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Jin took them around the house; they each had a bedroom on different floors. When Jimin asked why, Jin snorted, "I've heard how loud Yoongi gets; I'm not trying to live with it daily."

"He wasn't that loud," Jimin mumbled, which led to Jin explaining just how good Alpha's hearing actually is.

They settled in to eat dinner prepared by the chef, and everything went great until bedtime. One thing that Jin didn't consider was that he'd never had an Omega, and Jimin was a special one. Jimin wanted his nest, and his tears were making every single Alpha in the room antsy. 

However, the only issue with that was that Yoongi couldn't leave. Every time he tried to leave to go get the Omega's nest, Jimin cried even harder. They couldn't risk taking Jimin out, not when he was in that state. An Omega showing emotions wasn't a good thing, and since Yoongi lived in the penthouse apartment at a very popular place, Jimin was bound to be seen.

"We'll go," Yoonji whispered as she took Jimin's hands into hers. "I'll pack up your nest, and I won't let Hobi touch it, so there will be no scent on it. How does that sound?"

Jimin nodded his head as he sniffled softly. He whispered softly, "Thank you," before practically throwing himself into Yoongi's arms. Of course, the Alpha wrapped his arms around the shaking thing. But he was thankful for his little sister; not many Betas would offer any sort of sympathy toward an Omega. Even if they were born of one, Yoongi honestly thought that she would have turned out that way regardless of who birthed her. 

"Thank you, Yoonji, just grab his nest. We'll head back tomorrow and start moving our things."

Jimin didn't stop sniffling until Yoonji came back almost two hours later. She walked in with several trash bags full of the things Jimin had nested with. "We brought all the bedding, figured it was safer."

The Omega made grabby hands to get the items as he shooed the Alpha out of the bed. Yoongi watched in awe as his Omega stripped the bed, remade it, and started on his nest. He'd seen Jimin nesting before, but never to this extent. 

The younger was making his nest from scratch. Every once in a while, he'd hand Yoongi something that needed scented. Once he handed it back, Jimin would shove his face into it and purr even louder. It was almost magical to watch. It made his Alpha puff up their chest in pride. 

They settled into their new home; it took some adjusting for all of them. Living in one place was not easy for the four Alphas. But they were all good enough friends that they were determined to make it work. It was the only way to keep them all safe, even the two that hadn't arrived yet. 

"Son," was the first thing Jin's dad said when he answered the phone.

"Why are we whispering?"

"Not the time, Jin; listen, the law isn't going to pass, at least anytime soon. And I know you want to save the last two Omegas; I've heard around that Park is going to kill off his current one and demand one of them. There's no way we can pass the law before he does that."

Jin sucked in a breath, "No, we have to save Jimin's friends."

"I know, so I talked to your mother. We are going to get him and just give him to you. It's not completely unheard of for married Alphas to share their Omegas with their unmarried sons."

"Dad," Jin groaned. "I am married."

"Not according to the Betas; otherwise, Joon would have been able to get you an Omega or vice versa. This is the only way we can think of doing it in time. It's not like I'm going actually to touch the poor thing. I just have to be given him, and then I can pass him off to you."

"Okay, but Dad. Umm, how do I say this?"

"With your mouth preferably," his father deadpanned.

"Shut up, okay, so we've talked to Jimin a lot about his time there. And they train the Omegas to take your cock with the mold you had to make as well as spray his pillow with your pheromones. It's a way to get them more pliable to you."

Mr. Kim sucked in a breath, "well, that's sickening. Hmm, I don't know how we can get around that. Maybe we can ask for fast-track training, and it won't matter? I'll think about it and get back to you, but we don't have much time, Jin. Yoonji needs to go get hers today."

"I'll be sure to tell her. Thanks, Dad. We'll figure something out and save them."

Jin sighed, throwing his head back onto his pillow. A hand reached across his stomach, pulling him closer to the body behind him. "What did he say?" Joon's voice was so deep and raspy. It was making Jin hard, but it's not a difficult feat when his husband was around.

"We are about to be lucky owners of a new Omega that belongs to my father."

Joon lifted his head up, his eyebrow raised, "well, uh, that's interesting."

"Yup, he's trying to find a way around the cock and pheromone thing," Jin sighed.

Joon laid his head down on Jin's shoulder, "but honestly, I'm not sure it matters. There are two of us, and they'd only be trained for one of us. So wouldn't it be better if it was trained for neither?"

Jin frowned a bit, "I didn't think of it like that. That's actually true." He grabbed his phone and sent it off to his father, letting him know it didn't matter.

"Well, I know a way to relieve your stress," Joon mused as he kissed his way down Jin's chest. His lips wrapped around Jin's cock before he took it all the way into his throat. 

The elder groaned, his back arching off the bed, "fuck Joon, warn a guy next time."

Joon chuckled around the cock in his mouth but not letting it stop his mission. He wanted to taste his husband; he wanted to feel him in his throat for the rest of the day. Maybe if he got lucky, Jin would even let him fuck him tonight. Not that Joon minds bottoming for him, but Jin looks so pretty when he's crying with a knot stuck inside him.

It never takes Jin long to cum in the mornings; he usually wakes up hard, he'll roll over, and push it between Joon's thighs. Joon groaned when he thought about it, sometimes Jin will even do it in his sleep. To say that he's obsessed with his husband's thighs is an understatement. He pushed his dick into the mattress, wanting some friction.

His head started moving faster; he could tell by Jin's pants that his husband was getting close. He wanted to taste that release, and then he'd kneel over him and touch himself until he could cum all over Jin. While Jin might top most of the time, Joon was quick to make the elder smell like him as much as possible. 

It was his Alpha's way of claiming Jin. He loved a good knot in his ass, but what made his Alpha go absolutely feral with pride was when Jin's smell of baked bread was completely covered with his own smell of books. Neither one of them had a typical Alpha smell; even Yoongi had summer rain. Hobi was about the only normal one with his leather.

Jin came with his hands gripping Joon's hair, and his back arched so beautifully. Once Joon had sucked him dry, he kneeled over his mate, who already had his tongue out. Joon groaned, it wouldn't take much for him to cum. Too riled up from sucking his husband dry, after a few strokes, Joon came. 

He came all over Jin's face and neck, and as soon as his breath evened out, he started to rub his cum all over the elder. "And you made fun of Yoongi."

"Yah, I at least shower before going around other people."

Joon pouted, yeah, and he didn't like that part.

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