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Jimin felt like he couldn't breathe. Yoongi looked at him like he was going to devour him, and maybe he was. "Can I kiss you?" The Alpha asked softly while his palm rested on Jimin's cheek. His thumb moved back and forth so slowly that Jimin whimpered and leaned into it more before whimpering out a needy whine.

"I-I don't know how to kiss. They don't teach us how to do that."

Yoongi was so endeared with this beautiful creature. How was he so fucking perfect? "Don't worry, I know you'll be amazing. Will you let Alpha teach you?"

The Omega nodded his head so quickly, his scent blossoming into the sweetest orange blossom grove that Yoongi had ever smelled in his entire life. He wanted nothing more than to drown in it. Their lips touched, and the spark that ran through their body had them both moaning into each other's mouths. They pulled back, panting as they looked into each other's eyes. "Fuck, I'll never be able to stop now," Yoongi growled out before he smashed his lips back into Jimins.

Neither of them was quite sure how long they made out, but both of their lips were red and raw, slightly swollen and covered in spit. "Stop me at any time if you don't like something. Promise me?"

"I promise, Alpha," Jimin whispered as he did his best to stay still under the Alpha.

Yoongi kissed his way down Jimin's jaw towards the scent gland he wanted to mark so badly. He could only leave lovebites for now. If he mated Jimin, they'd kill him for sure to break the bond. "Are you okay?"

He looked into Jimin's eyes; they were full of love and care. He was so fucked, so so very fucked. "I am. I was just thinking about how much I want to be mated to you and not her." He knew Jimin's scent would sour, but he would always be honest with him. "I don't want to mate her, and if I have it my way, I never will. I promise you," Yoongi's lips were merely an inch away from Jimin's scent gland as he ran them against it repeatedly. 

"Okay, Alpha," his back arched, their chests rubbing against each other. Yoongi kissed down his chest, latching onto a nipple and sucking hard as he tongued the little bud until it was hard. He went to the other one, doing the same. Yoongi could smell the slick that was practically pouring out of his Omega.

He wasn't going to be able to hold back for long; he needed to taste him, both his cock and his slick. "Do you trust me?"

"With my life," Jimin groaned out as his hips popped up. He was seeking friction, and it was adorable.

The Alpha couldn't wait any longer; he took Jimin's entire cock into his mouth and groaned at the sweet taste of pre-cum. Fuck he was going to cum again just from tasting him. His finger circled around the tight rim with no pressure, just light touches. Yes, Jimin is trained to take his cock, but that wasn't by choice. He wants him to actually want him. Not because he's an Alpha, but because he is his.

Jimin was moaning and whimpering; Yoongi had to keep a hand on his hip to keep him still. The poor thing was going to cum soon, so he pushed his finger in all the way to his knuckle. Jimin gasped as his toes curled, "there, Alpha."

He could feel the slightly bumpy area inside his Omega, and he pushed on it hard in little circles until Jimin yelled out his name and came down his throat. Yoongi was in heaven; he had never tasted something so delicious in his life, that is, until he licked the slick off of his finger. "Fuck, you taste better than anything I've ever tasted."

Jimin was a pliant body of goo; he had practically melted into the nest. His little purrs kept getting interrupted every time his body would twitch from the aftershocks. Yoongi kissed up his body until he was hovering above him; he had a little smirk on his face, making Jimin giggle. "Now I see why they don't want us to cum. We'd never get off of our Alpha's cock if it leads to that."

"That good?"

"Better," he sighed out. "I can't wait to feel you; if one finger is that amazing, your cock might kill me in the best way."

Well, if that didn't make his chest puff up in pride, "Let's get cleaned up."

As soon as they walked into the living room, Jin stood up and clapped, making Yoongi frown. "Jesus fucking Christ, Joon, can you not control him?"

Joon snorted so loud, "No one can. Maybe with luck, our Omega can calm him down."

"Doubtful," Yoongi sighed, "he's the literal worst."

"And he's standing right here; I am your elder. The disrespect, I practically raised you."

Yoongi gave him a blank face. "We are three months apart; calm down, Grandpa. How did it go with your father?"

"Well, let's just say that he's on team free the Omegas, too. They want the law to pass so they can get them out from under the Betas' control. He thinks they'd be better off with the Alphas."

"Well, some of them will be," Joon added. "We all know that there are some terrible Alpha's out there. But baby steps, I guess."

"This isn't going to end prettily, is it?"

He looked at his little sister, "No, it's not. But that doesn't matter; we'll still do it."

They spent the rest of the evening discussing scenarios of what they could possibly do. Hobi and Yoongi had vetoed Yoonji's getting a job with the Parks. Neither of them wanted her anywhere near them if they could help it. She kept insisting that it made the most sense because she was a Beta. And while she was right, they still weren't letting her.

"While I know you are getting closer to being okay with what you have to do, umm," Joon's ears were bright red, and he refused to look Yoongi in the eye.

"Spit it out, Joon."

"He doesn't smell used, and if you can't fuck him and have him dripping in cum he still has to smell used."

Yoongi groaned as he dropped his head back onto the couch, "what do I do then?"

"Alpha, you can cum all over me again. I smelled like you until I cleaned up hours later. If we do it before we leave for the wedding, I'll smell well used."

Everyone in the room was either coughing to cover up their chuckling, bright red, or trying not to pounce on the sweet Omega beside them. Yoongi was very clearly the latter.

"It would work."

"Thanks, Joon, I figured that out as well."

"We can still suck each other's cocks all day tomorrow if you want. I quite like orgasms."

"Jimin," the Alpha whined.

"What? I liked it when you rubbed that spot inside of me and when I came in your mouth. We shou." He was cut off when Yoongi smacked his hand over his mouth to shut him up.

"Let's not air out our entire sex life in front of my sister, please." Jimin nodded his head quickly, but everyone could hear the giggles behind the Alpha's hand. "He's going to be the death of me, I swear it." But he still pulled the smiling Omega in his lap so he could hide his face in the youngers neck.

"My Alpha is the greatest," Jimin announced, even though he had his back to everyone. "At the Center, they don't let you cum, and if you do, you get punished. I love it here so much. All of you are so nice, and there is nothing like the videos that they show us. I didn't know that Alphas could be so sweet."

Jimin was so happy as he rambled on that he didn't notice all of the scents souring with sadness around him. 

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