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"Didn't bring the Omegas?" Min Doyun was standing there looking like an absolute ass. But Yoongi would play nice since he's actually helping them.

"No, Jimin was tired from today."

"Ah, I heard about that. So I'm going to be a grandfather soon. Honestly, I'm surprised you went with it and didn't knock Jimin up instead." Hobi snorted because, of course, he did. And Doyun narrowed his eyes, "my Spidey senses are tingling."

"Bullshit, you have no Spidey senses."

Doyun walked closer to Yoonji, "Spill it."

Fuck was all Yoongi had time to think before his little sister caved, "Yoongi knocked up Jimin because his pills failed, and it forced them into heat and rut."

"So that's why you agreed so easily. Makes sense." Doyun sighed as he sat on the couch, "There's been word on the street that a lot of Omegas are popping up pregnant, and that is why Park got a new Omega." He chuckled, "Not that he wasn't vying for one anyway. He was a tad pissed that he didn't get his hands on a BTS one. But his wife only agreed because he turned up pregnant."

"So it's happening to more people?"

"It is. You'd be surprised by the number of Omega pregnancies over the past month. But the Parks don't like it. Their stocks are plummeting over it, and Park is letting the pressure of his wife and daughter get to him." He smirked a bit. "It's actually funny seeing him squirm. But it's bad, Yoongi. A lot of people are resetting the Omegas to hide the scandal."

"Fuck," he groaned. "This is so bad."

"It is, so I'm guessing you are going to try and play this pup is Jisoo's and not Jimin's and yours?"

Yoongi nodded his head, "Yeah, while I wasn't exactly ready for a pup. It's ours, and I already love it."

Jimin was in a panic; it was his Alpha's birthday, and he hadn't gotten him anything. "Calm down, Jiminie. No one ever gets him presents because he hates today so much. We pretend it's another day, and eventually, he gets a year older."

"Jin," he whined. "You should have seen him today; he was so happy. I have to get him something, something that every time he sees it, it will remind him of the first happy birthday he's ever had."

"Why don't we get him a build-a-bear?"

Everyone turned to look at Joon, the three Omegas all asked what's that, and Jin screamed you are a fucking genius. Jin turned to look at Jimin, "We can go get him a build-a-bear, and we can have them put the pup's heartbeat inside it so every time he squeezes it, he'll hear it."

Tears filled his eyes as he looked at the Alpha. "Jin, that's so perfect. Please, can we do that?"

"Sure, but can Joon and I go do it? Not that I don't want to take you; it's just that Yoongi might murder me if something happened to you. You are safe here."

A musical giggle left Jimin's lips, "I get it, and you know Yoongi better than I do, so I know whatever you pick will be perfect."

And Jimin was right because less than two hours later, he was looking at a white stuffed kitten with sleepy eyes, a black hanbok with little raindrops on it, and an orange in his hand. "Jin, this is perfect. You, I couldn't have imagined anything better."

"Yah, it was my idea, and if we are being honest, I picked out most of it."

"Nuh-uh," Jin sassed back at his mate, "I picked the white cat."

"Yeah, after I said we should get him a cat."

Jin pouted a bit, "Well, I picked the orange!"

"Yeah, after I had picked the black hanbok with raindrops on it since it's his scent, and he always wears black."

"Fine, maybe you had the majority of the input."

Jimin looked down at his feet as he rocked back and forth. He wanted to ask for an even bigger favor than the gift, but he didn't know if they would even want to do it. "Are you okay?" Tae whispered.

He bit his lip; he wanted to ask so badly, but he couldn't. Jin walked over to the three Omegas; two of them had their arms around the smallest one. The Alpha cupped Jimin's cheeks lightly before brushing some of his pink hair out of his eyes, "Hey, no sad faces. Just tell me, okay?"

"Can-I, I saw it in a movie with Yoonji, and I really want to do it."

With his head cocked to the side, Jin smiled, "Well, I'll need more information, little one; you four watch a lot of movies."

It was a joke, one that Jin knew would get Jimin smiling. "A birthday party, I want us to make Alpha a cake. I want all of us to sing him Happy Birthday while he blows out his candles and makes a wish. I want us to watch him open presents. We are a family, right?"

"Yes, we are totally a family. And if you want all of that, we'll make it happen. You can even help me make a cake for him if you want. Tae and Kook can help Joon with wrapping presents after he goes out and gets more," he chuckled.

Jimin's smile was infectious, and Jin was so grateful to have him in his life. "I'll head out and grab those. I already texted Hobi and told him we'd need at least two hours, and he said he could totally pull that off. He'd text us when he's on his way home."

A loud smooch was smacked onto Joon's lips, making the three Omegas giggle. "My mate really is the best, isn't he?" Joon blushed so much that his ears turned red while Jin kept tacking on praises and getting slightly louder with each one.

"I don't know how to bake a cake. Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Of course it is; I know how to bake a cake. And it's easy; by the end of this, you'll be a pro."

That was a total lie; Jimin was a terrible cook. He burnt the first cake, and the second one was half-cooked and half-uncooked. The third and final was, well, passable because they were running out of time. The frosting was lumpy, and the cake was crooked. But the smile on Jimin's face was worth it; he looked so proud of himself, and for that, he deserved any praise they could give him. 

The gifts were wrapped, and the decorations were up. " Can we hide, jump out, and yell Happy Birthday like they did in that one movie?"

All eyes snapped to Kook, who suddenly looked very sheepish as he curled into Tae and hid his face. "Of course we can; that's a great idea, Kookie."

He smiled at Jin before hiding his face again, and Tae looked at his Alphas. They really were really sweet; he wanted to hate them at first. He really did; he even tried. But they made it really difficult; they never forced him to do anything. They went at his pace, and when he got to the point that he was going to die without their cum, they still didn't force him.

The three of them sat in his nest and talked about it. They went over all the options, but the choice was ultimately left up to him. They didn't want him to die, but they wouldn't push any of the options. Tae wasn't ready to touch them or have them touch him. The nut cup wasn't working anymore, and the only way to fix this was to do the masturbation route.

It was so awkward at first because they both wanted to be there for each feeding. But that only lasted a week due to their schedules. So now, whenever Tae gets hungry, he'll go find whichever of the two Alphas is home at the time, and they'll feed him.

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