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When Kook walked in, his big doe eyes were as large as Tae remembered. They peered around the room, and then, when they settled on Jimin and Tae, he promptly burst into loud sobs. The older two Omegas ran to him and wrapped him into an Omega sandwich as they told him repeatedly that he was going to be okay.

It took a few hours before the youngest stopped sniffling, but they explained everything to him as best as possible. "Madam said that I'd be safe and that she had a surprise for me. I thought," his eyes darted around to look at all the Alphas, "I thought I would be given to a lot of Alphas. I was so scared."

Yoonji kneeled in front of them; she went to reach for him but stopped. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable, but Jimin reached for her hand, and she loved him for that. "I know legally I'm your Madam, but just call me Yoonji unless anyone else is around us. With everyone here, you are safe, I promise you. No one will ever touch you without your consent. Any of you, if they do, tell me, and I will personally bite their dicks off."

"Yah, my dick is the only Alpha dick your mouth will ever be close to," Hobi huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest.

 She rolled her eyes and smiled at Kook again, "Ignore him. I will do anything to protect you three, even from them," she whispered the last part; she knew that the Alpha could hear regardless, but she needed them to trust her because she did care. 

That night, when Yoongi came, he smiled at Tae as he brushed the hair out of Jimin's face. They had the youngest squished between them. "When Jimin got sick because he was starving, they all had to convince me that jacking off and cumming on his face was the least I could do. That it was a fuck or die situation for him, and I cared about him enough to do it. I couldn't let him die, so I had to do something. I know Jin and Joon love each other, but they do care about you, too. They don't want and won't let you die."

"Then what do we do?" Tae whispered back.

"Would you let them do what I did with Minnie? It's the only way they can feed you without touching you."

"I don't really have a choice, do I? It's accept this, or I get forced into it because they won't let me die."

Yoongi sighed as he scrubbed his hand down his face. "Once we get all of this fixed, this stupid country and its ridiculous beliefs, we will find the shots you guys take at the center; then, no Omega will ever have to be subjected to an Alpha unless they want it. But unfortunately, we do not have that yet, and all of us would really like to see you make it until then."

"Okay," he sighed before closing his eyes. He didn't want to talk about it anymore.

Hobi was sighing. The song he and Yoongi were working on wasn't coming out right, and neither one of them could figure out how to fix it. "Maybe we should take a break?"

"I want to get home to Jimin," the elder grumbled as he clicked a few more buttons, just trying to figure out how to fix it. 

"I want to see Kook too; your freaking sister is having a little too much fun with having an Omega. He's like her new best friend," the Alpha pouted, "I used to be her best friend."

"You are my best friend, not hers anyway. So calm down; it's not like they are sleeping together, so what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is," Hobi shot back, "that she talks to him about me, telling him all the ways that he can manipulate me into getting what he wants."

Yoongi chuckled a bit, "You should have known it would be like that, so have fun with it being two against one."

"Some best friend you are," Hobi sighed, and before he could even get another word out, the door opened loudly. "Mrs. Park," he squeaked.

"Why is your hair pink?" She yelled.

The Alpha turned to look at the Beta standing in the doorway. "And that's your business because?"

"It's my business because you are a member of the Park family."

Yoongi shrugged, "last time I checked, it said Min on all of my documents. My father has no issue with it, and neither should you since you have about as much say as he does, which is none."

"Jisoo won't like that; she already didn't like that Omega having pink hair."

"Well, Jisoo isn't here, so she doesn't have to look at it. Now, why are you here, disturbing me at my work? If I wasn't the owner, I could be fired for the number of times you showed up and disturbed me."

Mrs. Park didn't like being dismissed or talked down to. But Yoongi gave no shits, "Speaking of Omegas, where is yours, and why do you have a blue-haired one now?"

"I am an Alpha," Hobi growled, but she was not even looking at him because everyone was beneath her.

Yoongi sighed and spun his chair around, "Jimin is with Jin and Hobi, here is my best friend, who is an Alpha and is also marrying my sister. Show him some respect; he works here, and you are an unwelcomed intruder."

Her eyes darted to Hobi's before dismissing him, "Why did you leave your Omega with Jin? Is he not doing his job well enough? We can't get you another BTS one since they are all assigned to other Alphas, but we can get you a different one of a lower quality."

He was scrambling to think of why Jimin was with Jin; it came out automatically since he couldn't say that he was at home alone. Omegas aren't allowed to be home alone; they go where their Alphas go. But he had no answer for her. He froze and just stared at her. 

"As you know, the President's son is married to another Alpha; since they don't have an Omega, we let our Omegas stay with him and Joon during the day while we are here. They are too distracting when we bring them. We get no work done when we just want to get our knots wet."

She frowned a bit, "my husband can run the pleasure houses and keep his Omega with him at all times. But maybe he's just a better Alpha." Or he doesn't actually work because he has a fleet of Betas, and they don't, but Hobi wasn't going to say that to her. 

"Why are you here? I didn't bring Jimin so I would work; now you are also preventing that."

"So I can't come to see my son-in-law while my daughter is away; we are family, Yoongi."

The Alpha snorted, "Maybe you should speak to my father and get his input on how I feel about family. I didn't choose this, which I have made very clear. Now, I'll ask you one last time: why are you here?"

"Jisoo has been delayed another month; the talks in Paris are going well. But we have been talking, and we both agree that it's time to start for a pup."

Yoongi's heart stopped; yes, he wanted a pup, but he absolutely did not want one with Jisoo. "Kinda hard to have a pup when she's not here. Besides, I made my stance on mating clear: I need time, and we haven't been married three months yet."

"Oh, she doesn't have to be here. That's what the Omega is for; Jisoo is far too busy to actually carry her pup. She'll have the egg retrieval procedure done in Paris and have them sent here. That Omega will carry the pup, and if we time it right, it'll be here before your wedding."

He didn't even know what to say to that. How could he make Jimin carry a pup that wasn't theirs? He wanted to see Jimin round with their pup, not Jisoos. "I'll think about it," he grumbled before turning back.

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