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They made their way to the table where Hobi and Yoonji were already sitting. Yoongi told Jimin to sit down, and he grabbed them drinks. When he turned around, he didn't see Jimin but figured he had gone to the bathroom or something. Not thinking anything of it, he sat down. Only to have his cock out of his pants and underwear and in Jimin's mouth in less than two seconds.

He tried to jump back, but Jimin had a hold of him, and frankly, he didn't want his sister to see his dick. That would definitely ruin breakfast. "Jimin," he growled out lightly. When the Omega hummed around his cock, Yoongi clenched his fists because fuck, it felt amazing. But it was still wrong. "What are you doing?"

Jimin pulled back and cocked his head to the side, "breakfast. You said we were going to eat." Then he went back to the cock in front of him that was already hard, fucking traitor Yoongi thought.

His fingers carded through Jimin's hair, "please stop."

"Did you not want me to eat?" Jimin asked so softly.

"I do; it's up here on the table." His teeth were clenched shut because he was always a little horny in the morning, and now it's been inside Jimin's mouth. He's felt what that tongue can do, and his cock looks so massive with Jimin's tiny hand wrapped around it.

"Oh my rations, I must go get my pill." Then Jimin got up and scrambled toward his bedroom. He was back in seconds, and he had a purple pill in his hand. Yoongi snapped out of it and got his cock put up, which was not easy since he was still hard. He motioned for Jimin to sit next to him, and the Omega's eyes went wide when he saw the food on his plate. "Is this all for me?"

Yoongi cocked his head to the side, "of course, why wouldn't it be?"

"Wow, at the Center, we only get a serving of rice and a cup of milk."

"You what?" Hobi asked, his mouth full of food. "How do you survive on that? That's not nearly enough food."

Jimin looked at him, "We get shots three times daily until we are with our Alphas. They will give us the necessary nutrients so we don't need to eat much."

That made absolutely no sense to Yoongi, but he wasn't going to argue. He wanted to eat and get his friends there so they could go over the shit fuck that was yesterday. Convincing Jimin to sit beside him on the couch and not kneel on the floor or straddle the Alpha took about twenty minutes and some tears. But the huffy Omega was doing as told.

It was almost cute how he was throwing a tantrum about not getting the Alpha's cock. And if it were a normal boyfriend situation and not a sex slave that was raised to be one, Yoongi would actually enjoy this. He never pegged himself as the type to be into brats, but apparently, he is.

As soon as Jin's eyes saw Jimin, he gasped. "Sssoooo, that's new," he whispered loud enough for literally anyone to hear. The neighbors probably heard because Jin was not subtle at all. 

"Park Jisoo will be my wife next Friday, and Jimin here is my new Omega." Might as well rip the bandaid off since there's no use in sugar-coating anything. 

"Not gonna lie, I thought Joon and I would get an Omega before you."

"Same," Yoongi sighed. "Now I have one, and you and Yoonji have to get one. That's two more we have to worry about."

"Wouldn't it be better if they were with us and cared for versus going to an Alpha that will actually abuse them?"

He looked at his sister; she had just turned twenty last night and found out that both she and her brother were getting married. It's a lot for anyone to take in. At least she's marrying someone she loves. "I guess," he turned to Jimin, "do you have any suggestions on who they should pick?" Jimin's eyes darted to the other Alphas in the room. Yoongi sighed, "You can speak freely in front of anyone in this room without punishment as long as the Parks aren't here. I promise."

Jimin nodded his head and softly said, "BTS614 was made in the same batch as I was, so we spent our childhoods together. Then, around two years later, BTS817 came. If you have to pick anyone, I'd love to see them again."

"What's the BTS stand for?"

"All Omegas have special letters before their numbers to represent what they are. BTS is for VIP Alphas; not everyone can purchase one of us. They don't make many of us; I was the 13th one made that year, so I was 613. 817 was the 17th made one that year and the last. We had special training. I heard Madam talking when they woke me up to meet her. She was complaining that there weren't enough BTS choices, and the matron said that they had stopped making them. They were too expensive to produce."

"What the fuck," Joon whispered. "I wonder why they were so expensive compared to the others? That's insane."

Jin looked at Yoongi, "I'll look into it, and we'll get 614," he turned to look at Yoonji, "Want to go with me, and you can get 817?"

Yoonji blew out a breath, "yes, I can."

Hobi smiled and pulled her in for a hug, "Hey, don't worry. I love you; you have nothing to worry about. We are just saving them, okay?"

"I know, I know. I just feel so bad for them," she said, looking at Jimin with tears in her eyes.

Jimin looked sleepy, so Yoongi excused them so he could take Jimin to bed, "Do you want to sleep in my bed or yours?"

The little Omega looked shy as he played with the robe hem. "Alphas' bed, please; it smells like you."

Once Yoongi got him settled, he went back out to the living room; he needed to know if he was crazy or not. "Did anyone notice his scent fluctuating at all?"

He looked more at Hobi since the Alpha had been around Jimin the most when it was happening, but Hobi shook his head no, and he was even more confused. "I haven't, why?"

"This will sound random, but what does he smell like to you? At dinner last night, could you smell him?"

Hobi looked up a bit, "I could smell a super sweet orange scent, almost like an orange blossom. It was very pleasant."

"See, that's the thing, it was only like that when I was petting him. Before that, he smelled almost rotten because he was so upset."

The eldest in the room had a frown on his face, "Omegas never smell anything but pleasant and horny Yoongi. Their scent is literally designed to draw us in."

"I know; that's why I think I'm going crazy. Even this morning, I could smell all of his scent changes. It's like my wolf is super focused on him, and it doesn't make sense."

"Well, we'll put that away to figure out later. Want to hear what I found out about the bombing?" Yoongi leaned forward; he was on high alert. "You know how I said that the building was intact? Well, now it's gone."

"Gone; how does an entire building disappear?"

"Fuck if I know. But it was there yesterday, and today it's a fucking parking lot."

"Jin," Yoongi sighed, "that's impossible."

"I said the same fucking thing. So we are going to go check it out tonight."

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "I can't leave without Jimin, and there's no way I'm taking him to a fucking pleasure house. He'll probably have a fucking heart attack; I already have to deal with him pouting because I wouldn't let him blow me under the table at breakfast in front of my little sister and future brother-in-law. Taking him there, yeah, not dealing with that."

"Joon and I can go. It wouldn't be weird for two Alphas to show up. That's fine." But Jin was smirking, and that's never a good sign, "you got yourself an interesting Omega there. I've never seen one pout before." He was chuckling, and it made Yoongi want to roll his eyes again.

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