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The two Omegas held hands as they walked down the stairs to the dining room, where everyone was waiting for them. Jimin skipped forward, setting Tae down in the empty chair beside Yoongi, "Jimin, I can't sit next to your Alpha," he whispered quickly as he averted his eyes from everyone who was looking at him.

Jimin waved him off, "Don't fret; I'll sit in his lap." The cheeky thing wiggled his way onto Yoongi's lap and grinned at everyone. "I've already had my rations today, so I don't need to eat."

Yoongi just chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Jimin before scenting him lightly, making the younger purr. Tae looked at them with wide eyes and whispered, "Wow, you weren't kidding."

The Alpha smiled at the confused Omega next to him, "him purring or being a brat?"

"Alpha," Jimin squawked as he smacked Yoongi's chest. It only made the Alpha grab his knuckles and kiss them softly but not let go. 

"So, Tae," Jin asked softly, "I never asked Jimin this, but do you get to pick the color of your hair, or is it random?"

The Omega reached up, his large hand patting down the curly locks that had been all over the place since he had just woken up. "Oh, uh, I don't know."

"I do," Jimin sang and giggled, "they use our color profile to see which color suits us best. I am a bright winter, and based on Tae's color, I'd say he's a deep autumn." When everyone blinked at him in confusion, "uhh, I like to Google. I heard them talk about color theory when Madam was there because she didn't like my pink." He was starting to get shy as he patted his hair like that could make it a different color.

"Well, who cares about her because I personally love pink? Maybe I should dye mine pink?"

"You can't, Alpha," Jimin gasped, his eyes darting around. People will think you are an Omega; you are really tiny and pretty."

It took everything in him not to bark out a laugh, but that didn't stop Jin from laughing so hard that Joon had to steady him. He was clapping his hands and practically howling with his amusement. "Oh God, I can't; you could totally pass for an Omega. I can see the Alphas now, freaking out about why there's a loose Omega around, and then your pissed-off cat face when you put them in their place."

"I'd be a fantastic Omega, I'll have you know, and I'm totally dying my hair pink. I want to even more now that I know Jisoo hates it."

"You are so petty, Yoongi; I love it." Hobi looked at Yoongi, who was frozen. It looked like, "Hey, Jiminie. What hair color does our little Kookie have?"


They were all surprised because it was Tae who answered. Hobi thanked him and looked at the other Alphas, "So while the two cuties over there have their sleepover, we can have a salon night."

Yoonji clapped her hands happily, "Yes, I will dye all of your hair. You will look so cute, I promise. You are going to match your Omegas perfectly."

Jin preened a bit as he flipped his hair, "I can't wait to see the look on all the congresswomen and their stupid testosterone-filled Alphas' faces when we walk in with purple hair."

"I think you are going to look amazing with purple hair," Joon whispered before he kissed the side of Jin's neck. 

"You are damn straight. I will; I'd look good in any color."

After dinner, Yoonji and Hobi went to get the supplies they needed. They spent most of the dinner figuring out what to use to get those colors since they didn't make them. They decided on Kool-Aid. It would be the easiest to use and the fastest to obtain. Yoongi and Jin set the living room up with movies while Jimin insisted that Tae help him drag all the stuff needed for the nest.

The Omegas were cuddled in the nest, and Jimin purred loudly as he scented Tae. Tae, well, he was purring, too; it was so cute. He'd start to purr and then stop and look around to see if anyone noticed. Several hours later, the Alphas walked out with their colorful hair. Joon's was a subtle purple, and Jin's was brighter.

Hobi's was deep blue, and even Yoonji had blue streaks in her hair. But Yoongi, Yoongi was the one that stood out. His pink hair was so cute on him, and Jimin was right; he totally looked like an Omega. He looked soft in the oversized sweater he was wearing, and his pink hair was covering his forehead. "Alpha," Jimin gasped out as he scrambled out of his nest to launch himself at the Alpha.

"You like?" Yoongi chuckled.

Jimin quickly shook his head no, "Every Alpha on the planet is going to want you, and I can't fight that many off." He was frowning, and his scent was souring a bit, but it only made Yoongi chuckle.

He gave him a soft kiss on his forehead, "Don't worry, Baby, I only have eyes for you, and you won't have to fight. Trust me, they'll learn quick enough that I'm an Alpha, size and cuteness be damned."

Tae was starving, and it was getting bad, but he and his Alphas didn't want to do it the right way. Whenever he thought about it, he just wanted to curl up and cry. But he had to be strong, today Kookie was coming home to be with them. Tae hadn't seen him in so long, so no matter how weak he felt, he wouldn't show it.

He wouldn't make this day about him. Jimin was so excited to see Kookie, and if he knew that he was starving, he'd make it his mission to force the Alphas to feed him. So he got up from his bed; Jimin threw a massive fit that Tae wouldn't sleep with him in his nest. But Tae just couldn't sleep in a bed where there was an Alpha. Even if he knew that Yoongi was head over heels for Jimin, he still didn't quite trust it.

It took Yoongi talking him down, saying to think about how upset Tae would be if he woke up in the middle of the night and an Alpha was in the nest with him. It worked, but only just. Jimin insisted on going to bed with Tae every night in the younger's nest, and then when Yoongi was ready for bed, he'd come to get him.

Tae always waited until after Yoongi left. At first, it was because he didn't want to be caught off guard. But soon, it became because Yoongi would always stay for a few minutes and talk to him. He'd answer any question Tae could come up with. It was easier with Yoongi; he really did look like an Omega, and with his summer rain scent, he didn't scream Alpha.

Last night, he asked how Tae was doing, and Tae just couldn't lie to him. He told him how he was really hungry, but he just didn't want to do what he had to, and he saw the way Jin and Joon would look at him. With pity and guilt, pity because of what he was, and guilt because they loved each other so much. 

Yoongi sighed as he scrubbed his hand down his face; he brought up how he and Jimin had to deal with feedings before they were more comfortable with each other. Tae knew about it; he just didn't know how that would work with the three of them. Yoongi assured him that he'd think about it, and they'd talk the next night after Kookie and Jimin fell asleep. Because there was no doubt in anyone's mind, Kook would sleep with Tae until he wanted a room of his own.

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