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Jimin brought Tae to his nest; he wanted to show him just how great it was there. "Jin's Dad is the one you were bought for, technically. They are trying to change the law, but it's taking too long, and we heard that someone very bad wanted you or Kookie. So Jin's mom decided just to purchase you for her husband since they don't have an Omega. It was the only way to keep you safe."

"How am I supposed to service two Alphas I'm not trained for? They don't smell like him, and," his voice lowered as he looked around to make sure they were alone, "I don't know if I'll be able to take their cocks. My training was so short, and I could barely handle the one I was trained for. Now they want me to service two of them."

The older Omega shook his head quickly, "No, it's not like that. I've been here for almost two months, and Yoongi still hasn't given me his knot."

"Why are you frowning about that? Isn't that a good thing that you haven't been used?"

A loud sigh left Jimin's lips, "I knew you would roll with this way better than I did. Or maybe it's because your training was only six weeks vs the six months I had. But I want that Alpha's knot, and he won't give it to me. No matter how many fits I throw."

"But how are you still alive? We need their cum multiple times a day to live."

"Oh, I get his cum, don't you worry about that. I just want his knot too." Jimin was grinning so big as he scooted closer to Tae, "he lets me nest; he doesn't let any other Alphas touch me, Tae," he giggled softly, "he came on my face the first time because he couldn't touch me like that. He said it was wrong. But with some pleading, I got him to let me use my mouth properly." He grabbed Tae's hands, "he even uses his mouth on me, and it feels amazing." 

Tae gasped loudly, his eyes going wide. "He pleasures you and doesn't knot you? What a strange Alpha."

Jimin smacked his shoulder, "Don't speak badly about my Alpha; I love him. My Madam tried to have me punished, and Yoongi refused; her Dad even tried to use me, and both Jin and Yoongi stopped him. They are good men, Tae, I promise. But you will need their cum to survive. That part is not a lie."

"Will they do what your Alpha does? Will they not knot me?"

He nodded his head quickly, "they will not knot you without permission. I promise you that, and honestly, even if you ask, they probably won't." He started to grumble, "If you get a knot before me, I'm going to be really mad."

Tae laughed; his deep baritone laugh filled Jimin's ears. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Tae Tae," he gushed before wrapping his arms around him and pulling him down into the nest so they could cuddle. "It really is nice here. Jin and Joon are married, and they love each other very much. This will be just as hard on them as it is on you. They have been panicking about you coming for weeks. They don't want to hurt each other or you." 

"How would I cause hurt? I don't understand Jimin; we've been told for as long as we can remember that Alphas need us and that we need them. That Alphas take pleasure in getting their knots wet. There will be another rebellion if we don't do this." His eyes were frantic and darting all over the place. "I don't know what's going on."

"Shh," Jimin whispered into the top of Tae's hair as he nuzzled him, "just rest. We'll talk after you've gotten some sleep."

Tae's fingers reached out and ran along Jimin's scent gland. "Okay, Minnie," he breathed out, and then he was asleep.

It was hard for Yoongi to be away from Jimin for so long when they were home. He already couldn't see him when he went to work, so when he was home, he wanted to be near him as much as possible. But Tae needed this time with his friend; he walked into something scary, and Jimin was most likely the only person he trusted right now.

He made his way into their bedroom, and there in their nest were two sleeping Omegas. It was so cute how Tae was completely wrapped around Jimin; it was like he was afraid that the older would leave while he was sleeping. Yoongi kneeled on the side of the bed that Jimin was closest to. He reached out, running his fingers through the pink hair. 

"Hey, Bub," he whispered softly as Jimin nuzzled his way closer to his Alpha. Yoongi wanted to coo so badly, but he didn't. "I remember when you got here and how you hadn't had your rations that day. We thought it might be the same for Tae. Want to wake him up and then bring him to the dining room?"

Jimin yawned so cutely as he blinked his eyes open; he smiled before he smacked his lips a few times. "What are they going to do about cum?"

The Alpha was so fucking fond of the pink-haired little cutie, "well, they were thinking about using the nut cup for a bit. I know it won't give him everything he needs, but maybe it'll be enough until they are all comfortable with it."

A soft sigh left Jimin's lips, "Okay, I'll talk to him." He pushed his lips out, wanting a kiss, which Yoongi was more than willing to do. He also knew that as soon as he pulled back, Jimin would pout. So he nipped his bottom lip and sent him a, you better behave look.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Tae squeezed his arms around Jimin's middle, latching on fairly tightly. "What's a nut cup?" his deep voice asked right next to Jimin's ear. 

Jimin giggled softly, "So when I first got here, that silly Alpha didn't know I was supposed to have his cum to survive. It's not like I gave him a manual that tells him that in great detail or anything," Jimin huffed. "But anyway, Yoongi refused to give me his cum the way I wanted. So Hobi came up with the idea of the nut cup. He'd cum in there, and then I'd drink it."

"Did that work?"

The elder shook his head, "No, not really. I mean, it was like I was eating three or four bites of an entire meal versus the whole thing. If that makes sense?" He wiggled until they were facing each other, "finally, he realized that I was going to die if he didn't give it to me the right way. So he came on my face while he masturbated. It was like I ate a four-course meal. Tae, it was so amazing."

"How long before he actually forced you to touch him?"

He frowned a bit, "he's never forced me. If anything, I've forced him. He absolutely did not want to abuse me in any way, no matter how many times I'd surprise him with a blowjob. But finally, we talked, and I made him understand that I do want this. That's when he said he'd only do it if he could touch me too."

Tae gasped, and Jimin nodded his head, "I know they tell us it's so wrong. But Yoongi loves when I cum for him. It brings his Alpha side out more, and Tae, it's so amazing. I really hope you can have that with Jin and Joon."

"I'm not sure if I want that, but even if I did, I doubt they would. Didn't you say they were married and really in love with each other?"

"Yeah, but you are Tae Tae, and who couldn't fall in love with a beautiful purple-haired boy."

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