She can't take Jimin back now since he's legally mine, and we are leaving for the States so he can be free. So fix this, you started it, you fix it."

Doyun sighed, "It won't be easy. Thankfully, there were prenups put in place because of who you both are. So it's not like you two have any shared assets, but she's not going to make this easy."

"We aren't mates; we haven't even consummated the relationship. Get it annulled. I want to marry and mate Jimin, not her."

"I'll do my best, kid, I promise."

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