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There was nothing on this planet that tasted better than Jimin; his lips, his nipples, his cock, and his wet hole were all Yoongi needed in the world to survive. He could die right now, and he'd be a happy man because he got to taste heaven. "Alpha," he heard his Omega whine for the fifth time in the past hour. But it wasn't enough; it might never be enough.

"What, Baby?" He asked with slick covering his entire face. 

Jimin groaned as he dropped his head into the pillow and shook his ass a bit, just trying to entice Yoongi, but it wasn't working. Yoongi needed him to say, needed him to beg for his Alpha's cock. The Omega whined loudly before he huffed and glared at Yoongi, "fuck me, Alpha, please, it hurts."

Yoongi tsked, "That's not begging now, is it."

"Please, Alpha, fuck me, knot me. I need it; I might die without it," he said. Tears formed in his eyes, and Yoongi's Alpha felt bad. He didn't want to hurt his love. 

"I have to prep you, Baby. I don't want you to hurt, and I've only had one finger in you."

Jimin shook his head; his breaths were coming in short pants. "I don't need to be stretched; I mean, I can be. But it's not a requirement, I'm molded to your cock Alpha, it only feels good. So please, please give me your knot."

A low, rumbling growl left Yoongi's lips, "Okay, Baby, I won't make you wait any longer."

He pulled back up on his knees, his large hands grabbing Jimin's hips to steady him and keep him right where he wanted him. He grabbed his cock and ran it over his rim, just coating his cock in the slick. But it felt too good; he squeezed the Omega's cheeks together as he pumped his cock up and down the middle. Every time it ran over Jimin's rim, he moaned loudly.

"Alpha, it hurts," Jimin wasn't talking about what Yoongi was doing; he was talking about what Yoongi wasn't doing. So he angled his hips, and the next time the cock ran over his rim, he pushed back. Yoongi's head slipped in, and they both moaned. But Jimin wasn't taking any chances. He was going to take matters into his own hands.

He pushed back, causing Yoongi to slide into him deeper. Jimin wanted to be frustrated, but when he looked over his shoulder, he saw his Alpha. His beautiful Alpha that dyed his hair pink because his Madam didn't like Jimin's own hair. The Alpha's eyes were closed, and his face was serene. 

His hips worked back and forth, working himself onto Yoongi's length. Getting deeper each time, he almost had all of Yoongi, and it felt so amazing. The hands that were gripping his hips got a little tighter. 

And then it was like the Alpha snapped; he worked Jimin back and forth on his cock while meeting the thrust with his own. Jimin was being hit so deep, and his moans were getting increasingly louder with each thrust. Yoongi smirked. Why the fuck did he wait so long for this?

"Fuck, Baby, you feel so fucking good. Look at you taking my cock like you were made for it." Yoongi chuckled, and the Omega underneath him keened. His Baby had a praise kink, and he was here for it. "But you were, weren't you? You were made just for me, for me to fuck, for me to please. And when the time is right, I'll put a pup in you."

"Yes, Alpha. I want a pup, please."

Their wolves had fully taken over because all the Alpha wanted to do was breed his Omega over and over until it took. He wanted to see his stomach swollen with all of the seed he was going to put into him. He wanted to see it dripping out of his ruined hole while he took him until he couldn't anymore. He wants to see Jimin's rim all red and puffy because he took his knot so much that he can't even keep him inside anymore.

Yoongi pulled Jimin up so his back was against the elder's chest. He'd be able to hit his prostate even better in this position. Jimin gasped, "Alpha, look," he moaned.

The Alpha looked over his shoulder, and there, right under Jimin's belly button, was the outline of Yoongi's cock. He placed a hand over it, adding pressure to his cock from the outside. He groaned as he dropped his head onto Jimin's shoulder. "I'm close, Baby. I need you to cum for me. Can you do that?"

Jimin nodded his head quickly, "s,close," he whined.

All it took was three more thrusts, and Jimin came all over Yoongi's hand. "Gonna knot you now."

"Yes, Alpha, please want it so bad."

He was actually surprised that the Omega could speak since he was still cumming. As soon as the last spurt of cum was out of Jimin, Yoongi slammed in one last time, and his knot inflated, locking them together as he filled him up with cum.

Jimin was purring as he rubbed his swollen stomach, "my pups," he whispered softly, making Yoongi rumble and nuzzle into his scent gland.

He laid them on their side; they'd be there for a bit until his knot went down. But Jimin didn't seem to care at all; the scent he was pumping out was intoxicating. Happy and sated Omega, he was almost sad that no one else would ever be able to smell just how delicious Jimin truly was. 

It didn't take long before the knot deflated, and the next wave of Jimin's heat started. The heat would last no more than two hours at most. "You know now that I've had it, you won't be able to tell me no anymore."

This little shit, Yoongi chuckled as he started to move his hips slowly. "Then why don't you ride me until you get it?"

Jimin pulled off Yoongi's cock and pushed the Alpha onto his back. Before Yoongi could even blink, Jimin was straddling him and sinking down on his cock. It almost knocked the breath out of him with how great it was. "So deep, Alpha," Jimin whined as he started to rock his hips.

Yoongi pulled his legs up, wanting to help him if needed. Jimin started to bounce, it was slow at first, but he picked up speed. He'd raise all the way up until just the head of Yoongi's cock was inside, then he'd slam back down and rock his hips before doing it all over again. It caused both of them to curse in pleasure. 

"Baby, I have to move."

Jimin was starting to slow down anyway, his breath labored. He slumped down onto Yoongi's chest, and then the Alpha started to move. His feet were already planted onto the bed, so he started to thrust. Fucking into Jimin as fast as he could, "I'm close, cum for me, Omega," he growled into Yoongi's ear. 

Jimin came with a loud cry against Yoongi's ear before he leaned down and bit into Yoongi's shoulder. It was close enough to his scent gland that it caused Yoongi to cum a little faster than he would have usually. His Alpha wanted that; he wanted Jimin as his mate so fucking bad.

He finally let go before he nuzzled into the bite, licking it softly between purrs. Before their heat and rut were over, Yoongi was basically turned into a chew toy with the amount of bites that were all over him. Jimin bit every single inch of skin he could reach, and it had Yoongi cumming like a little virgin.

"We need to shower; dinner should be ready here soon."

"No," he whined, "I want everyone to know how well you used me."

Yoongi snorted, "Well, I don't want to smell them when they have sex, so it's only fair if they don't smell us. Come on, you brat."

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